New driver

Hi all, first post on this forum so please go easy… I’ve had my class 1 licence for over 18 months and STILL struggling to find a permanent job. I’ve had lots of driving assessments (and passed most) but then get a phone call couple of days later to say sorry we need someone with more experience. I’ve also been badly let down by most driving agencies out there. Luckily I have another full time job (retail/warehousing) but deep down all I want to do is become a Hgv driver. I’ve had my car licence for 16yrs and am generally a good driver (I’m only 35 :smiley:). Any opinions and advice is greatly appreciated.

What area would help

West Yorkshire, Bradford to be specific

West Yorkshire, Bradford to be specific

There’s loads around that area to try, but it depends what you want days/nights/tramping,
Shipley Transport
Could try Marks and Sparks
If you didn’t mind travelling a bit there’s XPO at Normanton or Asda, Viamaster at Whitwood,

Apart from viamaster I’ve tried them all mate. Did an assessment with Asda, failed it on reverse because I took extra couple of shunts just to be sure and he said I didn’t need them. Waited for 6 months for another and failed me again for being too cautious on a roundabout

How far you willing to travel and what work you looking for ?

There are jobs available for new passes on class 1. I started looking 1mth ago for a class 1 after changes at my last place meant I wanted out of of my class 2 job and in that month I had 4 FT roles offered and only class 1 driving I’d done prior to interviews was assessments for jobs no real actual driving.

So there’s still jobs there, same firms are advertising.

What type of work are you after? Hours willing to work ?

What’s been said at interview ? The more experience line sounds like a polite way out so how did the interview feel?

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After all those failed interviews/assessments, it may be the job isn’t for you?

Apart from viamaster I’ve tried them all mate. Did an assessment with Asda, failed it on reverse because I took extra couple of shunts just to be sure and he said I didn’t need them. Waited for 6 months for another and failed me again for being too cautious on a roundabout

Only bloody supermarket assessor alive that prefers billy whizz :unamused: , my Asda assessment for agency green card couldn’t have been more different.

I’ve been as further afield as sherburn (stobarts) which is about 40 miles one way so I am willing to travel a fair bit just to get experience

If I’m honest interviews always go well I get a positive vibe apart from one where I was blatantly told my face just wouldn’t fit in. I could not believe it. But I am flexible to any work barring tramping.

Grumpy Dad:

West Yorkshire, Bradford to be specific

There’s loads around that area to try, but it depends what you want days/nights/tramping,
Shipley Transport
Could try Marks and Sparks
If you didn’t mind travelling a bit there’s XPO at Normanton or Asda, Viamaster at Whitwood,

I was speaking to a lad not too long ago from Shipley Transport Services.

Very poor pay indeed, avoid :neutral_face:

What happened at Stobarts at Sherburn ?

Darkside… I wouldn’t know if the job is for me or not as I’ve not actually had one yet? I can’t knock it without trying first. But I speak to a lot of drivers (in my warehouse job) and almost everyone of them has said I would struggle for first 2 years, so I am hopeful.


Grumpy Dad:

West Yorkshire, Bradford to be specific

There’s loads around that area to try, but it depends what you want days/nights/tramping,
Shipley Transport
Could try Marks and Sparks
If you didn’t mind travelling a bit there’s XPO at Normanton or Asda, Viamaster at Whitwood,

I was speaking to a lad not too long ago from Shipley Transport Services.

Very poor pay indeed, avoid :neutral_face:

He already tried them, which is what I was getting at. There is a wide variety of operators in his list that turned him down. I don’t think it’s the job for him, and I think the assessors are of the same opinion.

^^^ I made the post about STS for EVERYONE’s benefit.

Every time I hear about a crap payer, I make sure it’s posted on here.

Have you tried logistics people, its another way of getting in at Stobarts ?

^^^ I made the post about STS for EVERYONE’s benefit.

Every time I hear about a crap payer, I make sure it’s posted on here.

You are coming up to 7000 posts you sure you have posted all of them.

I am sure there are more than 7000 crap payers with operators licences…

Agencies are desperate for drivers so find it hard to believe one of them wouldn’t of took you on.

Either you are not willing to do class 2 work. Which you should do if you don’t have class 1 experience or your only interested in work that fits round your current one which will put most agencies off.

Age wise you are in the goldilocks zone. Not too old and not too young.

Just to clarify I’ve only actually failed assessment with Asda, passed the rest with flying colours. Most common thing I keep getting told is the insurance companies won’t accept drivers with less than 2 yrs (and a couple of places that made it obvious they weren’t gonna give me the job anyway) So since July this year I decided to sit on my licence till next June when my 2 years are up and then start looking again. I must have spent the a fortune on fuel traveling to and from all depots for assessments and interviews, not to mention time.