Most unusual place parked at for daily rest period

We get it on here about how some drivers won’t park in certain places for their daily rest, but what is the most unusual place you have parked at whilst have your daily or even weekly rest period?

I am home every day but the most unusual place I’ve had a break is Asda carpark…in a fully liveried Sainsburys lorry.

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I am home every day but the most unusual place I’ve had a break is Asda carpark…in a fully liveried Sainsburys lorry.

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I remember a company collecting new sign written fridge trls for Sainsbury from France. They were loaded for trip into UK. When attempting delivery to Tesco they were refused entry to RDC.

Unusual nights out? Monte Carlo harbour, Venizia (port), beaches and chateaux dotted around.

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Most unusual place was RAF Upper Heyford, this was the day before it officially closed as an active USAF airfield. All the aircraft had long since gone and I was loading bits and pieces of ground equipment to take to Alconbury. The most spectacular was in the large driveway of an artist’s mountain home outside of Grasse near Saint Tropez.

Airfield in Surry were they film too hear great nights kip

Parked on loading bay over night once.
Was delivering wagon full jeans was about year ago to someone can’t remeber where. Anyway was a late drop 8ish. Got talking to another driver asking him anyware decent to park up for the night. He said hang on a sec. Came back said when tipped park on end loading bay it’s ok. There’s staff canteen facuities kettle micowarve etc. To use also had a shower . And was nice and quiet really

In the builders compound at Oxford railway station.

They ordered a load of bricks but forgot to order the brick grab for the telehandler.

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Parked on loading bay over night once.
Was delivering wagon full jeans was about year ago to someone can’t remeber where. Anyway was a late drop 8ish. Got talking to another driver asking him anyware decent to park up for the night. He said hang on a sec. Came back said when tipped park on end loading bay it’s ok. There’s staff canteen facuities kettle micowarve etc. To use also had a shower . And was nice and quiet really

Did the police come out and Mark your tyers to make Shaw you didn’t move

Border crossing into Russia at Terahova.For near on a week.As someone from the office forgot a certain piece of bloody paperwork that we needed to drive in Russia.So it had to be collected and then got to us.Facilities there wer’nt up to much.Was 5 years ago though.So might of improved.

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Most unusual probably up in the hills at the wind farm site near the VOSA checkpoint on the A74M up at Beattock. The most stunning definitely at the foot of Mont Blanc at Les Houches on my first and only venture into Europe on my way to Rome.


In Italy for a week whilst the Italian drivers had a strike. It was a living hell with a nice swimming pool, supermarket, restaurants and bars everywhere.

Right on the beach at Motril in Spain. Any further forward and the front axle would have been buried in the sand.

N3 heading to Madrid for three days on the carriageway whilst stuck in the snow.

Split in Croatia for a week in a British Army base. Becks Beer at 1 Deutsche Mark a bottle, showers, roast beef and all the trimmings everyday and NAAFI priced smokes.

Countless hotels all over Spain for most weekends.

Airfield in Surry were they film too hear great nights kip

Top gear not too hear

Parked on loading bay over night once.
Was delivering wagon full jeans was about year ago to someone can’t remeber where. Anyway was a late drop 8ish. Got talking to another driver asking him anyware decent to park up for the nigdht. He said hang on a sec. Came back said when tipped park on end loading bay it’s ok. There’s staff canteen facuities kettle micowarve etc. To use also had a shower . And was nice and quiet really

Did the police come and chalk your tyers

I am home every day but the most unusual place I’ve had a break is Asda carpark…in a fully liveried Sainsburys lorry.

Sent from my ONEPLUS A5000 using Tapatalk

coffee—splutter Good one :smiley:

Me and the (ex) Mrs had just done a gig at Stanwyx holiday park in SIlloth. We loved that place and Roly, the owner, was a fantastic host.
Many drinks flowed and there was no way we were driving home to Lancaster.
Made it half a mile down to the seafront, parked up, it was stunningly beautiful.
Granada 2.9i, folded the seats down, ALL the way down, and woke up next morning fresh as a couple of still groggy daisies :smiley:.

I still maintain that SIlloth is one of the more pretty towns along that coast.

Border crossing into Russia at Terahova.For near on a week.As someone from the office forgot a certain piece of bloody paperwork that we needed to drive in Russia.So it had to be collected and then got to us.Facilities there wer’nt up to much.Was 5 years ago though.So might of improved.

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Let’s not forget the night in no mans land between the borders on the next rip

I once fell asleep in a churchyard on the Crumlin Road, does that count?

Just spent the night in the pit lane after the Hockenheim Grand Prix.

Def the most unusual for me.


Border crossing into Russia at Terahova.For near on a week.As someone from the office forgot a certain piece of bloody paperwork that we needed to drive in Russia.So it had to be collected and then got to us.Facilities there wer’nt up to much.Was 5 years ago though.So might of improved.

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Let’s not forget the night in no mans land between the borders on the next rip

Haha.Yeah that vodka was bloody lethal.

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I once fell asleep in a churchyard on the Crumlin Road, does that count?

if yours counts,then id think mine just might scrape in?

numerous years ago in my youth i was out bladdered,woke up in what i thought was a cell as it was 8 foot square,no windows,made of dimpled metal with perspex shielded rooflights.
i thought i had been arrested and was locked up in some kind of special cell due to me initially thinking i had done the grand slam,but i had only ■■■■■■ myself and vomited all around me,so two out of three wasnt as bad as it could of been.
i was sitting up dying trying to work out where id been and how id been put in there when i heard footspeps coming behind me,then a click and a shudder.
at that point i fell backwards through the lift doors as there was a family heading out for church about 14 floors up in the high flats i was for some unknown reason kipping in.
we all got out on the ground floor,up the road i wandered and no court appearance on the monday.
i deffo had a great night somewhere so bit of a win win all round for me. :slight_smile:

Years ago I parked up against the wall of Strangeways prison, wasn’t many minutes later that I was surrounded by police checking me out, was told in no uncertain ways to move to somewhere else …