Mucky jacket drivers

we had an agy driver in at our place this week and he turned up with a yellow hi vis jacket on and there was more greese on it than on my fifth wheel.
he then jumped in one of our units and drove out of yard in it i saw him on motorway and he still had it on, why? cabs have heaters…
next day lad come back and his unit was in a disgusting state,i cant belive that these guys have such a lack of respect for anothers work/living space and its contents…

did the driver complain to his employer about the mess, did the employer offer to clean the said mess, did the employer take photos of the said mess left behind and show them to the agency and tell them that they are gonna be billed for cleaning it up.

yorkshire terrier:
we had an agy driver in at our place this week and he turned up with a yellow hi vis jacket on and there was more greese on it than on my fifth wheel.
he then jumped in one of our units and drove out of yard in it i saw him on motorway and he still had it on, why? cabs have heaters…
next day lad come back and his unit was in a disgusting state,i cant belive that these guys have such a lack of respect for anothers work/living space and its contents…

dont think its just agency, we get decent uniform provided, but some drivers still seem to end up looking like tramps,no pride in there apperance .i mean how difficult can it be to wash,clean your teeth and put some deodrant on :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation:

did the driver complain to his employer about the mess, did the employer offer to clean the said mess, did the employer take photos of the said mess left behind and show them to the agency and tell them that they are gonna be billed for cleaning it up.

yes they phoned up and told the agengy and have told them they will be billed weather that happens is another thing


yorkshire terrier:
we had an agy driver in at our place this week and he turned up with a yellow hi vis jacket on and there was more greese on it than on my fifth wheel.
he then jumped in one of our units and drove out of yard in it i saw him on motorway and he still had it on, why? cabs have heaters…
next day lad come back and his unit was in a disgusting state,i cant belive that these guys have such a lack of respect for anothers work/living space and its contents…

dont think its just agency, we get decent uniform provided, but some drivers still seem to end up looking like tramps,no pride in there apperance .i mean how difficult can it be to wash,clean your teeth and put some deodrant on :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation:

i agree we have a lad who never washes and stinks i just think if something is left clean and tidy it should be left that way

i never wash my hi viz jacket during the winter months but i only use it for trailer changes when its cold or raining/snowing and it comes off as soon as im in the cab.

once it warms up it gets a wash and rarely used.

as for having pride in myself well you wouldnt think it fromt he beard but i do lol i just hate shaving everyday

I’ve seen a character similar to the one mentioned, he had a 4 series topline & it had never had a cloth over the dash, the windows were never cleaned & it only got washed on the outside when it rained, the bloke looked like he had been working on an oil rig (as a drilling pipe) back at the yard he took all his work clothes off, put on a clean tracksuit & trainers, put his work clothes in the boot of his car & went home, WTF? He obviously had standards, his car was immaculate, he just never gave a toss about the lorry he was given to drive :unamused:

I was working for an agency a few years back,in the canteen waiting for a unit.
One comes back driven by a Company man,gets the call to pick up the keys from the office,walked over to the unit,climbed in and thought,wtf is that smell ?
I was sniffing around the cab like a bloodhound,climbed out of the cab and my nose was level with the drivers seat and that’s where the disgusting smell was,on the drivers seat where I’d just been sitting. :imp:
The pong was a putrid smell of sweat and sh it…
I just went back to the office and told them I wasn’t driving that mobile toilet,sat on a newspaper in my car,drove home and binned the pants I was wearing.
From that day on,I now always sit on newspaper in cabs.
There’s some absolutely filthy gits knocking about these days,have they no shame ? Obviously not. :blush:

ive just been given a new hi vis jacket. the label says it can only be washed 25 times. so im going for optimum grease levels for the sake of longevity :smiley:

James Bateman:
‘…I now always sit on newspaper in cabs…’

Am thinking about how you might slide around - to your detriment - if you had a bash?

I remember how a cold bath, a yard brush & ‘Glitto’ (the otherwise redundant yet confusingly abundant MoD equivalent of Vim) worked wonders on a minging acquaintance years ago.

Guess I’m a mucky jacket driver, I wear the same old dirty hi vis jacket and tatty jeans, washed at the weekend, most building sites I go to are like mudbaths, especially at this time of year so there’s no point ruining your best clothes.

That said for everything else I have a spare change of clothes, I try to keep clean and smell free as much as possible, my cab is nice and clean apart from the drivers seat which has a seat cover and the footwell, but no point cleaning this area as it just gets muddy again (broke my last Hoover trying) I think of if as a mini porch where I can leave my muddy boots + clothes so i can keep the rest of the interior clean.

