"Night Pay" Fraud - Be Aware

People need to be made aware of just how vulnerable their bank balances are to being looted at any time…

Fuel Station Forecourts - are the new Fraudster’s stomping grounds for this very-easy-to-do systemic crime that targets anyone and everyone that uses a plastic card of any description to pay for their fuel at a “Night Till” on any forecourt, not blaming any one brand in particular here.

I’ve often been worried when using a card - that the place I’m currently using it could be harvesting my card details, including the number on the back - and then pounce weeks or months later to put a transaction through that I didn’t make that empties my account! I’ve already heard of such things going on using petrol station staff as “mules” - especially the nighttime staff, who are unsupervised, and can easily make notes of card numbers and security number when taking customers payments on the “Night Till” where you don’t get to go inside the shop…

All a perp needs to do is rig up a dashcam on a cable that films cards being handed through the window slot to be put into the machine that then gets passed back to the customer… All this, pin number being typed in, card number, security number on the back - has then been filmed without the customer being aware.

The camera can be under the lip of the pay window, which the customer cannot ever get to see, as they don’t get to go into the shop at night as the door is locked for so-called “Staff Security”.
I can’t say I’ve ever heard of some unarmed criminals robbing an open-shop forecourt at night though? If they are armed of course, having a night pay facility don’t make much difference if you’re having a sawn-off shoved up against the non-bullet-proof perspex of the night pay till - right? So why then exactly do we have or even need “Night Pay”?

The data captured by the clandestine camera can then be reviewed, and used to make “clone” cards at the gang’s leisure. There is scant supervision on the forecourt night tills - especially when the job is left to a lone minimum-waged young male who looks like they’ve just got off the back of a lorry! Women don’t want such work on their own on night shift - and who can blame them? There perhaps was once an argument that “Doors are locked at night to protect the female staff on their own”. Doesn’t hold much water that argument though does it? - Seen any “vulnerable” looking women serving on their own at night of late?

I reckon forecourts should keep the shop open 24/7 - or don’t bother opening at night at all if you can’t get the right staff! It’s high time something was done about “Night Pay”, and the risk it represents to our banking and business establishment - let alone us poor drivers trying to fill up either our trucks or our own cars on the way home in the wee hours! :frowning:

Most of us our noddles where we shop, if we have to use the type of premises where this and other scams are a possible then cash only which alleviates the risk.

Couple of filling stations round here got caught doing this a few years back,I only ever use Tesco self serve now and always use the bank card with only a couple of hundred in that account I don’t even carry a card with me for the account where 99% of my money is kept.

Couple of filling stations round here got caught doing this a few years back,I only ever use Tesco self serve now and always use the bank card with only a couple of hundred in that account I don’t even carry a card with me for the account where 99% of my money is kept.

^^^^ This , same applies to online shopping , separate account with no overdraft, just top it up to cover expected expenditure ( Mrs Teatime take note :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: )

Wow there’s a whole load of tin foil bollox in that post.

They cannot clone your card with the card number and the 3 digit code off the back. They could at worst make a magstrip card but as retailers use chip and pin then they couldn’t use the card in a card machine. If they tried to buy goods online then it may be possible for low amounts but payments would likely be rejected because they didn’t have the correct card holder address and for more expensive things they’re not going to have the password or date of birth which are both needed in order to pass the “Verify by Visa” etc authentication.

Given the fact the retailers make next to nothing on night hours the solution for them would be simple, close on a night.

My wife presented me with a metal credit/debit card holder recently to put all your cards in - like a clamshell thingy.

She’d heard somewhere that perps can scan your cards as you carry them around like in a wallet for example.

I must say I’ve never really figured this out but these holders are out there for people to use.

I utilise a very simple technique to protect myself from these fraudsters; the moment money goes into my account I immediately withdraw it and spend it on hookers, drugs and booze! No way these lowlives are getting one over on me, no Siree.

Cash is the answer.

Cash is the answer.

Or apple/android pay.

If £cash is the answer . . . What happens when I get mugged for my £cash on the way to pay the parking?

Never use a place that has a night window if they can’t be bothered to open why should I be bothered to use them, a classic example is the shell at the Moss would have had people using it all night then it went night hatch, takings have dropped dramatically yet they still have to employ a guy to work there all night.

easy solution, i ONLY carry my creditcard. it might have a £15k limit for someone to ‘steal’ but if a transaction appears that i dont recognise, two button clicks in online banking and the card is cancelled and replaced and the transaction removed from my bill.

the maoster:
I utilise a very simple technique to protect myself from these fraudsters; the moment money goes into my account I immediately withdraw it and spend it on hookers, drugs and booze! No way these lowlives are getting one over on me, no Siree.

maoster, the forum financial advisor… :grimacing:

My wife presented me with a metal credit/debit card holder recently to put all your cards in - like a clamshell thingy.

