Now taking 23 Rd June off

Mr Ryan I agree with you… regards the right wing of the Tory party…there akin to ■■■■’s…but in 4 years we can vote them out…we remain were in it for good…an God help us then…I mean the working class man

It will be very interesting to see how the general public react if we end up staying in. I would like to get out of this Country now, as I am fed up with the level of immigration, however there is only NZ that is a potential avenue for me.

Then I would become an immigrant lol. Funny old world isn’t it?

Mr Ryan I agree with you… regards the right wing of the Tory party…there akin to ■■■■’s…but in 4 years we can vote them out…we remain were in it for good…an God help us then…I mean the working class man

We can vote them out, but will we?
And if we do what is the party for the average paid, average working person, not the Labour party, they’ve gone from being a sub wing of the tory party to a party looking after any minority group, but still don’t seem to represent the average worker.

But you’re right this vote is a once in a lifetime chance.

Just returned home to find my postal voting form has arrived, it says you only have until the 8th June to get the form in.
So if you want a postal vote hurry


I think that’s wrong. As far as I remember (I have already filled and posted mine) you have until then to register but your vote has until the 23rd at 9.00 to arrive at the voting centre, or you can even drop it into the polling station if you are late.


Just returned home to find my postal voting form has arrived, it says you only have until the 8th June to get the form in.
So if you want a postal vote hurry


I think that’s wrong. As far as I remember (I have already filled and posted mine) you have until then to register but your vote has until the 23rd at 9.00 to arrive at the voting centre, or you can even drop it into the polling station if you are late.

Sorry i meant the form to register for a postal vote, not the actual vote itself, I haven’t been registered for a postal vote before, but as I know I’ll be away on the 23rd, I applied while I was away and I got back home today and the form was here.

The tide is turning on public awareness of the power of their vote here.

Every vote counts - don’t think for a minute that “it’s a waste of time, because it’s going to be rigged”.

If turnout is over 90% - It can’t very well be rigged without getting a Saddam Hussain result where there’s 105% of votes cast for the “president”…


What happens after Brexit?

First they’ll cut “red tape” like employment rights and safety rules. Then they’ll cut taxes for the rich with the small slice of money they save on EU contributions.

And as for wages and immigration, they’ll either give everyone visas or “grandfather rights” for everyone already here, or they’ll just move the jobs out of the country wholesale, like how they’ve shipped steel jobs to China and call centre jobs to India.

Either way, there is one cast iron thing you can rely on - a Tory government is not about to gift the settled working man with higher wages (and see business costs go through the roof and profits through the floor). They want control alright, but only the control to attack the poor further, and to attack workers further.

Look at how the disabled were able to partly challenge the bedroom tax (entirely in British courts) based on human rights, because the Tories suddenly treated bedrooms occupied by carers or medical machines as “spare”.

And once Britain is out the EU, what does everyone think big businesses and the rich are going to do every minute? They’re going to threaten to decamp to the continent every time we try and raise a tax or stop an antisocial business practice - to the continent that we will no longer have any political influence over, and to the continent which will be glad to seize businesses from a Britain that has now defected from political union.

Wake up people, there’s a reason why the swivel-eyed loons on the Thatcherite right of the Tory party are all in favour of Brexit, whilst every trade union leader is for Bremain.

True, most of the bosses are for Bremain too, but only because they honestly think Brexit will be economic suicide for everybody (workers and bosses alike).

We should all vote with how life is actually treating us, has been, and you think will be in the future.
If I thought for a minute that I personally would be better off voting remain - then I’d do it too.
Thing is, “Remain” has become the camp of the Establishment people, be they Politicians, Big Bosses, or even Union Leaders - they all feather their nests whilst doing “ineffective favours” for us.

There are all kinds of reasons for people of any background to vote Leave - but few reasons to vote Remain - assuming you are basing your vote on your own circumstances.
No one holds it against anyone to vote by their own circumstances. If I were Rich, paid by the EU, a Union Leader or Politician with an expense account, or Big Business Boss - Then I would vote Remain like a shot - because it benefits me, has benefited me, and will continue to line my pockets with the takings from the masses forever.
That’s honesty and human nature on my part. Honest about being just as big a money grabber as the rest of them IF I were up there, corrupted by the establishment in my own right.
BUT - I’m not that. I’m just a truck driver who’s fed up with everything the EU represents to me. There’s just not enough left now for the EU to get implemented enough concessions to make me change my mind at this late age. All “outs” are well-nigh impossible alas.
Thus, I’ll vote Leave because I don’t believe in shafting myself to help out someone with more money than me. Base nature. Look after number one because if you look after number two - number two will look after number two as well, and you’’ end up with Zero points whilst they get 2 points, and assume their total superiority over you in all things - despite you giving it to them (albeit foolishly) when the opportunity arose.

The sky won’t fall in if we do Brexit. Most of the “Threats” to jobs, wealth, economy, security etc. are essentially that - “threats” :-

“WE establishment Remainers will do this to YOU working class Brexiteerers if you bugger up our gravy train that’s served US so well these past four decades”.

Take those threats out of the equation, and there’s little downside left. Just the upheaval as some people are let go (because they won’t work with the rest of us now) and get replaced by others with a better vision of how we’ll be trading more with the rest of the world in future, importing more of their culture rather than the hand-wringing European one, and getting away with this daft mixture of the “worst of both worlds” by importing third-world religions whilst exporting our talent to those very countries we hope to do a lot more trade with in a future outside the EU.

I hope those on this forum listen to you Mr Winseer…Never a true’r word spoken…

It’s ok for you left wing militant people living in the South East. You can’t lose.