Guess I’m a mucky jacket driver, I wear the same old dirty hi vis jacket and tatty jeans, washed at the weekend, most building sites I go to are like mudbaths, especially at this time of year so there’s no point ruining your best clothes.

That said for everything else I have a spare change of clothes, I try to keep clean and smell free as much as possible, my cab is nice and clean apart from the drivers seat which has a seat cover and the footwell, but no point cleaning this area as it just gets muddy again (broke my last Hoover trying) I think of if as a mini porch where I can leave my muddy boots + clothes so i can keep the rest of the interior clean.


I am the same as HIM^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :wink: :wink:

Yep me too. Must be something to do with site work. Especially at this time of year.

I thought I was going to be the one to buck the trend here but was surprised to see a list getting longer and longer.

My HiVis Jacket is getting in a bit of a state but I take it off before getting in the cab. Although at the moment that’s not very special either, everywhere I go and everything I touch is caked in crap such is the nature of moving earthmoving machinery. My overalls get caked about an hour in to the day, it’s impossible to keep clean. Our yard is bloody appalling too, sometimes you can get dirtier there than on a site. There’s not much incentive to try and clean the cab much at the moment when there is thick mud all round the yard. If I tramped or night outed in it I’d try and make the effort though.

The joy of doing work on sites this time of year…mind you its goes the other way in the summer when its like half the Sahara desert ends up in your cab!! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I dont generally clean the driver footwell everyday, due to the amount of dirt, I just take boots off and stick them one side of the steering column and put on my high heels…oops I mean my trainers! :blush: :blush: :blush:
I use heavy duty hand wipes to clean my jacket down when i get a minute as washing them makes them fade and lose all the waterproofing…

pees me off mate see loads doing it best notice i seen was a large well known firm in leeds any driver seen with his dirty coat on in the cab will be disciplined some drivers have to sleep in these vehicles which i thought was fair comment :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

Just recently signed onto an agency, havent had a call yet but when i do, it goes without saying u leave the cab how u find it, meaning my crisp packets drink bottles etc etc all comes out at the end of the shift and as soon as i get in the cab my his vis comes off and goes on the hanger. At the end of the day its usally an employees lorry all week and agency drivers on the weekend so you are using someone elses office. Thats how i look at it.

Happened to me this week.I put my coat and Hi-viz on when hooking up/dropping a trailer so this is the only time I have it on in the cab. I went to the loo and when I hung my coat up I saw the back of my hi-viz had a big patch of fifth wheel grease on it. That MUST have been on the seat when I got in the cab and in my opinion another driver HAD to have done that deliberately. I’m an agency driver so it wasn’t a personal attack as anyone could have been driving that truck. which kinda makes it worse in my book!

Tell me about dirty trucks !
As an agency driver I mainly do work for Tesco in Magor and Chepstow. Same company, same units…different drivers !
Always a joy to drive for Magor, if the cab is not immaculate it is at least fairly clean and I never need to use more than a single wet wipe to sort out the odd coffee spillage. Driving a Chepstow unit is a totally different story. The cab is either filthy or extremely filthy. When extremely filthy it gets defected, much to the annoyance of the office staff. On the lucky days where I get a truck that is just average filthy I take it straight down the washing hall and spend at least half an hour cleaning the unit before I pull out with the load. Now I just don’t get it,- how come one DC finds it totally acceptable that their drivers treat the trucks like a waste bin, when the other DC take pride in keeping their trucks clean, providing a welcoming working environment for their drivers ?

The joy of doing work on sites this time of year…mind you its goes the other way in the summer when its like half the Sahara desert ends up in your cab!! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I dont generally clean the driver footwell everyday, due to the amount of dirt, I just take boots off and stick them one side of the steering column and put on my high heels…oops I mean my trainers! :blush: :blush: :blush:
I use heavy duty hand wipes to clean my jacket down when i get a minute as washing them makes them fade and lose all the waterproofing…

You want to use pure soap when you wash the jacket mate. The detergents take away the waterproofness of the coat.(if you didnt know that already)
If you really want to extend the waterproofness of the jacket then you can buy a special was from outdoor stores which you can wash it in to clean it.
Theres Nik-Wax Tech Wash, and a few other outdoor stores will do their own version. Peter Storm do one aswell.