Mothers day


Bloody ell, :cry: started off as a real nice thread :smiley: until Religious BS was brought in :angry: :angry: :angry:
Very nice Trainers :smiley:

Not Religious BS it is FACT if you care to read it

How can anything you posted below be FACT? Where is the evidence to back it up? Isn’t it just Bible Bashing blurb??

Holy Days

See also: Easter Triduum
There are several holy days within the season of Lent:
Ash Wednesday is the first day of Lent in Western Christianity
Clean Monday (or “Ash Monday”) is the first day in Eastern Orthodox Christianity
The fourth Lenten Sunday, which marks the halfway point between Ash Wednesday and Easter, is sometimes referred to as Laetare Sunday, particularly by Roman Catholics, and Mothering Sunday, its origin is a sixteenth century celebration of the Mother Church. On Laetare Sunday, the priest has the option of wearing vestments of rose (pink) instead of violet.
The fifth Lenten Sunday, also known as Passion Sunday (however, that term is also applied to Palm Sunday) marks the beginning of Passiontide
The sixth Lenten Sunday, commonly called Palm Sunday, marks the beginning of Holy Week, the final week of Lent immediately preceding Easter
Wednesday of Holy Week is known as Spy Wednesday to commemorate the days on which Judas spied on Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane before betraying him
Thursday is known as Maundy Thursday, or Holy Thursday, and is a day Christians commemorate the Last Supper shared by Christ with his disciples
Good Friday follows the next day, on which Christians remember Jesus’ crucifixion and burial
In the Roman Catholic Church, the Easter Triduum is a three-day event that begins with the entrance hymn of the Mass of the Lord’s Supper. After this Holy Thursday evening celebration, the consecrated hosts are taken from the altar solemnly to a place of reposition where the faithful are invited to worship the holy Body of Christ. On the next day the liturgical commemoration of the Passion of Jesus Christ is celebrated at 3pm, unless a later time is chosen due to work schedules. This service consists of readings from the Scriptures especially John the Evangelist’s account of the Passion of Jesus, followed by prayers, adoration of the cross of Jesus, and a communion service at which the hosts consecrated at the evening Mass of the day before are distributed. The Easter Vigil during the night between Holy Saturday afternoon and Easter Sunday morning starts with the blessing of a fire and a special candle and with readings from Scripture associated with baptism, then the Gloria in Excelsis Deo is sung, water is blessed, baptism and confirmation of adults may take place, and the people are invited to renew the promises of their own baptism, and finally Mass is celebrated in the usual way from the Preparation of the Gifts onwards.
Holy Week and the season of Lent, depending on denomination and local custom, end with Easter Vigil at sundown on Holy Saturday or on the morning of Easter Sunday. It is custom for some churches to hold sunrise services which include open air celebrations in some places.
In the Roman Catholic, Lutheran, and many Anglican churches, the priest’s vestments are violet during the season of Lent. On the fourth Sunday in Lent, rose-coloured vestments may be worn in lieu of violet. In some Anglican churches, a type of unbleached linen or muslin known as Lenten array is used during the first three weeks of Lent, and crimson during Passiontide. On holy days, the colour proper to the day is worn.

Mothering sunday is the 4th sunday in LENT FACT not as you wish to call it Mothers day FACT If no Lent then no Easter FACT & no Shrove tuesday ( Pancake day ) FACT or Ash wednesday FACT

Mothering sunday is the 4th sunday in LENT FACT not as you wish to call it Mothers day FACT If no Lent then no Easter FACT & no Shrove tuesday ( Pancake day ) FACT or Ash wednesday FACT

That’s nice :unamused: :unamused:

Now, now kiddies, play nicely or big bad Rikki will be along to sort you out!

44 Tonne Ton:
Now, now kiddies, play nicely or big bad Rikki will be along to sort you out!

Crap stirrer :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


44 Tonne Ton:
Now, now kiddies, play nicely or big bad Rikki will be along to sort you out!

Crap stirrer :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

sorry :blush: :blush:



44 Tonne Ton:
Now, now kiddies, play nicely or big bad Rikki will be along to sort you out!

Crap stirrer :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

sorry :blush: :blush:

Ditto :stuck_out_tongue:


44 Tonne Ton:

Yes daddy :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


44 Tonne Ton:

Yes daddy :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Ohhhh is he the ‘Daddy’ :confused:

Holy Days

See also: Easter Triduum
There are several holy days within the season of Lent:
Ash Wednesday is the first day of Lent in Western Christianity
Clean Monday (or “Ash Monday”) is the first day in Eastern Orthodox Christianity
The fourth Lenten Sunday, which marks the halfway point between Ash Wednesday and Easter, is sometimes referred to as Laetare Sunday, particularly by Roman Catholics, and Mothering Sunday, its origin is a sixteenth century celebration of the Mother Church. On Laetare Sunday, the priest has the option of wearing vestments of rose (pink) instead of violet.
The fifth Lenten Sunday, also known as Passion Sunday (however, that term is also applied to Palm Sunday) marks the beginning of Passiontide
The sixth Lenten Sunday, commonly called Palm Sunday, marks the beginning of Holy Week, the final week of Lent immediately preceding Easter
Wednesday of Holy Week is known as Spy Wednesday to commemorate the days on which Judas spied on Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane before betraying him
Thursday is known as Maundy Thursday, or Holy Thursday, and is a day Christians commemorate the Last Supper shared by Christ with his disciples
Good Friday follows the next day, on which Christians remember Jesus’ crucifixion and burial
In the Roman Catholic Church, the Easter Triduum is a three-day event that begins with the entrance hymn of the Mass of the Lord’s Supper. After this Holy Thursday evening celebration, the consecrated hosts are taken from the altar solemnly to a place of reposition where the faithful are invited to worship the holy Body of Christ. On the next day the liturgical commemoration of the Passion of Jesus Christ is celebrated at 3pm, unless a later time is chosen due to work schedules. This service consists of readings from the Scriptures especially John the Evangelist’s account of the Passion of Jesus, followed by prayers, adoration of the cross of Jesus, and a communion service at which the hosts consecrated at the evening Mass of the day before are distributed. The Easter Vigil during the night between Holy Saturday afternoon and Easter Sunday morning starts with the blessing of a fire and a special candle and with readings from Scripture associated with baptism, then the Gloria in Excelsis Deo is sung, water is blessed, baptism and confirmation of adults may take place, and the people are invited to renew the promises of their own baptism, and finally Mass is celebrated in the usual way from the Preparation of the Gifts onwards.
Holy Week and the season of Lent, depending on denomination and local custom, end with Easter Vigil at sundown on Holy Saturday or on the morning of Easter Sunday. It is custom for some churches to hold sunrise services which include open air celebrations in some places.
In the Roman Catholic, Lutheran, and many Anglican churches, the priest’s vestments are violet during the season of Lent. On the fourth Sunday in Lent, rose-coloured vestments may be worn in lieu of violet. In some Anglican churches, a type of unbleached linen or muslin known as Lenten array is used during the first three weeks of Lent, and crimson during Passiontide. On holy days, the colour proper to the day is worn.

That’s right mothers day is another day which was created by government to recognise the women of the household. It has no basis in the bible, just in the bank accounts of corporate western industrialized nations. Yet another day to fill the pockets of the corporate masters at the expense of the working classes. But presents are always a good thing, and you don’t need a special day on the calendar for it. That is a hint :smiley:

mothers day, every day

fathers day every day.
without both you would not be here. as for the card/ flower brigade.dont do either with both parents consent.
as for valentines aint done that in 28 yrs of being married,and still are.
just treat the above every now and then and not on a given day.