Mothers day

my kids are the best

After complaining that my steel toe capped boots issued by the agency are so uncomfortable and I was gonna look around for some toe protected trainers , came down this morning to find my mothers day prezzie !!

I wonder how many mums across the country today got steel toe capped trainers for Mothers Day , and so girly too !!! I dont need chocolates or flowers !!

Jen x

Awesome and very much a gift you will get loads of use from(not many mothers day gifts like that)

Enjoy! :slight_smile:

Awesome and very much a gift you will get loads of use from(not many mothers day gifts like that)

Enjoy! :slight_smile:

And her man will not steal them like chocolates. (Unless!!! :stuck_out_tongue:

Sorry but not mothers day as no such thing it happens to be Mothering Sunday meaning something totally different

It actually means that you should go to your Mother church ( know up here as carlin day then palm & of course paste egg sunday )

Well u learn somat new every day i had not heard of carling and neither had my hubby so asked the mothering in law and she remembered her mother in law always doing them but they had them easter time as mothering sunday was not really done in them days but to be quite honest i love pease pudding but steeped peas then fried hmmm not one i even fancy trying !!!


Well…it will always be mothers day to me and it means spoiling yur old mum and why the hell not!! :slight_smile:

Well u learn somat new every day i had not heard of carling and neither had my hubby so asked the mothering in law and she remembered her mother in law always doing them but they had them easter time as mothering sunday was not really done in them days but to be quite honest i love pease pudding but steeped peas then fried hmmm not one i even fancy trying !!!


Yep have them 3rd sunday before Easter ( paste egg day where we used to paint the hard boiled eggs then roll them down the hill )

As said you were supposed to go to church that day nowt to do with mothers ( or buying your mother a gift ) as it is the 4th sunday in Lent

Well…it will always be mothers day to me and it means spoiling yur old mum and why the hell not!! :slight_smile:

So what about the other 365 days in the year :question: or what bout those that dont have mothers :question: so why do they put everything up for that day :question:

Look mate, i’ve just expressed my personal thoughts on mothers day.

Holy Days

See also: Easter Triduum
There are several holy days within the season of Lent:
Ash Wednesday is the first day of Lent in Western Christianity
Clean Monday (or “Ash Monday”) is the first day in Eastern Orthodox Christianity
The fourth Lenten Sunday, which marks the halfway point between Ash Wednesday and Easter, is sometimes referred to as Laetare Sunday, particularly by Roman Catholics, and Mothering Sunday, its origin is a sixteenth century celebration of the Mother Church. On Laetare Sunday, the priest has the option of wearing vestments of rose (pink) instead of violet.
The fifth Lenten Sunday, also known as Passion Sunday (however, that term is also applied to Palm Sunday) marks the beginning of Passiontide
The sixth Lenten Sunday, commonly called Palm Sunday, marks the beginning of Holy Week, the final week of Lent immediately preceding Easter
Wednesday of Holy Week is known as Spy Wednesday to commemorate the days on which Judas spied on Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane before betraying him
Thursday is known as Maundy Thursday, or Holy Thursday, and is a day Christians commemorate the Last Supper shared by Christ with his disciples
Good Friday follows the next day, on which Christians remember Jesus’ crucifixion and burial
In the Roman Catholic Church, the Easter Triduum is a three-day event that begins with the entrance hymn of the Mass of the Lord’s Supper. After this Holy Thursday evening celebration, the consecrated hosts are taken from the altar solemnly to a place of reposition where the faithful are invited to worship the holy Body of Christ. On the next day the liturgical commemoration of the Passion of Jesus Christ is celebrated at 3pm, unless a later time is chosen due to work schedules. This service consists of readings from the Scriptures especially John the Evangelist’s account of the Passion of Jesus, followed by prayers, adoration of the cross of Jesus, and a communion service at which the hosts consecrated at the evening Mass of the day before are distributed. The Easter Vigil during the night between Holy Saturday afternoon and Easter Sunday morning starts with the blessing of a fire and a special candle and with readings from Scripture associated with baptism, then the Gloria in Excelsis Deo is sung, water is blessed, baptism and confirmation of adults may take place, and the people are invited to renew the promises of their own baptism, and finally Mass is celebrated in the usual way from the Preparation of the Gifts onwards.
Holy Week and the season of Lent, depending on denomination and local custom, end with Easter Vigil at sundown on Holy Saturday or on the morning of Easter Sunday. It is custom for some churches to hold sunrise services which include open air celebrations in some places.
In the Roman Catholic, Lutheran, and many Anglican churches, the priest’s vestments are violet during the season of Lent. On the fourth Sunday in Lent, rose-coloured vestments may be worn in lieu of violet. In some Anglican churches, a type of unbleached linen or muslin known as Lenten array is used during the first three weeks of Lent, and crimson during Passiontide. On holy days, the colour proper to the day is worn.

Look mate, i’ve just expressed my personal thoughts on mothers day.

That is fine dont have a prob with it just thought I would ask a civil question on it like I said why have a special day for it :question: as they put the price of flowers up etc & what bout the people that dont have mothers :question: ( mate of mine mother died few weeks ago )

BTW yes I do have kids ( 23 & 22 ) & never asked or wanted a present for Mothering Sunday

I think those nice PINK trainers with steely toe-caps in the OP would make a nice present, but only if the female concerned is a PINK fan, of course. :smiley:

As my mum say’s 'theres no such thing as mothers day, your a mother every day.

As my mum say’s 'theres no such thing as mothers day, your a mother every day.

Totally agree as you never stop being a mother

but it is nice to be appreciated once in a while and even got breakfast cooked eggs benidict n bless my daughter she had a bit of accident wiv holidaise sauce n well ur right still always a mum a job i do with pride and dont need thanks but sometimes these days we forget to tell our mams how much we do lov em and i dont mind an incling takin her out for a dinner to celebrate and just slow down and spend some quality time with her mines worth it :wink:

sorry did not want to start any crossfire just pleased with my prezzie


Jennie…So you should be pleased with your mothers day present, its a cool gift and from what you say,its just what you were needing so do not be sorry for posting your pic or worried about upsetting anyone, its a picture of pink shoes after all :slight_smile:

But I dont do pink or shoes ( as cant get them to fit ) :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

very nice thoughtfull prezzie off your kids jennie - enjoy wearing them :smiley: ,

Bloody ell, :cry: started off as a real nice thread :smiley: until Religious BS was brought in :angry: :angry: :angry:
Very nice Trainers :smiley:

Bloody ell, :cry: started off as a real nice thread :smiley: until Religious BS was brought in :angry: :angry: :angry:
Very nice Trainers :smiley:

Not Religious BS it is FACT if you care to read it

As my mum say’s 'theres no such thing as mothers day, your a mother every day.

As said by another member but each to there own & much better than the normal flowers etc as much more useful :laughing: if you like Pink