Old Firms in Oxford Area

Did you get the MAN through a local dealer, Steve? We have a 61 plate TGM that has been really reliable (very basic and a bit slow though), but the local MAN dealer hasn’t been great with our Isuzu (they sell both).
Have heard from Sheehan drivers that they’re alright with them, though. Boss is “umming” and “ahhing” over whether to replace my 8w, and I think it’d come down to either MAN or Daf.

Good morning Nathan , only bought the truck in October so early days ,had a couple of issues with it getting stuck in gear (its auto) but we got that sorted ,dealer is been fine so far, just had its 2nd 10 weekly ,we have relaced the feeble two tone horn with a DAF XF air horn like our lf as it was pooo :laughing: ,our truck is 340 bhp on a 18 tonner so no worries on power ,every thing on it ,3 man sleeper ,flip down tv in the cab with free view so "the hoff " is chuffed , I have not drove it yet ,“the hoff” is keeping it to his self . :laughing:

eX Swindon dog of a Foden ended up as a shunter at Oxford ,what a heap .

brs foden.jpg

Oxford rental Scania on Habitat .


TAG172 “SMITHYS” Roadtrain ,trashed after he went on Atlet , lasted about a week ,pictured on Habitat.


on hire to Oxford who put it on the brewery contract .


tac199 and tag173 (ended up as tac173) on cdc work rover factory .


My favourite truck of all my time on BRS . E931LEU (STILL SAT IN RUSH GREEN WAITING FOR ME TO BUY AND RESTORE )

MAG49 on the general fleet .

then ended up as TAE49 on the workshop fleet ,second picture is just before driving on the ship bound for Lagos.

1 ,the retirement of the late Alfie Atherton ex fitter in Oxford .

brs fred holiday.jpg

I was there that afternoon .

brs roadtrain tipped over.jpg

My favourite truck of all my time on BRS . E931LEU (STILL SAT IN RUSH GREEN WAITING FOR ME TO BUY AND RESTORE )

Well then stick a wad’ in your back pocket & we’ll have another day up there & we’ll bring her back then Steve :sunglasses: :smiley:

I’ll tell my boss not to try and race Hoff away from Green Road roundabout then Steve; Our MANs a 26 tonner rated at 290. :blush:
In fairness on grab work it’s alright. Not every collection is a full load and grab work is a slower paced job. Well it is here but then so’s our 8w work compared to the “others.” :wink:

1 ,the retirement of the late Alfie Atherton ex fitter in Oxford .

Hi Jakey, Nice set of pics of Oxford BRS Steve but very impressed with your own fleet as well , tell me -who is the chap in the light blue overalls -a long shot after all these years i know but it niggles me …–ivor

Hello Ivor , the chap in the light blue overalls was the late Gordon Cullimore from Cowley (first or second house up the hill from Cowley centre) , he was a driver but by the time I was in the workshops at Oxford depot he was on the forklift and was a yard man ,squeaky voice Gordon .!!! good old boy , thank you for your kind words , Chris ,yes any time you want to go to RUSH GREEN LET ME KNOW ? .

Oxfords GUY SHUNTER , HEAP OF CRAP . :open_mouth:

iVOR , the guy in the blue overalls was Fred Holiday from Dorchester on thames , did mainly local work .

MAG49 on the general fleet .

Hey Jakey , great pics is this a Swindon motor ? regards Keith .

Hi Keith , no its Oxford , I only collect Oxford photos but have a few Swindon ones as well .