Obama and CMD



MYOFB Obama.

Is this a message in code from the US of A, (M)issing (Y)ou (O)bama (F)ly (B)ack or could you decipher for us cav551, cheers Buzzer.

America needs us in Europe so it can sell goods via us as a back door,we are never going to leave anyway because there is no get out clause as Ireland discovered a few years back,and who said the voting wont be rigged,the working man has done well out of Europe with minimum wages,less hours,job protection,cheap food ,cheap holidays in the sun ,human rights etc but at what cost to employers? :confused: :unamused:

America needs us in Europe so it can sell goods via us as a back door,we are never going to leave anyway because there is no get out clause as Ireland discovered a few years back,and who said the voting wont be rigged,the working man has done well out of Europe with minimum wages,less hours,job protection,cheap food ,cheap holidays in the sun ,human rights etc but at what cost to employers? :confused: :unamused:

Which trade law says that America can only trade with Germany for example through us.

Exactly where does the Treaty of Rome/Maastricht/Lisbon outlaw secession ( so far ).

Feel free to tell us what the EU minimum wage is.As opposed to cheap East Euro labour both in terms of exported jobs or imported labour running from zb East Euro wages and conditions depressing wages here.Less hours like 15 hour shifts for drivers you mean.

Then you can add to that our trade deficit since we joined and net contributions for the privilege of being in the Federalist scam.

While yes we know Socialism and Federalism go together hence Corbyn’s zbwit position. :unamused:

France has the SMIC about 9euros an hour.Drivers don’t work Sundays as a rule,The European court of human rights are based in Europe. Get back to me after this scam election and see if we are still members,i think we still will be. :wink:


MYOFB Obama.

Is this a message in code from the US of A, (M)issing (Y)ou (O)bama (F)ly (B)ack or could you decipher for us cav551, cheers Buzzer.

Mind Your Own F*** Business obama

France has the SMIC about 9euros an hour.Drivers don’t work Sundays as a rule,The European court of human rights are based in Europe. Get back to me after this scam election and see if we are still members,i think we still will be. :wink:

Meanwhile Romania minimum wage 217 Euros ‘per month’.Poland 409 Euros ‘per month’.So where do you think that major employer will go.There or France.Who gives a zb about the court of human rights when it’s more likely to just support a load of travellers setting up home on the neighbouring green belt among other bleeding heart zbwit ideas.

Yes we probably might well still be lumbered with the Federalist scam after the referendum.In which case future generations will probably then be lumbered with having to shoot their way out of it or die trying.Just like those previous generations of Americans who tried and failed in 1861-65 but who,unlike zb Obama or Corbyn or Cameron,will never be forgotten and nor will their cause. :imp:



MYOFB Obama.

Is this a message in code from the US of A, (M)issing (Y)ou (O)bama (F)ly (B)ack or could you decipher for us cav551, cheers Buzzer.

Mind Your Own F*** Business obama

Or to put it another way. :smiling_imp: :wink: :smiley:


Come on lads 3 cheers for the real CARRYFAST now making a lot of sense .nigel and boris will be proud of him hip.hip hip .No more American trucks on this site,black listed.sorry i have nothing constructive to say…but go on a anti american goods ban.

One of the reasons that ■■■■ Ombongo wants us to remain in the EU is not many Americans can speak German or French and many of them only have a tenuous grasp on English so as has happened over the years we become “piggy in the middle” and will, no danger, end up in the ■■■■■ as per normal. If unfortunately the vote goes by a slim margin to remain CMD will then find out how pathetic his “renegotiation” has been when he gets his pathetic package thrown back into his face by the Frogs and the Gerries ! But lets hope there is enough of us to swing the vote to come out anything will be better than carrying on within the EU. Cheers Bewick.

Come on lads 3 cheers for the real CARRYFAST now making a lot of sense .nigel and boris will be proud of him hip.hip hip .No more American trucks on this site,black listed.sorry i have nothing constructive to say…but go on a anti american goods ban.

The point is you don’t have to be a Federalist to be an American.Although it’s probably best not to complicate things by telling them that you do realistically need to be a believer in and supporter of protectionism not free markets to be a Nationalist. :bulb: :wink:

thetnm.org/a_word_on_the_uk_ … from_texas

France has the SMIC about 9euros an hour.Drivers don’t work Sundays as a rule,The European court of human rights are based in Europe. Get back to me after this scam election and see if we are still members,i think we still will be. :wink:

The European Court of Human Rights has nothing to do with the EU.