She’d heard somewhere that perps can scan your cards as you carry them around like in a wallet for example.

I must say I’ve never really figured this out but these holders are out there for people to use.

They use an android phone such as the Samsung galaxy with the S-beam feature (or any other android phone with similar features), which enables RFID data transfer at close range, a feature originally intended for users to swop photos etc when they touched phones, the phone has been hacked and an app called NFCproxy added sourceforge.net/projects/nfcproxy/. This then enables the phone to become a contactless card reader at close quarters, so someone holding the phone could walk next to you and collect the data from the card via the chip inc the cvv number, the app can then be switched to it’s other mode and become a transmitter enabling the user to use the data at a contactless terminal as an apple/android pay device. So you could be stood at the bar at Wetherspoon’s and the bloke next to you could scan you wallet as they brush past you, and pay for their order with your money. :open_mouth:
It takes 5-10 mins with the phone connected to a laptop to get this app working

Now all I have to do now is get near the transport managers wallet and save me paying out of my own wallet for parking the wagon in the Services


My wife presented me with a metal credit/debit card holder recently to put all your cards in - like a clamshell thingy.

She’d heard somewhere that perps can scan your cards as you carry them around like in a wallet for example.

I must say I’ve never really figured this out but these holders are out there for people to use.

They use an android phone such as the Samsung galaxy with the S-beam feature (or any other android phone with similar features), which enables RFID data transfer at close range, a feature originally intended for users to swop photos etc when they touched phones, the phone has been hacked and an app called NFCproxy added sourceforge.net/projects/nfcproxy/. This then enables the phone to become a contactless card reader at close quarters, so someone holding the phone could walk next to you and collect the data from the card via the chip inc the cvv number, the app can then be switched to it’s other mode and become a transmitter enabling the user to use the data at a contactless terminal as an apple/android pay device. So you could be stood at the bar at Wetherspoon’s and the bloke next to you could scan you wallet as they brush past you, and pay for their order with your money. :open_mouth:
It takes 5-10 mins with the phone connected to a laptop to get this app working

Now all I have to do now is get near the transport managers wallet and save me paying out of my own wallet for parking the wagon in the Services

Can’t see how that would work on apple pay, even putting the same card back on the same iphone after resseting it required a 6 digit pin from the bank via a text message to reregister the card to the iphone, I don’t know, but would imagine anroid pay would have the same security.

Your phone must…

Be unlocked to utilise the Android pay feature.

Anyone who doesn’t lock their phone is a mug.

i know nuffink about iphones

Can’t see how that would work on apple pay, even putting the same card back on the same iphone after resseting it required a 6 digit pin from the bank via a text message to reregister the card to the iphone, I don’t know, but would imagine anroid pay would have the same security.

You cant load the app onto apple devices only android
Have a look at a few YouTube videos of how nfcproxy works.
It’s was devised by a hacker who turned security expert to show the vulnerabilities of contactless payments


My wife presented me with a metal credit/debit card holder recently to put all your cards in - like a clamshell thingy.

She’d heard somewhere that perps can scan your cards as you carry them around like in a wallet for example.

I must say I’ve never really figured this out but these holders are out there for people to use.

They use an android phone such as the Samsung galaxy with the S-beam feature (or any other android phone with similar features), which enables RFID data transfer at close range, a feature originally intended for users to swop photos etc when they touched phones, the phone has been hacked and an app called NFCproxy added sourceforge.net/projects/nfcproxy/. This then enables the phone to become a contactless card reader at close quarters, so someone holding the phone could walk next to you and collect the data from the card via the chip inc the cvv number, the app can then be switched to it’s other mode and become a transmitter enabling the user to use the data at a contactless terminal as an apple/android pay device. So you could be stood at the bar at Wetherspoon’s and the bloke next to you could scan you wallet as they brush past you, and pay for their order with your money. :open_mouth:
It takes 5-10 mins with the phone connected to a laptop to get this app working

Now all I have to do now is get near the transport managers wallet and save me paying out of my own wallet for parking the wagon in the Services

Many thanks for that Peirre - I’d best get cracking and start using it. :blush:

You can get a surprise filling up in France and Spain.Your bank will be debited with the maximum amount that the fuel point can deliver firstly.Then a day or twp later you will be credited with what you actually fuelled deducted from the first amount.Never known this in the UK.

So if my card is cloned . . . Am I going to lose all my money?