Now taking 23 Rd June off

Asked Boss is it possible to on The 23rd to to be home early enough,as I want to be a
ble to make my vote on the EU referendum…Big ■■■■ of air from Boss…so I said book the day of for me then…and the 24th as well…coz I’m gonna vote Brexit…and buy 2 bottles of Champagne…and celebrate the moment when we leave this Screwed up EU… Probably carry on partying over the weekend

Sod wasting a holiday on a vote that your individual vote has a minuscule influence on. Each to his own though.

This is precisely why I have a postal vote, which btw arrived in the post this morning. So now I have the whole weekend & more to be able to fill it In etc

Sod wasting a holiday on a vote that your individual vote has a minuscule influence on. Each to his own though.

You don’t vote, you have no right to complain.


Sod wasting a holiday on a vote that your individual vote has a minuscule influence on. Each to his own though.

You don’t vote, you have no right to complain.

I do vote nipper.

How much do you want for the champers? Because it’s sadly unlikely that we will leave.

How about 10 Euro’s for both bottles?

Fair play. Très responsible of you.

Next time register for postal. So much easier.

What happens after Brexit, realistically next day-week-month?

How much do you want for the champers? Because it’s sadly unlikely that we will leave.

How about 10 Euro’s for both bottles?

After the last General Election, I’d take any opinion Polls with a large pinch of salt.
However I think the champagne might leave a bitter after taste when the those who think leaving the EU will lead to the UK being some sort of utopia, realise very little has actually changed and the establishment are still in charge and looking after their own. :frowning:

What happens after Brexit, realistically next day-week-month?

Looking at 2 years to unwind all the agreements that are currently in place.

What happens after Brexit, realistically next day-week-month?

Next day, loads of hangovers and people licking their wounds, trying to say how they really won and get themselves on exit camp to keep their own power and influence.

but after that, you’d hope somebody’s thought about an exit strategy.

Asked Boss is it possible to on The 23rd to to be home early enough,as I want to be a
ble to make my vote on the EU referendum…Big ■■■■ of air from Boss…so I said book the day of for me then…and the 24th as well…coz I’m gonna vote Brexit…and buy 2 bottles of Champagne…and celebrate the moment when we leave this Screwed up EU… Probably carry on partying over the weekend

I’ve already voted (out) not waiting till 23rd as probably be tramping in Europe. And you all can do the same ! And you don’t even have to go to the polling both… Register for postal voting (it’s free for everyone) and even get free pre paid return envelope!

Seeing as this is the most important moment in our nation’s future in our lifetimes that we actually have a say in, we really do have to vote.

I too have the gravest doubts on the outcome, or as it will most likely be, sadly the income, but those who can’t be arsed to vote have no right to complain at the result when it bites them in the arse, probably next year and for the rest of their lives.

What happens after Brexit?
same crap different day, there might be a car shortage for a while because the Germans, having lost again, get the hump for 5 minutes then realise we’re their biggest customer and seeing as they’re bankrolling the basket case that is the EU on their own realise they’d better start getting some Sterling in or go bang themselves.
What happens in the long term after Brexit will depend on the electorate and those they select to lead them, just as it should be, if they’ve had the good sense to remove Britain from the EU, there’s every possibility they might have the nous to not re-elect traitors and quislings to run the once again self governing place into the gutter.


Asked Boss is it possible to on The 23rd to to be home early enough,as I want to be a
ble to make my vote on the EU referendum…Big ■■■■ of air from Boss…so I said book the day of for me then…and the 24th as well…coz I’m gonna vote Brexit…and buy 2 bottles of Champagne…and celebrate the moment when we leave this Screwed up EU… Probably carry on partying over the weekend

I’ve already voted (out) not waiting till 23rd as probably be tramping in Europe. And you all can do the same ! And you don’t even even have to go to the polling both… Register for postal voting (it free for everyone) and even get free pre paid return envelope!

Just returned home to find my postal voting form has arrived, it says you only have until the 8th June to get the form in.
So if you want a postal vote hurry,

Asked Boss is it possible to on The 23rd to to be home early enough,as I want to be a
ble to make my vote on the EU referendum…Big ■■■■ of air from Boss…so I said book the day of for me then…and the 24th as well…coz I’m gonna vote Brexit…and buy 2 bottles of Champagne…and celebrate the moment when we leave this Screwed up EU… Probably carry on partying over the weekend

Might not want to bother with the holiday on the 24th, the establishment aren’t going to let Brexit happen.

Mr Rob…I’ve heard that to…the elite and the money men don’t want us to leave,by hook or by crook… but that just shows how much staying in lines their pockets… truly being a working class man…all I’ve seen is my wages being downgraded…an my rent going up…it ain’t the eastern block immigrants coming in…it’s two successive governments from 2002 to have the infrastructure in place to accommodate them…But I know I can’t constantly see my wages and conditions going down and my rent going up

What happens after Brexit?

First they’ll cut “red tape” like employment rights and safety rules. Then they’ll cut taxes for the rich with the small slice of money they save on EU contributions.

And as for wages and immigration, they’ll either give everyone visas or “grandfather rights” for everyone already here, or they’ll just move the jobs out of the country wholesale, like how they’ve shipped steel jobs to China and call centre jobs to India.

Either way, there is one cast iron thing you can rely on - a Tory government is not about to gift the settled working man with higher wages (and see business costs go through the roof and profits through the floor). They want control alright, but only the control to attack the poor further, and to attack workers further.

Look at how the disabled were able to partly challenge the bedroom tax (entirely in British courts) based on human rights, because the Tories suddenly treated bedrooms occupied by carers or medical machines as “spare”.

And once Britain is out the EU, what does everyone think big businesses and the rich are going to do every minute? They’re going to threaten to decamp to the continent every time we try and raise a tax or stop an antisocial business practice - to the continent that we will no longer have any political influence over, and to the continent which will be glad to seize businesses from a Britain that has now defected from political union.

Wake up people, there’s a reason why the swivel-eyed loons on the Thatcherite right of the Tory party are all in favour of Brexit, whilst every trade union leader is for Bremain.

True, most of the bosses are for Bremain too, but only because they honestly think Brexit will be economic suicide for everybody (workers and bosses alike).


What happens after Brexit?

First they’ll cut “red tape” like employment rights and safety rules. Then they’ll cut taxes for the rich with the small slice of money they save on EU contributions.

And as for wages and immigration, they’ll either give everyone visas or “grandfather rights” for everyone already here, or they’ll just move the jobs out of the country wholesale, like how they’ve shipped steel jobs to China and call centre jobs to India.

Either way, there is one cast iron thing you can rely on - a Tory government is not about to gift the settled working man with higher wages (and see business costs go through the roof and profits through the floor). They want control alright, but only the control to attack the poor further, and to attack workers further.

Look at how the disabled were able to partly challenge the bedroom tax (entirely in British courts) based on human rights, because the Tories suddenly treated bedrooms occupied by carers or medical machines as “spare”.

And once Britain is out the EU, what does everyone think big businesses and the rich are going to do every minute? They’re going to threaten to decamp to the continent every time we try and raise a tax or stop an antisocial business practice - to the continent that we will no longer have any political influence over, and to the continent which will be glad to seize businesses from a Britain that has now defected from political union.

Wake up people, there’s a reason why the swivel-eyed loons on the Thatcherite right of the Tory party are all in favour of Brexit, whilst every trade union leader is for Bremain.

True, most of the bosses are for Bremain too, but only because they honestly think Brexit will be economic suicide for everybody (workers and bosses alike).

If any of that bs was True, call me Dave and George the grocer would be campaigning for Brexit. In reality the chuckle brothers would be holding resignation press conferences by 10am, Theresa May would be acting pm, (unfortunately not the page 3 bird) and there would be a leadership contest to move forward. Why do you think May has kept mostly out of it, she can see there’s a chance of glory, temporary or otherwise. In the medium to long term we will see the new leaders working with the remain naysayers who will pull in and help secure the best exit, as ordered by the people


Asked Boss is it possible to on The 23rd to to be home early enough,as I want to be a
ble to make my vote on the EU referendum…Big ■■■■ of air from Boss…so I said book the day of for me then…and the 24th as well…coz I’m gonna vote Brexit…and buy 2 bottles of Champagne…and celebrate the moment when we leave this Screwed up EU… Probably carry on partying over the weekend

Might not want to bother with the holiday on the 24th, the establishment aren’t going to let Brexit happen.

Well they do have 2 of their own hench men fronting brexit which IMO smells a lot , i trust none of them

even less chance of getting out now . many thousands of voting cards have "accidentally " due to an error been sent out to non eligible immigrants . dirty tricks campaign in full swing .