Everyone seems to be taking large volumes of the fairly new Volvo range of trucks , even operators of Scania , DAF , MAN , etc seem to switching to Volvo , why is this ,are they that good , or is it the package that the operator receives , or what is it ? .
Must be going cheap, they are way overrated anyway, nice trucks though…
Apparently they are really good on fuel and I assume the deals they are doing are good. You’re right, now I think about it they do seem to be the most popular new truck around at the moment. They are lovely machines and the interior is fantastic
Having driven volvos for the last 20yrs,ive recently changed jobs and now drive a scania its like going back in time 10 yrs-volvo are far far better in every way.
Sure there is a deal done to take it in turns, last couple of years the country was awash with MAN, prior to that it was Merc and now Volvo.
In “general” the new Volvo and Merc are neck a neck on MPG the only difference is the more aggressive pricing and R+M offered by Volvo is better than Merc.
Even Huntapac have got one, and Warren and Bill would never buy a Volvo due to Bill having a crap Volvo car once.
Must be going cheap, they are way overrated anyway, nice trucks though…
Not as over rated as Scania’s are, Been a toss up between which I have driven the most in my career, far in a way like the Volvo better…And yes I do now drive a new one, so maybe biased but I wouldn’t say they are a move forward from the classic, only in space.
They have been on the road a while now and I still think they are dog ugly. If it’s a grower it must be going to take a long bloody time. The diagonal lines, that cut back where a side cab window would be and the plastic under the screen are hideous.
Is it just a cyclic thing? When the ‘new’ Actros came out, they started appearing everywhere. Contract hire rates? Are Volvo ‘assisting’ their market share?
I’ve got a new shape Volvo, ugly on the outside, a different class on the inside! But, I’ve been lucky with mine, some on our fleet and other drivers I’ve spoken to have all complained about water leaking in to the cab, windows not closing properly and batteries going down in under 12 months! All teething problems for the new model I know, but you’d have thought they’d have sorted this before the launch!
In “general” the new Volvo and Merc are neck a neck on MPG
Kind of disagree there as we did have a mixed fleet of new Actros and new Volvo and I think all the Mercs were returning better MPG’s than all the Volvo’s, we only got rid of the Volvo’s to go to an all Merc fleet as Volvo Avonmouth were not giving us particularly good service and City West Merc were.
But that said give me a Volvo any day I was gutted when they went.
Now I’m a day driver im not overly fussed, never done nights away in anything better then a Volvo though. Never had one till my last job and for 12 months spent all week and some weekends in a Volvo fh and was never uncomfortable. They’re the only motor I’ve never had a back ache in to. New place has new ones but the small ones with a hump in. Comfy drive great of fuel and nice bed for the odd unplanned night out when traffic dictates.
Also couldn’t give a flying ■■■■ what the outside looks like it’s a job to me nothing else, each to their own mind. I do care about the inside of tramping but I don’t care if anyone thinks I’m driving a shed or some bling, boooooring
the company I drive for have changed to 450fms lots of them ,electric handbrake terrible why would you. very economical and comfy to drive radios rubbish tho.
Theres 2 FH4 in our yard theyve had a few problems with them going in to limp mode and theyve both had new batteries and theyre just coming up for a year old
Punchards have had to replace the batteries on 3 of their new Volvo’s already. I’ve got a 61 reg, had new batteries at 18 months old.
I’ve got a new shape Volvo, ugly on the outside, a different class on the inside! But, I’ve been lucky with mine, some on our fleet and other drivers I’ve spoken to have all complained about water leaking in to the cab, windows not closing properly and batteries going down in under 12 months! All teething problems for the new model I know, but you’d have thought they’d have sorted this before the launch!
Funny you say this, of the ones we have two have window problems and two including mine have battery troubles after just over 12 months… not good.
steve 63:
the company I drive for have changed to 450fms lots of them ,electric handbrake terrible why would you. very economical and comfy to drive radios rubbish tho.
Agree totally with this - the electric park brake is a stupid idea, and the Radio is rubbish - Why put the knobs the wrong way round■■?
127 of them just been put on the fleet & they reckon they are juicier than the Scania’s
Very pretty inside - but not so practical - What’s with the Interior light that fades up - then fades out ■■
13 plate Emersons have have had problems with the adblue & the air tanks on the back catching on some weighbridges.
Electronic handbrake the best thing ever, you rarely have to touch it! Just turn the engine off and it comes on, put it in gear and away you go, whats not to like?
tango boy:
13 plate Emersons have have had problems with the adblue & the air tanks on the back catching on some weighbridges.
Nice to see Volvo haven’t sorted the Adblue problems out, I’m on nox sensor no5 in just over 3 years. Not saying it’s been unreliable, but, I’ve got Volvo action line down as a magic number on my phone!