Mothertruckers! - A new trucking series on Channel 4

Hey guys/gals,

Thought you might like to know this (if you didn’t already). :unamused:

I have just seen an advert for a new series of programmes called ‘Mothertruckers’ which will be starting at 10pm on Channel 4 this Thursday. As the title seems to suggest, it is all about trucking, but from a female point of view. Sounds far more interesting than a certain series by a Eddie SomebodyOrOther! :laughing:

Gonna take a look at this myself ,

Jen x


I’ll let you off since this is in the Newbie forum :laughing:

I’m friends on Facebook with most of the ladies featured in this program, they’re all top class people and a great laugh. Few of them are members of this very forum.

Sam Millar:
Mother Truckers - Channel 4 documentary, - THE UK PROFESSIONAL DRIVERS FORUM (INTERACTIVE) - Trucknet UK

I’ll let you off since this is in the Newbie forum :laughing:

I’m friends on Facebook with most of the ladies featured in this program, they’re all top class people and a great laugh. Few of them are members of this very forum.

Great! I just thought I would let everybody on here know in case they wasn’t aware. :unamused:

Thanks for the heads up, I dont really look at the big boys forums as I am still pre-test. :slight_smile:

Thanks Sam - Hope you enjoy the programme

Thanks Sam - Hope you enjoy the programme

I take it by that reply, and it being named after you :smiley: that you might be on the above mentioned programme ?

Watch and see!!

I’ll have wee watch at this. I never know about it so thanks to TN I do now. :slight_smile:

Watch and see!!

ooh you tease :wink: :wink:

Watch and see!!

I know you are cause i’ve met you and i’ve just seen the advert and you were on it. :wink:

One of the girls (the tall slim dark haired one) looks a lot like my Mrs.

having read a few write ups and the series press release, It looks again the media have gone for stereotypes or headline grabbers.

Most women who do this job want nothing more than to be just another driver, why should their gender be anything of an issue ?

I havent seen the programme yet , but will be surprised if it is nothing more than than the usual lets make something out of nothing…

its hardly a shock that women can drive trucks , they are as capable as men and trucks are not that difficult to drive.

I think the ladies portrayed the industry well, it wasn’t over hyped or exaggerated like the Stobart series. They’re no different to men and shouldn’t be treated any different.

Go them I say!

Thanks Sam. We had no idea what they would show and whast they would leave out but al in all it seemed fine to me.

i liked to bit about there being a shortage of men drivers now the older generation are retiring and woman are having to take up the slack ■■? lmao

Thanks Sam. We had no idea what they would show and whast they would leave out but al in all it seemed fine to me.

Was it a one off or was it the 1st part of a series??


Thanks Sam. We had no idea what they would show and whast they would leave out but al in all it seemed fine to me.

Was it a one off or was it the 1st part of a series??

Thankfully it looks like a one off.

What an awful, embarrassment of a programme, it’s really done no favours for drivers that happen to be women. :unamused: :imp: :smiling_imp:

Another TV hatchet job on the industry and drivers.

Stop filming please… Where have I seen that before lol.

For those that missed it -