Interesting, Brits have been angry with President Obama. But you are never angry when your leaders are sticking their noses and tell us how we(in EE) should do things. Your PM of ambassador speaking from the tribune of our Parliament how things should be run.
The feeling is not nice is it…

Well Cameron invited Obama, Leave camp invited Le Pan, ■■■ for tat :grimacing:

Interesting, Brits have been angry with President Obama. But you are never angry when your leaders are sticking their noses and tell us how we(in EE) should do things. Your PM of ambassador speaking from the tribune of our Parliament how things should be run.
The feeling is not nice is it…

Well Cameron invited Obama, Leave camp invited Le Pan, ■■■ for tat :grimacing:

To be fair the argument between Federalist v anti Federalist or Socialist v Nationalist applies everywhere.Which includes the understanding that Obama isn’t speaking for many Americans who despise the zb more than any of his critics here.As for Le Pen the difference is that she didn’t get the same VIP treatment and exposure in the establishment controlled media.Nor do I remember the out campaign and Le Pen threatening to hit the Germans and Americans with trade sanctions if we leave.

On that note you seem to have made it clear that you’re for a USE unlike Obama’s hidden agenda in that regard.In which case if only Obama was as honest about his motives as you are.Because if push comes to shove the majority of Brits ( and probably French ) will most likely choose country over Obama’s and Merkel’s nightmare Federal European/Eurasian plan for us. :bulb:

There was an interview by Huw Edwards with Obama shown on the BBC news last night. Apart from Edwards being cringingly subservient to Mr President, Obama, despite all his waffle, did make something of a backtrack about what he had said about “going to the back of the queue for 10 years”. It should have been Jeremy Paxman interviewing him to really put him on the spot instead of a lightweight like Edwards.

The Americans dropped a right bollock electing that one, and if they stick Clinton in for more of the same they’ll end up as bad as the basket case EU is becoming, its a world standard race to the bottom that could rival our very own transport industry.
Asians/Orientals of all countries, from Japan to India must ■■■■ themselves watching the west self destruct, falling over itself electing traitors intent on ruining the wonderful countries they were not so long ago, why do they do this, Merkel a prime example, trying to lead Germany back into the days of the Stasi?

Obama, together with all other foreigners can FRO when it comes to our decision whether to stay in the EU or not, mind your own business mate and leave your world vision propaganda for the idiots who voted for you in your own country.

Obama, together with all other foreigners can FRO when it comes to our decision whether to stay in the EU or not, mind your own business mate and leave your world vision propaganda for the idiots who voted for you in your own country.

Look on the bright side.I read this in that bastion of the anti EU media …The Sunday Mirror. :smiling_imp: :laughing:

mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/ho … ll-7819278

As it stands the In campaign has such political heavyweights as Obama,Blair,Corbyn,Clegg,Sturgeon and best of all Cameron and Merkel onside. :open_mouth: What can possibly go wrong in that together the bunch of zbwits are probably the best allies that the out campaign has. :smiling_imp: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Seriously,hopefully,that article might just be the historic turning point for this country. :bulb:

Interesting letter in the Times over the weekend, which went roughly…The 13 colonies of America united in order to gain control of thior won affairs anto free themselves from an unaccountable and remote imperial power. In particular, they resented the financial contributions demanded of them by that power, the way it assumed the right to control their trade and their legal subordination. They decided it was time to cast off an outdated yoke and to start deciding for themselves. The result was the Declaration of Independence.

Perhaps Mr Obama should check back a bit more. :wink:

Interesting letter in the Times over the weekend, which went roughly…The 13 colonies of America united in order to gain control of thior won affairs anto free themselves from an unaccountable and remote imperial power. In particular, they resented the financial contributions demanded of them by that power, the way it assumed the right to control their trade and their legal subordination. They decided it was time to cast off an outdated yoke and to start deciding for themselves. The result was the Declaration of Independence.

Perhaps Mr Obama should check back a bit more. :wink:

I think you’ll find that Obama is going by the next bit.In which the Federalists like John Adams changed the Constitution from a Confederation of more or less sovereign states to the Federal one it’s been since.The result being the war of secession and federal aggression of 1861-65.Of which you can bet that Obama would have been for the ‘Union’/Federation. :bulb: :wink:

Sо “Federal” UK is against federation, awesome hypocrisy :laughing: