piss bottle

now then…

after getting a bit of flack on facebook about my ■■■■ bottle, what do you use :question: :question: :question: :question: :question:

i use a old lenor bottle, pour it out on a morning on a grass verge and rinse when i can, then at the weekend i take home and give a good clean ready for another week.

what do you use :question: :question: :question: :question: :question:

now be honest.

I used to use an oasis bottle but these days i just stop

Irn bru and at the end of the week I put it back on the shelf in the shop :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Irn bru and at the end of the week I put it back on the shelf in the shop :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

I think I just ■■■■■■ myself when I read that :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Irn bru and at the end of the week I put it back on the shelf in the shop :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Brilliant… I think I drank that last time I had Iron Bru :laughing:

Was a truck driver for the thick end of 20 years and never used a ■■■■ bottle. The day I felt that pressurised that I didn’t think I could take a 5 minute ■■■■ stop would be the day I sent my licence back.

If you are working in a job where you don’t think you have the time to stop for a ■■■■ its time to find a different job.

Irn bru and at the end of the week I put it back on the shelf in the shop :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

I think you need to rehydrate yourself pal lol

Was a truck driver for the thick end of 20 years and never used a ■■■■ bottle. The day I felt that pressurised that I didn’t think I could take a 5 minute ■■■■ stop would be the day I sent my licence back.

If you are working in a job where you don’t think you have the time to stop for a ■■■■ its time to find a different job.

Thats why i jacked the job i was in got sick of that trailer must be on the ferry tonight

I bought a proper pee bottle, with a lid. Rinse it in the morning, and bleach it on the weekend - on;y cost about a fiver.
Don’t use it during the day, but bloody useful if you want a pee in the night, or first thing when you wake up.

Irn bru and at the end of the week I put it back on the shelf in the shop :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: Brilliant,

When I was tramping I used to carry 2 litre bottles of value water from whatever supermarket I was using at the time. Drink it during the day and you have an empty bottle for the night, a funnel helps unless your “a bit challenged” :wink: .

Fanta bottle.

calebs gramps:

Irn bru and at the end of the week I put it back on the shelf in the shop :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: Brilliant,

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Was a truck driver for the thick end of 20 years and never used a ■■■■ bottle. The day I felt that pressurised that I didn’t think I could take a 5 minute ■■■■ stop would be the day I sent my licence back.

If you are working in a job where you don’t think you have the time to stop for a ■■■■ its time to find a different job.

Hes on about night outs :unamused:

I am on about in the middle of the night.


Was a truck driver for the thick end of 20 years and never used a ■■■■ bottle. The day I felt that pressurised that I didn’t think I could take a 5 minute ■■■■ stop would be the day I sent my licence back.

If you are working in a job where you don’t think you have the time to stop for a ■■■■ its time to find a different job.

Hes on about night outs :unamused:

Stuff doing it on nights out too. The only time I’ve parked in laybys with no toilets is in deepest darkest Wales.

Was a truck driver for the thick end of 20 years and never used a ■■■■ bottle. The day I felt that pressurised that I didn’t think I could take a 5 minute ■■■■ stop would be the day I sent my licence back.

If you are working in a job where you don’t think you have the time to stop for a ■■■■ its time to find a different job.

What about at night? Do you wake up, get dressed, put the tacho in, drive to the nearest toilet, have a pee, drive back to the place you parked, remove tacho and go back to sleep?

Stuff doing it on nights out too. The only time I’ve parked in laybys with no toilets is in deepest darkest Wales.

Even if there are toilets I use a bottle if I need a pee in the night, far too much effort to get dressed and wander over to the toilets with all I want is a quick pee and to get back to sleep.


If you can’t go through the night, without the need to ■■■■. You are too old to be working! :laughing:

all the answers are here
videojug.com/film/bathroom-s … uck-driver