Due to the fact that virtually every high bridge on main roads in Scotland is shut to high vehicles at the moment and has been for a few days would it not have made more sense to have a tunnel under the Forth instead of this new bridge. Eddie.
The bridge is cheaper to build than a tunnel apparently. Well so I read I think every lorry driver has thought the same erf guy. Forth road bridge is shut more than its open nowadays.
Even the clack bridge which is quite low slung is regulary being closed to high siders, little old Kincardine is certainly earning it’s keep!
Agree, it would of cost half the price of the new bridge according to the reports.
How about just putting sides on the bridges to deflect the wind ?
How about just putting sides on the bridges to deflect the wind ?
Then you’d have bridges being blown around so much they’d probably be closed more than they are now.
Various options for the crossing, including a different types of tunnel, were considered at the early stages of the design process.
Tunnels can be more expensive to build, and certainly cost more to operate and maintain, eg need to be constantly staffed and monitored. There would also be more restrictions vehicles that can use a long tunnel, such as dangerous goods.
In any case, the new bridge will have wind deflection barriers, similar to those on the Second Severn Crossing, which should reduce the number of closures due to high winds.
The “new” seven bridge has never been shut because of high winds-it has a sort of fence its not rocket science.
maybe the thought of nuclear subs travelling over a road tunnel wasnt very appealing
In the late 50s and 60s there was much debate about having a tunnel instead of the present road bridge.At the time Fife and Lothian had loads of coal miners who could have done the tunnel work .I suppose that the brown envelopes won the day.
The “new” seven bridge has never been shut because of high winds-it has a sort of fence its not rocket science.
Are you sure it’s never been shut
How about just putting sides on the bridges to deflect the wind ?Then you’d have bridges being blown around so much they’d probably be closed more than they are now.
Millau is never closed as it has wind deflectors ?
How about just putting sides on the bridges to deflect the wind ?Then you’d have bridges being blown around so much they’d probably be closed more than they are now.
I don’t know. The old Severn crossing is closed to high-sided on a regular basis, the second Severn crossing is rarely closed. That said the span of the old bridge seems much longer than the mid span of the second.
Due to the fact that virtually every high bridge on main roads in Scotland is shut to high vehicles at the moment and has been for a few days would it not have made more sense to have a tunnel under the Forth instead of this new bridge. Eddie.
It was open Tuesday morning at 6.30…I used it!
Although tunnels might seem a good option on a windy day, they do have disadvantages, restrictions for vehicle carrying dangerous goods, risk of fire in the tunnel, dealing with incidents in the tunnel.
They have found ways of reducing the effects of wind on modern bridges which reduces the days they are closed to high sided vehicles, but they can’t be easily retro fitted to older bridges Look at the difference in how many times the 2 Severn bridges are closed, the Mileau bridge also has deflectors I don’t believe that gets closed on a regular bases if ever due to high winds
It’s the Friarton bridge that scares me the most, I avoid it like the plague during high winds
Perhaps there are geological reasons not to build a tunnel?
It’s the Friarton bridge that scares me the most, I avoid it like the plague during high winds
I drove over that on Monday with the winds we had then. All the muppet car drivers decided they wanted to go ovr it as slow as possible. ■■■■ that, get me off of it as quickly as possible ! On the way back there was about 6" of snow on it too. Couldn’t see ■■■■
It’s the Friarton bridge that scares me the most, I avoid it like the plague during high winds
Horrid Bridge!
Which one is Friarton? Is that the one at Perth? If so, I can see why it aint popular.
That’s the one