Passed Class 1....

…at Hersden this afternoon. Got a smile a mile wide, and I’m off to get [zb]ed to celebrate :smiley:


well done spitfire :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

congratulations :sunglasses:

:smiley: :smiley: Well Done !

Well done :wink:

Well done :smiley:

Congratulations Spitfire !!

Congratulations Spitfire :smiley:

Well done Spitfire. :smiley:

Welcome to the grown up school of motoring. :open_mouth: :laughing:

Well done spitfire !

Top man. Are you still smiling? :laughing: :wink:

Well done!
same examiner as CL2?

Thanks all - yup, still :smiley: ing

same examiner as CL2?

Different bloke this time, tho’ he took me round exactly the same route as I went on Class 2 :laughing:

Ahh Sounds like you got the ‘picky’ examiner then! Aparently he’s never done any haulage just a bit of bus work.

Did you get those poxy lanes Through Chislet?

Well done Spitfire,now the real learning starts.
regards derek

Yay! Well done! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Well done! :smiley:

congrats spitfire.

anything lined up yet?

well done spitfire!