I am voting in for me and friends and family.

Sod wasting a holiday on a vote that your individual vote has a minuscule influence on. Each to his own though.

and if everybody took the attitude that their vote was only minuscule then we won`t get out

postal vote for me …and it’s out all the way…love going to Europe but hate the eu …

What happens after Brexit?

Probably the same as the day before, and the day before that, then in the following weeks/months there will be a power struggle with a new prime minister at No10, and/or a snap general election

It’s ok for you left wing militant people living in the South East. You can’t lose

left wing? No
militant? not really
south east ? Yorkshire, so hardly SE

still OUT

See i look at things differently.

I’m voting, not my wallet, and to be perfectly honest what it costs me personally is irrelevant, what it will cost the country in the future is at stake here.

This is our only chance to remove the EU dictatorship, and make no bones about it if you cannot remove those who propose the laws which your own castrated Parliament has no power to revoke, then you are living in a dictatorship.

Germany is the big cheese in the EU, this is their push to rule Europe via wealth and not their usual route of gun.
If you’re happy to be ruled by the Germans and their cohorts in the EU Commission then thats fine vote to remain, just don’t complain about it when Frau Merkel orders us to take our ‘‘fair share’’ of the millions of migrants flooding into Europe which she and her kind invited.
Don’t complain either when you eventually revolt at whats coming (economically financially and socially) and the jackboots of EU stormtroopers stomp up our high streets to quell the revolt.

Sorry, but this isn’t a decision for your wallet ladies and gents so don’t be bullied or bought like our leaders by big business, this is a vote for the rule of law and democracy of this country, which is under the same threat as it was circa 1940 but without the guns blazing.

And spare a thought if you will please for the millions of good men and women who died over the last 100 years and more defending these islands and the freedom you currently enjoy, they had to endure gunfire bombs and sheer hell to keep these islands free, and those who are thinking ‘‘whats in it for me’’ might just spare a few moments to reflect on this.

Freedom costs, it cost our forebears everything including their lives, it might cost us a few quid and some hard bloody work to rebuild our country into the fine decent place i was born into, sounds like we get the better deal than they did.

See i look at things differently.

I’m voting, not my wallet, and to be perfectly honest what it costs me personally is irrelevant, what it will cost the country in the future is at stake here.

This is our only chance to remove the EU dictatorship, and make no bones about it if you cannot remove those who propose the laws which your own castrated Parliament has no power to revoke, then you are living in a dictatorship.

Germany is the big cheese in the EU, this is their push to rule Europe via wealth and not their usual route of gun.
If you’re happy to be ruled by the Germans and their cohorts in the EU Commission then thats fine vote to remain, just don’t complain about it when Frau Merkel orders us to take our ‘‘fair share’’ of the millions of migrants flooding into Europe which she and her kind invited.
Don’t complain either when you eventually revolt at whats coming (economically financially and socially) and the jackboots of EU stormtroopers stomp up our high streets to quell the revolt.

Sorry, but this isn’t a decision for your wallet ladies and gents so don’t be bullied or bought like our leaders by big business, this is a vote for the rule of law and democracy of this country, which is under the same threat as it was circa 1940 but without the guns blazing.

And spare a thought if you will please for the millions of good men and women who died over the last 100 years and more defending these islands and the freedom you currently enjoy, they had to endure gunfire bombs and sheer hell to keep these islands free, and those who are thinking ‘‘whats in it for me’’ might just spare a few moments to reflect on this.

Freedom costs, it cost our forebears everything including their lives, it might cost us a few quid and some hard bloody work to rebuild our country into the fine decent place i was born into, sounds like we get the better deal than they did.

Hear, hear!

I too am voting not with my wallet but with my brains. Whats the point in a general election when unelected European commisars can quash what they like and impose laws on us as they please.

If only more people would see the bigger picture rather than listening to bullshine like the idle threat that family holidays will cost more.

Get us out.


What’s gonna happen?
The £ will tank, and we won’t be able to afford to holiday abroad, until someone stabilises the economy, ie, signs new trade agreements, which will take years if not decades.
When two sides divorce there is usually a lot of animosity, very difficult to get any sensible agreement.
We are going to be a laughing stock all over the world, and our kids will never forgive us our stupidity.
In EU you build alliances, and not just walk away when things are not as you wanted them to be.
What have we exactly done to stop immigrants entering EU, what groundbreaking ideas Boris has had to stop the influx of immigrants so far?
I would’ve be surprised if French start helping all these immigrants to cross the channel after we turn our backs on EU.

What’s gonna happen?
The £ will tank, and we won’t be able to afford to holiday abroad, until someone stabilises the economy, ie, signs new trade agreements, which will take years if not decades.
When two sides divorce there is usually a lot of animosity, very difficult to get any sensible agreement.
We are going to be a laughing stock all over the world, and our kids will never forgive us our stupidity.
In EU you build alliances, and not just walk away when things are not as you wanted them to be.
What have we exactly done to stop immigrants entering EU, what groundbreaking ideas Boris has had to stop the influx of immigrants so far?
I would’ve be surprised if French start helping all these immigrants to cross the channel after we turn our backs on EU.

Good Crystal ball you have, let me know the EuroMillions.


The Euro will tank! As Greece/Portugal/Italy pull out. Switzerland, Norway, Iceland are not in the EU and they are doing very well. Get a back bone and stop taking it up the arse!

Our postal votes arrived Tuesday, they were signed and back in the post the same day.


Isn’t it the case that the champion of the left and the working classes, J corbyn, is in favour of staying? What about the union leaders, whose noble self sacrifice is all for working people?