My Letter to Thurrock Council

Just thought I’d share it with you, I’m not expecting to get anywhere with it but sometimes it does good to let a stuffed shirt know what’s what! :wink: :wink: :wink:

Dear Sir or Madam,

I acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 20th December 2012 in which you reject my appeal against the enclosed parking ticket. Because I cannot afford to take time away from running my business I enclose a cheque for £35.

You state in your letter that restrictions are enforced due to congestion on Thurrock Park Way. This ticket was issued at 02:24 hours and it is ludicrous to suggest that there would be congestion in this area at this time of night: this is purely a revenue-raising exercise, and you reveal yourself as dishonest and corrupt in attempting to claim otherwise.

You and the person who skulked around in the middle of the night putting a ticket on my windscreen while I was servicing the industry on which Tilbury was built are one and the same. Public sector parasites who thieve from decent working people. My greatest wish for you in 2013 is that you are made redundant.

With best wishes of the season,

Harry Monk

Nice one. I particularly like the ending.

Love it Harry, but they’ll do what we all do, take the cheque and bin the letter :laughing:

I know you not so stupid to think it will actually get some positive response, but good to get it off your chest. :smiley:

Of course the people who deal things like parking have thicker skins than a Rhino, so it’ll have no affect on them even if they do read it. :frowning:

Send a copy of it to the local thurrock newspaper, if its a slow news week, they’ll print it and maybe ask the council for a comment.

blinding :grimacing:
i bet they havn’t got the balls to reply.
here we all are trying to abide by the laws, whilst not being provided with adequate parking by the local authorities.
the amount of industry, in and around thurrock, you think they’d make some kind of effort to help us all, as opposed to shafting us on a daily basis.
i like the local newspaper idea, wouldn’t hurt.

Send a copy of it to the local thurrock newspaper, if its a slow news week, they’ll print it and maybe ask the council for a comment.

+1 :smiley:

Hi Harry,
Since this is the Season of Goodwill , you should have enclosed a box of Paxo, a long-handled
u-shaped spoon and a mirror, and tell them to follow the instructions on the box. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I wish you luck with the letter, but sadly those jobsworths have no human understanding.

Cheers, and a better 2013, cattle wagon man.

As long as you’ve paid they’ll bin the letter more likely. They won, you’ve paid!

I wish there was a like button …Mr Monks post hits the spot. One result of your wishes that he gets the boot is actually more enforcement i share a yard with a company that installs ANPR camera for councils and I was chatting to one of their directors who was telling me as the councils are all in the mire financially then they are all buying/leasing cameras for enforcement one council is making £1.4m on enforcement having spent 250k on cameras… that is some return on investment!!!

Loving your work there. :stuck_out_tongue:

It reminds me of an anecdote 13 years ago when i worked the doors around Bradford, one particular wine bar i worked at was on the main drag in the town centre, one of the regular customers was Afzal Kahn the now famous supercar dealer, he would always arrive in his Ferrari accompanied by his brother in a Lambo, they would always park opposite the bar on double yellow lines, one saturday night at 2-3am a police van arrived and a number of officers jumped out with note books and proceeded to ticket all of the offending vehicles around 10 or so, i notified Afzal, so he calmly walked over to the officer to ask what the problem was, the officer said “You are too late i have issued the ticket !”, Afzal pulls out his wallet offers the policeman a crisp £50 note and said "Here you are officer keep the change and buy yourself a new tie on me " made my night that did, the look on the young PC’s face was a picture.

Harry, apart from the letter, write on the back of the cheque too. I’ve done this a couple of times and they’ve not been returned.
It’ll make the cheque processors smile too.
Agreed with going to the local rag too.

Nice one Harry , as previously pointed out a copy to the local rag would be well worth the effort .
Sort of related ish , in Regina at Xmas we have Mary Christmas , a young lady dressed as Santa who whilst being paid by the shopping malls spends her days feeding parking meters downtown , a small gesture that goes along way and also puts a smile on peoples faces , result happiness all around .

Send a copy of it to the local thurrock newspaper, if its a slow news week, they’ll print it and maybe ask the council for a comment.

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Get it done Harry. :wink:

H you have a wonderful way with words , does it work with women ?
Send a copy to local rag then move up to the nationals, I can see this letter in the Telegraph !
Also ring John Humphries on radio 4 he’ll love it !

flat to the mat:
Nice one Harry , as previously pointed out a copy to the local rag would be well worth the effort .
Sort of related ish , in Regina at Xmas we have Mary Christmas , a young lady dressed as Santa who whilst being paid by the shopping malls spends her days feeding parking meters downtown , a small gesture that goes along way and also puts a smile on peoples faces , result happiness all around .

Feeding meters is illegal over here. Be a great Christmas story to see Santa baby being carted off in handcuffs by the local plod.

Harry for PM.


nice one Harry. robbing gits :slight_smile:

i enjoyed that until the ‘i hope you are made redundant’ bit.

i got done by them at 23.55 one night parked outside the place i had to load in the morning, the nearest waring sign was nearly a mile away and it wasn’t clear to what are it was covering as far as i was concerned. i was in a dead end road with no yellow lines and cars parked all around me when i parked up (employee’s of the company i was loading at) but they didn’t say anything when they letf that i couldn’t park over night :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: