More old cunts moaning about lorrys … residents/

You’ve got to just laugh really…clueless & deluded…

I can not be bothered to post anything.They will set up a Lorry Watch scheme.Volunteers record number plates to give to Trading Standards.
They send it to the DVLA then a £1000 fine.
But foreign trucks are exempt as no way of getting the money.
The headline will read as “Killer polluting juggernauts thundering past at monster speeds.Dog walkers risk lives as crazed drivers narrowly missed my pet poodle by inches.”
With Christmas coming ban all trucks until January.No cheap Chinese tat for Little Johnny this year then.
Bet they love the door step delivery with a lorry.Turn a blind eye to that.Hope the neighbours did not see the nasty lorry in my back yard.
It may affect the house prices.

The way it’s written makes it sound like we’re bacteria.

Would love to see the Nimbies protest in Southampton docks to form a human chain to stop the juggernauts leaving with the import containers.All talk no action.
Do they realise trucks keep the economy going.From the bulk raw product to the final product.
When they go on holiday,how does the plane refuel.A wheel barrow with pint glasses.?On their cruise ship trip,did a man on bike drop the food off at the port with a hamper.?
Do they moan about trains.Noisy boats on the beach.The neighbours lawn mower.The fire works upsetting the Labracockerdoodle.?
What about the cockerel for a 4 am alarm clock?
Cows mooing.How annoying is that.The manure smell.Why just target Lgv’s.?

What more can be said about this same old stupid subject ! Wouldn’t it be nice if all drivers said, “ok, no more lorries in your area for any reason” The A31 ffs. It’s not like it’s a new way of getting somewhere is it.

Do Nimbies go to concerts and theatres.Funny that i bet they do and the evil juggernaut brought the gear to the venue.
Do they watch Formulae One or attend the track.How odd,why are all those lorries parked in a row.
Did they see the Olympics.Lorries there too.
Do they enjoy sports.Lorries parked outside the stadium with outside broadcast kit.
Do they like films.Lorries take the generators,hair/make up trailer/costume/wardrobe/scenery and sets/catering trailer and accomodation for the stars and crew.
The French drivers had the balls to bring their country to its knees with their strikes.
In the Uk doing the same will land drivers under anti terror laws.

Do they moan about trains.Noisy boats on the beach.The neighbours lawn mower.The fire works upsetting the Labracockerdoodle.?
What about the cockerel for a 4 am alarm clock?
Cows mooing.How annoying is that.The manure smell.Why just target Lgv’s.?

Err, yes they moan most of those.

They move out of town to a “quiet” country village, then moan about the church bells, cockerels crowing, cattle mooing, pigs squealing, dogs barking, manure and silage smells.
There have been several cases reported in the press of churches being forced to silence their bells, sometimes permanently, sometimes only at night; livestock having to be moved further away or removed altogether etc.

Their image of living in the country is from films like The Railway Children and Percy Thrower the tv gardener.
Wealthy Londoners that snap up the houses in Devon and Cornwall leaving the locals with no affordable housing.
Some own two to three homes.One for the weekend.
Wihout quarry lorries.No tarmac/tar/chippings and concrete to build roads for the Nimbies.Are they educated.Apparently not.?

Don’t worry about it boys.

It’s just some guy trying to win votes. There must be very little else going on in those neighbourhoods.

I won’t lose any sleep over it put it that way. Got naff all to do with drivers they choose whatever route is best for them it’s upto councils to decide what is suitable and what isn’t. Minute they put up a restriction it immediately affects other areas.

Their image of living in the country is from films like The Railway Children and Percy Thrower the tv gardener.
Wealthy Londoners that snap up the houses in Devon and Cornwall leaving the locals with no affordable housing.
Some own two to three homes.One for the weekend.
Wihout quarry lorries.No tarmac/tar/chippings and concrete to build roads for the Nimbies.Are they educated.Apparently not.?

Top marks there Toby for getting Percy Thrower into a thread :grimacing:

I want to shout at them JUST STOP BUYING STUFF then soon, no more nasty trucks!

Thing is though ,Ferndown isn’t a sleepy little village of 10 houses and a pub ,it has quite a large trading estate and a bloody great Tesco superstore and with a population of nearly 18,000 i would think that there will be quite a few other shops that need servicing by HGV’s

They’d moan even more if there wasn’t any food or clothing for them to buy or they had to go X miles further to get or it cost them X % more!

Hiya…simular type of story. the resident who lived on Ash Bank in Stoke on Trent was moaning about people
driving to fast along the main road. the police did set up a radar, OOPs most of the people caught for speeding
was the locals who lived in Ash Bank. nice one i say.

had to laugh at that john , same happened down stoney middleton in the 80s , one of those caught by the radar was the pillock that made the complaint .

The way it’s written makes it sound like we’re bacteria.

Lol we are …


Do they moan about trains.Noisy boats on the beach.The neighbours lawn mower.The fire works upsetting the Labracockerdoodle.?
What about the cockerel for a 4 am alarm clock?
Cows mooing.How annoying is that.The manure smell.Why just target Lgv’s.?

Err, yes they moan most of those.

They move out of town to a “quiet” country village, then moan about the church bells, cockerels crowing, cattle mooing, pigs squealing, dogs barking, manure and silage smells.
There have been several cases reported in the press of churches being forced to silence their bells, sometimes permanently, sometimes only at night; livestock having to be moved further away or removed altogether etc.


Also, how many race tracks forced to have DB limits or close completely because a NIMBY has moved in and then complained about the noise, the smell, the cars going to and from the track etc.

My missus used to work for a woman many years ago, this woman bought a farm in a village, she then complained to a farmer that the sheep were dirty and it was an eyesore so he should give them a bath :unamused:

Where I used to work for R Plevin was an old engineering place that worked 24/7, Plevin took it over, years late NIMBY’s moved in and complained about the noise, the dust etc, we had to turn our radio’s off on the way in to work, engines were only allowed to run for 2 mins to build air up, 5mph over the cobbles, scattered start times before 6am, huge (size and cost) accoustic walls built etc etc etc…
I bet these people buy the houses cheap because of this, then complain like ■■■■ to get it stopped, then sell up at a profit.