Numpty of the day award goes to

Me :blush:

I’ve done some silly things in past 18 months, but i think today took things to a new level. I managed to crash before i’d even left the yard :blush:

There i was, waiting at the entrance/exit to Arla’s, i’d already signed out and was waiting for the security guard to open the barrier so i could go.
A tanker was in the other lane weighing in, so the guard was dealing with him.
I wasn’t really payng attention, i was messing about with the radio, trying to get it onto fivelive for trafiic, while trying to make eye contact with the guard so he knew i was waiting.

Anyway, out the corner of my eye i see a barrier lift up, so i finish mucking about with the radio, had a quick glance up, handbrake off and off i went. ■■■■■■■■ here had parked too close to the barrier, so i couldn;t see it below the window, and crash, straight into the barrier that hadn’t been lifted, straight through it as well because it didnt make a bang until it had reached the back of the unit and smashed into the underrun bars of the trailer. I managed to completely rip the bloody thing right off :blush:

Loads of ■■■■ taking greeted me when i got back to the yard this afternoon :angry: :blush:

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

The only thing worse than doing something daft like that is telling people about it so they can take the ■■■■, I wouldn’t do that if I were you. :wink:

Ooops, too late. :stuck_out_tongue:

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

The only thing worse than doing something daft like that is telling people about it so they can take the ■■■■, I wouldn’t do that if I were you. :wink:

Ooops, too late. :stuck_out_tongue:

Here is a before shot of the entrance and barrier, not very easy to see, but neither is it from the other side now… :stuck_out_tongue:

Crash the gate doing 0.8 and said let them truckers roll, 10-4 :sunglasses:

Haha. I dont mind giving others a good laugh, plenty of others on here give me one :wink:

plenty of others on here give me one :wink:

:open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: i wouldn’t go shouting that about either!!! :laughing:

:angry: :laughing:

I did that at Brogborough landfill site
sort paperwork hi viz off and drive off bang :blush:
gone 2 day old barrier after being replaced as my mate had done the same ooopppsss

the big un:
I did that at Brogborough landfill site
sort paperwork hi viz off and drive off bang :blush:
gone 2 day old barrier after being replaced as my mate had done the same ooopppsss

I knew i wouldnt be the only one :grimacing:

I was delivering in a pedestrian area once,pulled up outside the shop and to get where i wanted i had to put the nose virtually touching the next shops advertising display.
Delivery done,jumped in,looked ahead,checked mirrors,pulled away to the sound of wood cracking and splintering. :blush:

I feel less of a ■■■ now :grimacing:

Ha Ha these things happen and at least you are having a laugh about it.

I feel less of a ■■■ now :grimacing:


you are still a ■■■ :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I feel less of a ■■■ now :grimacing:

You are not less of a ■■■, just part of a flock of ■■■■. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:


total madness:
Crash the gate doing 0.8 and said let them truckers roll, 10-4 :sunglasses:

10/10. :laughing:


I would Like to join the ■■■ brigade after I hit a car up the arse last Thursday at a roundabout … It was a classic case of me looking right at a traffic light controlled roundabout and the lights were green and matey (with his 8 month pregnant wife and toddler in the back) decided to stop !! Mind you it was my first ongeval with another car in 19 years of driving a truck ! There was more damage to my Renault twingo/premium ( coffeholic calls it that ) than the Yaris !!

I would Like to join the ■■■ brigade after I hit a car up the arse last Thursday at a roundabout … It was a classic case of me looking right at a traffic light controlled roundabout and the lights were green and matey (with his 8 month pregnant wife and toddler in the back) decided to stop !! Mind you it was my first ongeval with another car in 19 years of driving a truck ! There was more damage to my Renault twingo/premium ( coffeholic calls it that ) than the Yaris !!

And then I had to listen to him on the phone being all upset about it. The accident, not the Twingo. :stuck_out_tongue:

I would Like to join the ■■■ brigade after I hit a car up the arse last Thursday at a roundabout … It was a classic case of me looking right at a traffic light controlled roundabout and the lights were green and matey (with his 8 month pregnant wife and toddler in the back) decided to stop !! Mind you it was my first ongeval with another car in 19 years of driving a truck ! There was more damage to my Renault twingo/premium ( coffeholic calls it that ) than the Yaris !!

Huh? :question:

Dunno then?:

I would Like to join the ■■■ brigade after I hit a car up the arse last Thursday at a roundabout … It was a classic case of me looking right at a traffic light controlled roundabout and the lights were green and matey (with his 8 month pregnant wife and toddler in the back) decided to stop !! Mind you it was my first ongeval with another car in 19 years of driving a truck ! There was more damage to my Renault twingo/premium ( coffeholic calls it that ) than the Yaris !!

Huh? :question:

Dutch word for accident.

Just be thankful he didn’t use his favourite Dutch phrase which is asking if he may indulge in a spot of ■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■ with you!!! He uses that one a lot, a hell of a lot, but to the best of my knowledge has never got a yes in reply. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: