Never seen one alive!

Rumour has it most of the badgers seen dead on the road have been shot and dumped. No one’s going to notice a bullet hole when it’s head is spread flat by a truck.

Bournemouth is over run with urban badgers, I’ve seen them in the road outside my kitchen window before now.
Wallisdown Roundabout (the one with the BP on it) usually has a family of badgers sat on it in the early hours.

I laughed at the “urban badger” bit. I got a mental image of ■■■■■■ up badgers wearing their baseball caps backwards hanging about on street corners hassling pretty girls and pensioners! :smiley:


I saw one once in UK and several in Poland…

Saw one once on the perimeter road at the Toyota plant at Burnaston. Main beam lamps on the lorry picked out this unusually large shape in the darkness, which I eventually realised was a badger. I swear blind it squared up to the lorry - what a brute :exclamation: :smiley: Needless to say I eased off the gas until it decided (in it’s own time…) to toddle off.

Seen plenty of beaver in my time…


Seen plenty of beaver in my time…


Fnarr fnarr :smiley: :smiley:

See them fairly regular, not hit one yet tho.
Worst one i saw was coming thru the bridge at Monmouth, someone had just hit one and its insides were hanging out its arse.
Poor thing was trying to drag itself across the road. If i’d reacted quicker, i’d of run it over to finish it off.
Made me sad for a while. :frowning:

Rumour has it most of the badgers seen dead on the road have been shot and dumped. No one’s going to notice a bullet hole when it’s head is spread flat by a truck.

dead right its against the law to deal with troublesome badgers so land owners top the buggers then sling em in the road and then they become road kill victims,everyones a winner{excluding the badger}


Rumour has it most of the badgers seen dead on the road have been shot and dumped. No one’s going to notice a bullet hole when it’s head is spread flat by a truck.

dead right its against the law to deal with troublesome badgers so land owners top the buggers then sling em in the road and then they become road kill victims,everyones a winner{excluding the badger}

David Archer should have tried that :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

See them fairly regular, not hit one yet tho.
Worst one i saw was coming thru the bridge at Monmouth, someone had just hit one and its insides were hanging out its arse.
Poor thing was trying to drag itself across the road. If i’d reacted quicker, i’d of run it over to finish it off.
Made me sad for a while. :frowning:

Had exactly the same thing on A38 near Newton Abbot junction, I saw it in time and was able to run over it. I hate killing anything, so made me feel crap too.

A lot of the ones you see dead on the side of the road have been shot and thrown there to look like road kill,

A lot of the ones you see dead on the side of the road have been shot and thrown there to look like road kill,

Well… Nah, like shooting fish in a barrel.

Years ago an old girlfriend from New Zealand had never seen one before. Three nights on the trot on the way home from the pub she ran one over!