Pesky Lorry Drivers !
They want the business but not the Dirty Noisy Wagons that go with it.
How’s the Fish n Chip Shop gonna get its supplies ? (Teleporter ?)
Typical of Nimbyis in the UK.
This is an international busines port and road haulage is associated with that.
A working man has every right to buy fish and chips,it is always the same song from the same hymn sheet of woken up by thundering lorries shaking their house down.
Most of the moaners are on benefits.
Get out of bed and find a job.
I live on a main road and dont get shaken out of bed by juggernauts.
Engish ignorance .
Sgt Street said: “The directors of the haulage companies have been very positive and some have taken action to drastically improve the lorry situation.
“We have elminated the problem of lorries coming into the area to pick up invoices, and we now need to eliminate them coming to the seafront for fish and chips and educate them about parking at night.
Simple solution …Safe Secure Correctly priced PARKING
Boils my pish these Nimbies, why dont have ports have dedicated Lgv parking, with showers, good food, secure parking, then everyone is happy.
If Felixstowe, Southampton, Hull, Tilbury, London Gateway, Middlesbrough and Bristol
All have new truckstops.Away from residential areas so we dont wake up a single Mum with eleven kids taking in fifty grand a year on benefits because she has depression and dyslexia.
It seems Rotterdam port has gone anti lorry,due to Truckers Tizer and ■■■ bags tossed around there by drivers on weekly or daily rest periods.
I did like the comment at the bottom of the page. I invented some new words to describe the commenter!
I left a comment. I suggest others do as well.
Nimbies " ooh it’d be better by freight train!
" aye magic wands to jump on the shelves too!
The lack of truckstops in Felixstowe or the surrounding area has nothing to do with the locals being anti trucks. I don’t remember one ever being at the planning stage. it’s down the the port authority and the land owners trinity collage iirc who don’t want the responsibility of what happens to the truck once loaded . The value of the land around the docks is at a point where a truckstop will be unviable. if it was about not wanting trucks in the area and the locals moaning why don’t they oppose the O license applications . I don’t think its really drivers going to the chippy either if the agents that are popping up down Carr road did thier jobs properly and putting the shipping notes in the booking offices trucks will not have the need to go down there as there ain’t no chippys down that part . Do the still have the canteens on trinity ,Dooley and langaurd or what ever they are called now
arriving mostly between 3am and 4am
and what chippies are open at that time of day?
To be fair I wouldn’t want truck rumbling around my house at 3 in the morning.
Same old problem though. Nowhere to park up, no services available to the drivers.
Stupid and blinkered for an area who’s economy relies heavily on haulage.
So you end up with trucks at 3am plodding up and down residential streets looking to park up, with their driver searching for food and somewhere to take a dump.
Ah people. They always love a good old whine and winge some folk. The middle classes are the worse. Too much to say about everything and minding everyone else’s beeswax (cant beat a good sweeping statement). Not all, but the squeaky wheels. If this is all you have to whine about in life you’re doing alright.
There’s been a water outage in some parts of NI due a strike. It was in the news. Cue lots of middle class Mums with sad upside down smile faces talking about “oh the hardship”. Fair enough mention it but don’t bum it up. I want to drag them by their bloody necks to down town Dhaka, then they’ll know what hardship is as a parent and what it is to have something to really bloody worry about.
had a chuckle at the copper’s name trying to sort it out ‘Sgt Street’
i live on sea road, the seafront road and have seen perhaps just 2 or 3 artics in the last few years on this road in the daytime and never woken by any
Action is being taken to stop problems with “lost” lorries clogging up parts of Felixstowe seafront
clogging up - At 1st, I read that as dogging up
same old story
everybody hates lorry’s because they’ve never felt the hardship of empty shelves,that’s whats needed,everythings taken for granted.
Park up every lorry for two weeks, make the moaners go and get their own stuff, using rental vans ,horse and carts or a wheel barrow.
They would have something to complain about, pushing a wheel barrow down the hard shoulder on the motorway, with five garage doors in gale force winds.
Park up every lorry for two weeks, make the moaners go and get their own stuff, using rental vans ,horse and carts or a wheel barrow.
They would have something to complain about, pushing a wheel barrow down the hard shoulder on the motorway, with five garage doors in gale force winds.
That wouldn’t solve anything. What there needs to be is legislation forcing the ports to provide parking. And perhaps some form of tax breaks enabling land owners on the A14 to build and operate lorry parks effectively.
Or investment in the rail network to run the containers to hubs and then transfer to trucks locally.
A mix of all the above would work best. But as usual there is no joined up thinking, just local cures that move the problem elsewhere.
Park up every lorry for two weeks, make the moaners go and get their own stuff, using rental vans ,horse and carts or a wheel barrow.
They would have something to complain about, pushing a wheel barrow down the hard shoulder on the motorway, with five garage doors in gale force winds.
If you need 5 garage doors then you are unlikely to live near a road accessible to wagons. Probably likely to live in a country mansion down a long drive. Therefore you wouldn’t even know what a wagon is, let alone complain.
As usual I think ignorance is the driving force behind the NIMBYs
As corij said there are only ever one or two trucks down on the sea front but the bigger problem is the lack of decent truck parking for anyone in or around Felixstowe - excluding Orwell Truck Stop - which is a whole other thread in itself!
Seeing as the local council/district council ought to be responsible then why don’t we collectively do something about it - would an e-petition work or do we just continue to chew the cud and disagree with the ignorant NIMBYs
Can you/we be bothered to try and do something to make things better for drivers?