Hi all haven’t been on for a while but have been a busy boy in the mean time. Passed my class 1 on the 3rd of October carried on working for the same company I was already at so I was lucky enough to jump straight into an artic the Monday after passing my test on the Friday.
Anyway jump forwards a couple of months and I was speaking to my Dad and a tramping job became available at the place he works. So after a chat with the wife I decided to go for it better money that hopefully will turn into a better life for my little family.
I started with Turners running containers, week didn’t start of too well with incorrect CT certs and sorting out passes cancelled jobs and my truck spending all day in Keltruck due to the screwdriver who was in the seat before me thinking there is nothing wrong with driving a truck when every turn of the steering wheel a horrible screaming and grinding. So I call it in and they send me into Keltruck for power steering fluid a bit over kill I thought as I could easily top it up myself but good job it did go in as a leaking steering box was the problem truck was due a service as well so made sense to get it all done but resulted in me being home at half 12 and off the road.
Wednesday Thursday and Friday where much better days no issues up and down the road enjoyed my first week glad to be home tonight though I have got Felixstowe Monday not been in yet any tips for me?
If a bird so much as ■■■■■ in Ipswich, Felixstowe turns into a static model so take some good books and films to watch. Sounds like you’re enjoying it!
One thing you’ll learn about Turners is there is no cutting corners on maintenance and you’ll only be allowed to top up oil, water, screen wash, diesel and add blue anything else is the fitters job.
There not too bad to work for and they give new starters a chance where others wont.
One thing you’ll learn about Turners is there is no cutting corners on maintenance and you’ll only be allowed to top up oil, water, screen wash, diesel and add blue anything else is the fitters job.
There not too bad to work for and they give new starters a chance where others wont.
Felixstowe is a bit of a pain but I don’t go very often.
You can pick up a map from the Temporary Holding Area (THA) if you don’t know where you’re going.
I’ve lost mine but I just drive to the end, find my column and drive all the way down until I find my bay/space whatever you want to call it (unless you spot yours on a signpost of course).
Felixstowe cranes don’t move the box forward or backwards so if you’re not spot on you’ll have to shuffle a little. They’ll usually drop it down until it’s within a few inches and you can see it clearly. I usually pull it slightly past where I think it is then push it back.
Also, remember your job number as you’ll need it at the out gate with a loaded box. You’ll get the hang of it
docks are reasonably simple, keep well clear of the cranes/carriers & don’t make the same mistake I did by driving under an unsuspecting gantry, I got a good shouting at through the loudspeakers!
When you’re used to docks they’re dead simple, all have their quirks, Felixstowe is most definitely the most complicated so all others should be simple in comparison
Hey Rowdy, glad to hear you enjoyed your first week tramping and working containers.
Hope you can keep giving us updates on how it’s going. Looking at getting into the container gig myself so any information you can provide regarding the day to day aspect of it would be grand.
Get yourself a ipad or similar so you can watch a film use Internet etc there can be long waits to tip also some shoe laces or bungee cords for box doors some don’t have anything to tie them open
I have got Felixstowe Monday not been in yet any tips for me?
That’s great mate, if your old man knows the ropes down there(suspect he will) keep him on speed dial, I’m not down there til Monday pm as I have Monday job on my back, but I’ll keep an eye out for you in the future.
If you find yourself lost and confused, just ask the nearest inmate, most us are more than happy to help
Most important, keep to the 20mph, if you have got to get your RHIDES card Monday, ask for a terminal plan from the pass office
Don’t forget to check your box number is correct and scan your rhides card at the out gate. (this will make sense if you watch what other drivers do)
Also don’t worry about waiting at your peg even if the crane is behind you and hasn’t moved for a bit, he may be waiting for shunters never get impatient just sit there and wait.
Also on another thread I mentioned a secret signal, ignore this as I was makin it up…
Oh and don’t forget to check your twistlocks and most importantly of all take your time and dont panic.
If you need a temp pass from the police office use Gate 1 and then go over the first roundabout and its on the left.
If you need a temp pass from the police office use Gate 1 and then go over the first roundabout and its on the left.
But you must pass the police house, take next left into POE1 container park, also signed Pass Office hgv parking, drive between the stacks off empty boxes, and bear left, ahead you will see Pass Office parking. Coppers get mega grumpy if you stop in front off building
One thing you’ll learn about Turners is there is no cutting corners on maintenance and you’ll only be allowed to top up oil, water, screen wash, diesel and add blue anything else is the fitters job.
There not too bad to work for and they give new starters a chance where others wont.
Maybe you’ll learn a new language aswell
Or if all else fails he could get a job driving an old Merc with chavvy bling for near minimum wage on tippers…
My truck if you see it looking lost in a dock some where please point me in the right direction
Surprised you’re allowed a name plate, we face disciplinary action at our depot if we’re caught with them in the window.
I used to work for a company like that, so drivers put their name plates on the passenger seat in line with the window, so then the rule was changed to no driver adornments at all
Freight Dog:
If a bird so much as ■■■■■ in Ipswich, Felixstowe turns into a static model
I thought the birds in Ipswich were a bit more classy than to do that
A mate of mine went out with this bird on a first date and complained to me that she ■■■■■■ in his car, I said well it was maybe an accident, I mean they are just like us.
He said yeh, but she done it in a bottle and lit it
Some top advice on here for the op.
Felixstowe is huge, and seems very daunting at first but you’ll get the hang of it, and if you’re unsure just ask someone. The dockers there are really friendly
I always did what others mentioned, always pull just a tiny bit past your where your box is going to be, that way when the straddle brings it over to load it on you know you will always need to be shunting back a tiny bit. Always make sure you remember to undo your twistlocks going in, and to do them up on the way out at the in/out gates.
Also on your way out, at the exit gantries, make sure when you scan your rhides card TWICE, otherwise you will get to the police exit gate, and get sent back. There is a fair bit to learn there, and all the docks are slightly different but you’ll get the hang of it.
Might also be handy to have the following with you.
Spider bungees as mentioned, always great for securing crappy container doors open when backing onto loading bays etc.
A hammer and a small bit of scaffold tube or similar, great for opening and shuting the older and more stubborn of container doors and even twistlocks.
A can of WD40, just because.