No more trailer checks needed at Calais

Just been watching Breakfast tv, apparently there is no need to check your trailers in Calais any longer, there is now a new system for these ‘‘poor exploited asylum seekers’’ running away from plight, to settle in our country.
The French Border force boat crews are ignoring the rules to intercept them on their side, and send them back…, in fact they are now in essence escorting them over. :open_mouth:
Once they cross the ‘line’ to the English side they are using a loophole on maritime law that says they are to be ‘rescued out of distress’, so then the UK border patrols step in to ‘rescue them’ and essentially provide a taxi service into Dover to process them and no doubt provide them with a home… :laughing:
Also, no more makeshift home made or cheap inflatables for these guys, they are using proper dinghy with outboard motors,.all wearing proper life vests, all provided by the gangs that they are paying a couple of grand each to.
Don’t quote me, but was it 200 up to press in last 2 days)
Good old UK eh? couldn’t make it up.

So you can rest assured there will be very little clandestine stowaway action in your trailers for a while.

We have given two fingers to the French so why would they help us?

‘Taking back control of our borders’ wasn’t another lie Johnson used was it?

I guess at the end of the year it will all work out perfectly.

We have given two fingers to the French so why would they help us?

‘Taking back control of our borders’ wasn’t another lie Johnson used was it?

I guess at the end of the year it will all work out perfectly.

:smiley: Ok, so Johnston controls the French Border force does he. :smiley:
Ok I suppose it could be construed as a French re.action to British policy, and the fact they ain’t suited about Brexit, but you can hardly blame him directly for it, unless you favour a policy of appeasement as an alternative, to the French and the EU that is. :neutral_face:
Asylum should start in the first relatively safe country of entry, not a choice of the 6th or so,.and the French should police their borders.

I agree that a much harder line is needed on our side of the border, but the report said that it was a case of taking advantage of a loophole in maritime law and regs concerning rescue of ‘boats in distress’ (although I fail to understand it myself) that needs used pdq.

Asylum law doesn’t say an asylum seeker must stay in first safe country. Their are rules but they aren’t cut and dried.
Asylum laws are in force due to wider international law than just the EU ones.
Spain has more refugees in the first 3 months of 2019 than the UK had all of that year.
85% of refugees stay close to their home countries. Turkey, not a rich country, has over 3million refugees.

Have a look at this. :open_mouth:

Asylum law doesn’t say an asylum seeker must stay in first safe country. Their are rules but they aren’t cut and dried.
Asylum laws are in force due to wider international law than just the EU ones.
Spain has more refugees in the first 3 months of 2019 than the UK had all of that year.
85% of refugees stay close to their home countries. Turkey, not a rich country, has over 3million refugees.

Ok fair enough, but the point I was making is if these male ‘refugees’ (all of fighting age :unamused: ) who are hell bent on entering the UK, were in fact refugees from an oppressed state, the first relatively safe country that they entered would fulfill their reason for leaving, but we all know of the real agendas ranging from economic, to crime and terrorist reasons…well the less gullible among us do anyway.


We have given two fingers to the French so why would they help us?

‘Taking back control of our borders’ wasn’t another lie Johnson used was it?

I guess at the end of the year it will all work out perfectly.

:smiley: Ok, so Johnston controls the French Border force does he. :smiley:
Ok I suppose it could be construed as a French re.action to British policy, and the fact they ain’t suited about Brexit, but you can hardly blame him directly for it, unless you favour a policy of appeasement as an alternative, to the French and the EU that is. :neutral_face:
Asylum should start in the first relatively safe country of entry, not a choice of the 6th or so,.and the French should police their borders.

I agree that a much harder line is needed on our side of the border, but the report said that it was a case of taking advantage of a loophole in maritime law and regs concerning rescue of ‘boats in distress’ (although I fail to understand it myself) that needs used pdq.

I don’t blame him for the French border force, but I do blame the people who said we would control our borders, when the Maritime ‘loophole’ means we couldn’t.

makes you sick…

from the horses mouth here

the list of examples are endless.

The present govt nor any of the other identikit parties have any intention of stopping the invasion, far from it they are actualy providing a water taxi service, at one time people would be executed for treason to the state.

It’s just another part of the divide and rule plans as they turn not just this country, but the entire west, into a globally governed superstate.
Brexit was never supposed to happen, and be assured it aint over yet by any means, they are quite capable of surrendering on our behalf, and until they are forced to do something they want as many military age stateless potential useful idiots/mercenaries as possible to do their dirty work without question or hesitation.

The only fly in the globalists ointment is one Donald Trump, that’s what Russiagate and Ukraingate were all about so desperate were those who own the world plus the vast majority of politicians to get rid of the Donald, if he doesn’t get re-elected in Nov the west is lost, it isn’t Joe Biden who’s the one to worry about its which potential vice pres superceeds him when he might have to retire through ill health after a few months, and then who becomes the new President’s side kick with the clout, the Clintons?
We will know in November whether there is a hope of a worthwhile future for the civilised world.


We will know in November whether there is a hope of a worthwhile future for the civilised world.

Is November…

The month they prove the world is flat then?

Jeez, what a complete misery you are sometimes.

I’m gonna guess you were hiding in your cellar when the 1999 new year came in right?

You are a conspsiracy theorists ■■■■■■■■■.

So there were 200? A whole 200 or just nearly 200? Either way it pales into insignificance to the 3 million from Hong Kong the government have said are free to come to the UK and live and work right now since they ended the agreement with the Chinese government over HK.

So there were 200? A whole 200 or just nearly 200? Either way it pales into insignificance to the 3 million from Hong Kong the government have said are free to come to the UK and live and work right now since they ended the agreement with the Chinese government over HK.

educated, liberal, westernised, great work mentality…they would do this country the world of good.


So there were 200? A whole 200 or just nearly 200? Either way it pales into insignificance to the 3 million from Hong Kong the government have said are free to come to the UK and live and work right now since they ended the agreement with the Chinese government over HK.

educated, liberal, westernised, great work mentality…they would do this country the world of good.

Agreed, more likely than not an imported asset in the majority.
Given the choice… let them in I say, a better option than the hostile freeloading murdering ■■■■■■ human scum in the majority that we are letting in now.


Good find Robroy


So there were 200? A whole 200 or just nearly 200? Either way it pales into insignificance to the 3 million from Hong Kong the government have said are free to come to the UK and live and work right now since they ended the agreement with the Chinese government over HK.

educated, liberal, westernised, great work mentality…they would do this country the world of good.

I’d say the same thing about East Europeans. Educated, liberal, westernised, great work mentallity and here legally.

Funny thing is, they don’t seem to be very popular on this forum do they

I blame Churchill, we should have let the Nazis keep France.

I blame Churchill, we should have let the Nazis keep France.

id adolf had won then we would be speaking german,but we wouldnt be under invasion from the great unwashed as now.

Why do people persist in calling them “asylum seekers” ?
They are frecin illegal immigrants.