Photo Forums no photos showing

Hi Not sure if the site is alive yet as I cannot see any new posts. However the older posts from last year that should have photos there are now no photos showing. This is the photo forum and the where am I forum.

It took me ages trying to get back in, let alone post anything!

A few of us have been on a parallel site (tnet dot discourse dot group)(
Not exactly a smooth and easy transition is it?

Yep ages to get back in , it looks like stuff / topics may have gone missing, early days yet.
Bit like trucking ,unsure until you have your load !

Some are still having issues getting on here. Far from easy so far.


Not been on here for a few years, it looks very different to how I remember it, no photo’s on old posts and user profile pics are gone.

This is a test. Do not adjust your set.

It is IMHO this new site is total bollox so best of luck Lads if you can understand it !

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Hi Martin,

Thanks for letting us know.

The I.T. guys have been informed, this is one of a few issues that we’ve reported to them.

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Why is there no way of knowing whether you’re logged in or not? It’s only by posting this that I know that I am. That does not make me feel secure about coming on here at all!

Are you on a computor rather than a phone? Assuming so, look top right you should see a green circle with L in it > logged in. If you want to play, click on that and you can personalise the site if you want. No need to, just post as you are, but it does make for more options for you.

To log out > click on the L icon > down to the head/shoulders and click > then click log-out

This site seems secure because if you look at the address bar on top and click on it does say “secure”. I believe the old site wasnt? Obviously I wont be posting images of my bank card etc! but it looks OK to a non-expert like me.

Edit to add> I have logged out back in again. If you choose to do so, after the first time the site will accept your password. The red banner will still be there but you should not emails etc when logging a 2nd or subsequent time. As I say no expert but it works for me.

Cheers for that mate! :slightly_smiling_face: