Not allowed to leave night heater on

Huktra UK driver told me today they had a text today of transport explaining they expected to not use the night heater in the night or kept to minimum .

Sure this must not be right or morally wrong after hard days graft they to tight to heat you up to have a good night sleep .

If that was me they would get a reply with the second word being “off”

Don’t use the steering wheel either as it causes ware on the front tires, and keep your foot of that peddle on the right.

Actually just sit in it all day don’t go anywhere and say “vroom vroom”, if the TM approaches your truck.

If their margins are so low that they can’t afford enough money to run a night heater, it’s time they shut the door.

Option #2 check into a hotel, there’s no way I would spend the night in a truck cab that was where the temperature was going to drop to sub zero.

A couple of months of with pneumonia claiming sick leave would be worth a lot more than the cost of a few liters of derv


I know everyone’s different, but I personally couldn’t sleep with the night heater on anyway. The cab got too stuffy for my liking. I only used to switch it on about 10 before I got out of bed.
But if you want it on through the night and your gaffer says you can’t, I know what I’d be telling him.

my reply to the TM would be " when you go home tonight , will your heating be on ■■?
well, this tin can is my home and my heating will also be on… now go do one.

Expect this company has had a spate of flat batteries and have put it down to the night heater probably not aware that today’s driver seems to have a mass of electronic
equipment to play with in his free time, draining the battery in the process. And yes I do carry jump leads and they have been put to use starting rigs with loads of electronic
extras, even assisting our East Euro colleagues on occasion.

It’s too noisy for me to leave on at night & they can go wrong, I wouldn’t want to be spark out if something moody occurred with it.

It’s scraping the bottom of the barrel if they’re banging on about this DHL go on about it as well just because some suit has decided it will save them a pound a day or some such ■■■■■■■■.

Would tell em they got a choice they want the job doing or I’ll be back every night, as said they wouldn’t go without heating at home.
Done 2 nights out Friday and Saturday same last week wouldn’t be without my night heater put it on low when im asleep lovely and snug.


surely there are rules and regulations about this as you are officially at work and the truck is your workplace■■?.I know when my old boss got my truck new(59plate) he told me because it had a sleeper cab nightheater was law obviously no law to using it though,as ops have said I know what id be telling them been sub zero up here (Newcastle) last couple of nights !!! :frowning:

It is illegal to do that .Employers have the right to be warm in winter or cool in the summer.The health and safety website may kist the minimum and maximum temperatures to have in a work place.A night heater costs a few pence to run at night.
Plus the windows and screen does not ice up in the morning.
If a driver is cold in the cab you will be tired to drive in the day.

Like others have said tell them to get lost your health is more important than saving a few quid.

Or are they saying this because they carry hazardous?

How would they know if you use it? Don’t know if true but used to have a boss who used to say that to say out overnight you had to have a sleeper cab but nothing to say there had to be an heater, never knew why he said it he was one of them bosses who paid for everything.

And I was just on the phone to a friend and telling him how Ive grown to hate this industry and how its run. I said take the worst industry you know and multiply it and you’ve got transport. And he works in banking. What other industry considers heating its employees a luxury. Its a joke.

Big Man:
Huktra UK driver told me today they had a text today of transport explaining they expected to not use the night heater in the night or kept to minimum .

Sure this must not be right or morally wrong after hard days graft they to tight to heat you up to have a good night sleep .

Let’s face it how the hell would the boss know how much the night heater was being used in the night in some layby somewhere ?
All you would have to say is “yes boss i’ll keep it to a minimum” and then keep it cranked up all night. :wink:

The daf I’m in at the minute turns its self off after a bit ? Have to keep turning the ■■■■ back on in the night …

I worked for Montgomery’s at Crick a few years back. The old ■■■■■■ that was the TM took the night heater control panels out. You had to ask him for them if overnighting!

just wear an extra jumper like the torys say :slight_smile:

Or are they saying this because they carry hazardous?

ADR trucks have different specs, and night heaters are included in those, for instance you are not allowed to have a timer or programmable device, just an on off switch, they must turn off if any ancillary equipment is used, like a pto, pump or cargo compressor and if the engine is stopped.


Wheel Nut:

Or are they saying this because they carry hazardous?

ADR trucks have different specs, and night heaters are included in those, for instance you are not allowed to have a timer or programmable device, just an on off switch, they must turn off if any ancillary equipment is used, like a pto, pump or cargo compressor and if the engine is stopped.


Amen :grimacing:

I thought that I would give the OP’s friends/whoever boss the benefit of the doubt but I was clearly delusional in thinking they were’nt tight…