Oops....someone forgot the handbrake

‘What a ■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■ :laughing:

And he’s right he did look a ■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■ running after his runaway truck :laughing: :laughing:

Well that’s one way of joining a M/way

Probably from the same ilk of ‘i don’t use sat-navs i just use a map’

Yeah you dont use your handbrake either you silly old ■■■■■ ■■■■ off and retire :slight_smile:

I’ve never understood how people, when trying to record an event, always seem to get a cracking view of the tarmac!

dumb ■■■■

Could do wid subtitles bro innit.The truck is heading for a potential fatal accident and instead of getting in front of it and at least trying to warn others or better still get into it while it was still rolling slowly this nob films it. Muppet

I love the fact he has obviously lost a wooden bearer so gets out to grab it then waddles after the truck with the bearer still in his hands. If your gonna try and stop it drop the bearer and run FFS. Lol

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Could do wid subtitles bro innit.The truck is heading for a potential fatal accident and instead of getting in front of it and at least trying to warn others or better still get into it while it was still rolling slowly this nob films it. Muppet

Yep, my thoughts exactly, could have easily pulled in front and slowed it down and stopped it, who gives a crap about a scratched rear bumper compared to a family, in a car, travelling at 70mph+ ploughing into it.

Should be strung up.

Would love to be a fly on the wall back in the office.

Well boss…

:laughing: :laughing:

With the wisdom of hindsight,he could have picked up the driver(minus bearer) and given him a chance to get into the truck or apply the trailer brake with a quick lift up the road.Sez me,the armchair expert.

Had this happen a time or two with both S80 Fodens and (I think?)either Bedfords or BMC’s. On the Foden the locking pin that kept the lever on would wear and let the lever slip off, we had a couple of close shaves with those! One ran off of the weighbridge loaded while its driver was getting his notes and ran into the rear of another lorry, the driver had just sheeted the back end of it and moved to the nearside when the Foden ran into it! :open_mouth:

BMC’s/Bedfords wore the plastic end of the lever so that it then had no locking device, a simple metal collar slipped over the end cured that problem.


Is the truck a new volvo maybe electric handbrake released itself

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I’d usually criticise the driver but the guys filming deserve a lot more condemnation then the driver.

Yes the driver is at fault but the retards filming are just sitting filming and laughing at a potentially fatal RTA instead of helping. I noticed a lot of comments criticising the people recording as well, I bet they was to stupid to even think that this might of made them look bad before they uploaded it.

everybody makes mistakes,i agree this could easily have been a fatal one though,i just don’t see the reason for the urine extraction, all these ones taking the mick, why don’t you be honest and say you have never made a mistake while driving,no such thing as a perfect driver.

everybody makes mistakes,i agree this could easily have been a fatal one though,i just don’t see the reason for the urine extraction, all these ones taking the mick, why don’t you be honest and say you have never made a mistake while driving,no such thing as a perfect driver.

I have never made a mistake. I just don’t like to brag about it.

Feel sorry for the guy tbh. It’s obviously not intentional and we don’t know all the facts as to whether it may be mechanical/ electrical failure as opposed to human error.

Feel sorry for the guy tbh. It’s obviously not intentional and we don’t know all the facts as to whether it may be mechanical/ electrical failure as opposed to human error.

poor guy…simple mistake at most,though id like to think it would make mohammeds crash for cash claim to a bit more interesting than most…“and how did you end up having a crash with the 46 ton truck on the motorway mohammed”■■..well i was driving with 1 hand,filming it on my mobile,then i drove in front of it ,stopped dead so it could ram me up the jacksie,hence i now claim disability for the rest of my life… :slight_smile:

I don’t think I’d want to put my car in the way of a runaway truck but he could of shot down the out side to block the main carriageway.
I’ve seen alsorts of cranks posting on Facebook pages that they would have managed to climb aboard the truck to stop it but I think they have been watching to many James Bond films.
I had a driver roll in to me after jumping outeithout putting hand brake on he tried getting in but was trickier than he thought and was lucky not to end up doing a Brian Harvey

Yeah right i’ll slip me tights on over me Y fronts and overtake this driverless artic on a downhill run and gently brake it to a controlled halt with me 1.1 Fiesta :unamused:

Who knows what happened, wouldn’t be the first time a lorry parking brake has released itself, maybe it was genuine pilot error, i have no doubt an investigating workshops will find in favour of their lorry.