Never seen one alive!

BADGERS, I’m just wondering has anyone ever seen one alive I’ve worked nights and days and never seen one,except the dead ones of course. I’m currently doing 3am starts and still no joy. :confused: I know it’s a bit random just thought I would ask.

Seen one, and only one !!!

Not bad in probably 15 years worth of night driving lol

There was 1 in our yard at Rugby one morning about 0400. I ■■■■ myself. They’re massive! :open_mouth:

about 2 a month usually throwing themselves infront of my car, you realy dont want to hit one :open_mouth:

hi, me neither, in over 25 years of night driving. cheers diesel

Usually about once a fortnight with working nights in very rural area, managed to hit one with the works transit that powerdised a front spring too!

If I could catch and shoot the two that come into my garden
and dig up my lawn every night I would be a happy person .

My next door neighbour caught her foot in a hole dug by
a badger in her lawn , fell and broke her arm in two
places and dislocated her sholulder .

Poxy things .


How’d she break her arm in two places…Is she normally this clumsy?

Saw 1 In the back garden once a few years back

Tripped in the hole it had dug . Not a clumsy person at all.

Get one through the garden most nights, it also rips the neighbours bin bag open to get at the cat food tins. A lot of the ‘assumed dead’ Badgers are just stunned, it takes a heck of a bump to kill one outright with a car, though they probably get killed when flattened by the 44 tonner following it! :slight_smile:


There was 1 in our yard at Rugby one morning about 0400. I [zb] myself. They’re massive! :open_mouth:

and powerful. There not scared of anything, and i still think to this day badgers take on moving traffic thinking they would win :smiley:

i got one living under my garden shed, its been there for about 3 months now, it doing a great job keeping the cats off my grass so it can stay as long as it wants. after it goes i’m gonna move the shed and concrete the set so it cant come back

I own a few acres of woodland & have my very own Badger sett :smiley:

Jealously & fiercely guarded by myself, my family + a few other gun & dog type locals & yes, it has come to fisticuffs & shotgun discharges in the past.

It’s an ancient wood just within the boundaries of the parkland of a ruined Norman Castle. Excellent for wild mushrooms & my Grandad told me the ring necked doves are directly descended from the Castles Dovecote.

My village is slowly being invaded by Cockney types selling their pokey little flats for £millions & moving up here & living in luxury for a fraction. A few years ago one came bursting into the local breathlessly exclaiming he’d just seen an “escaped” Badger trundling down the lane :smiley:

I own a few acres of woodland & have my very own Badger sett :smiley:

Jealously & fiercely guarded by myself, my family + a few other gun & dog type locals & yes, it has come to fisticuffs & shotgun discharges in the past.

It’s an ancient wood just within the boundaries of the parkland of a ruined Norman Castle. Excellent for wild mushrooms & my Grandad told me the ring necked doves are directly descended from the Castles Dovecote.

My village is slowly being invaded by Cockney types selling their pokey little flats for £millions & moving up here & living in luxury for a fraction. A few years ago one came bursting into the local breathlessly exclaiming he’d just seen an “escaped” Badger trundling down the lane :smiley:


Saw quite a few over the years, but not the bugger which shot out in front off me back in feb. Gave him a glancing blow on the ■■■ in the car, £330 :blush: damage to bumper and when i came back with the lorry the little bugger got me back buy pushing over a tree and the road was shut,lol :smiley: .

PS we’ve also got deer not to bad but wildboar ask baztrucker one left a inprint in the side of his car :blush:

Yep saw one two years ago as it ran out in front of my car just as I hit it . Smashed my car up big time , had to get a recovery truck to get me home . The bloody thing disappeared , tough thing .

When I was about 4 or 5 my Grandad rescued one which had been hit by a car, he paid the vets to amputate a rear leg & kept it for years in an old stable.

It was happy for you to chuck food thru the door, but you wouldn’t want to actually get in there with it.

I believe that Badgers have no natural enemies in the animal world as they only really get angry when cornered by dogs and humans etc which is understandable I guess. If it wasnt for the TB issue then I suppose they could live in peace quite happily, something that we would all like to do given the chance! :sunglasses: Looks like the proposed cull has been postponed until at least next year as well.


Bournemouth is over run with urban badgers, I’ve seen them in the road outside my kitchen window before now.
Wallisdown Roundabout (the one with the BP on it) usually has a family of badgers sat on it in the early hours.