its been said time and time again the French need to remove them from the ports and transport them to a place of safety and if that means opening holding camps like the old POW camps so be it. then when the time is right they should be repatriated back to their own home land and have all their details inc dna recorded.
Same old same old, always the driver to blame regardless of how many checks we make. The frogs don’t give a toss. If all immigrants that do not have documents to prove where they are from were to be locked up until it can be shown where they are from they wouldn’t come here, with no docs they just let them loose - effin crazy to all normal people.
The G8 Countries have to get together and sort out this mess.The French just want them shifted out of France but we need a humanitarian solution to this problem,poverty should be history by now.
It might not follow some human rights clap trap, but the French are right; Why should the French people look after them? Fire 'em off ASAP, not like we do with all these appeals, detention centres, hostels etc. No documents etc then sorry, shove them on the next plane going to their own country and wave cheerio. We can’t look after our own so ■■■■■■■■ to other countries never do wells.
It might not follow some human rights clap trap, but the French are right; Why should the French people look after them? Fire 'em off ASAP, not like we do with all these appeals, detention centres, hostels etc. No documents etc then sorry, shove them on the next plane going to their own country and wave cheerio. We can’t look after our own so ■■■■■■■■ to other countries never do wells.
THIS ^^^^^^^^^^^^
pretty sure if i lived in a war torn country with corrupt leaders i’d be looking for any way out using any means too. put yourself in their shoes for a few seconds, what would you do if it was your family or life? its easy to just say send them back like pieces of meat when you live here.
I agree its a massive problem but simply sending them back isn’t helping anyone, they’ll only try again. not sure what the solution could be tbh…
It might not follow some human rights clap trap, but the French are right; Why should the French people look after them? Fire 'em off ASAP, not like we do with all these appeals, detention centres, hostels etc. No documents etc then sorry, shove them on the next plane going to their own country and wave cheerio. We can’t look after our own so ■■■■■■■■ to other countries never do wells.THIS ^^^^^^^^^^^^
may i just ask if they have no documents how do you know where there own country is ?
I know, we could build hundreds of thousands of houses all over whats left of the green belt.
That would alleviate the housing shortage, caused as much by the huge elephant in the room that no commentators dare mention, mainly immigration illegal and otherwise, as anything else.
All that is happening, you voted for, and will do again this and next year, look in mirror for who to blame.
Surely one thing which should be looked at by the international Community is,when a country is torn apart by war which is run by a dictator the bank accounts of said dictator should be frozen and the money used by the international Community to pay for refugees.This would help alleviate the burden of host countries and send a message to dictators that if they start a war involving their own people they will be obliged to take reponsibility for the costs involved.
The big issue here is why are all these people trying to get to England? How many EU countries have these people passed through en route to Calais & why didn’t they stop in any of them? We are clearly seen as the go-to destination and that needs to be addressed, we simply cannot cope with it. I sympathise with the French having to deal with all this nonsense in Calais.
The big issue here is why are all these people trying to get to England? How many EU countries have these people passed through en route to Calais & why didn’t they stop in any of them? We are clearly seen as the go-to destination and that needs to be addressed, we simply cannot cope with it. I sympathise with the French having to deal with all this nonsense in Calais.
Not just me who’s noticed this then, if our do good nanny state didn’t give them free health care teeth and glasses, and benefits including housing benefits, would they still make a beeline to blighty? IMO no they would not, And the EU needs to change the rules on asylum in that if they have no ID to proove who they are they get no asylum,
After all it’s not a case that these people don’t have or bring their ID with them, because they do, it’s a case of once they enter the uk that they destroy their ID delibrately then announce that they are here, I want to claim asylum, knowing that with no papers the ukba can’t send them home, they are therefore exploiting a loophole in the system, which is annother thing they come here having studied our health care system and welfare, they come here for an easy life, About time this loophole in the system was closed
I agree with all the above. No easy solutions. We could build wheel washers two foot deep wirh non removable dye in them. At least that way our useless, spineless government could find them.
Just like them up and shoot them in the face ? Jeremy clarkson for pm lol
I think the EU should re look at the cross border migrants as well, we have hundreds from Spain and Portugal coming to the uk daily, because of their countries unemployment situation, and thats without the hundreds of thousands of poles and other east European immigrants. A lot of the time our benefits are higher than where they came from, so the EU should make sure that benefits are at least in line with other countries, or be able to claim back the difference. Dave
said migrants are a problem and he wants to tackle the mass exodus from those coming from outside of the eu, yet the bulk arriving here are from within the eu anyway. I would think that the majority of immigrants in Calais are from the African regions or/and Somalia, China, Eritrea, Syria, these people have paid thousands to get that far, and the only reason is for our generosity. Remember Sangatte, that was like a holding area, at least the red cross was in there feeding them, cos the french wouldnt, then some clown in our government said, if you close the camp, well take them to England, so since then, theres been a steady stream of others waiting to take their place. The french did say its because of our benefit system, hardly any speak the lingo, so theres no chance of work, but many say they have relatives there, which is why they are so desperate to get here, i would like to load up one of the old ferries with them, then pull the plug out.
This government has to reinforce the fencing around the port, even electrifying it if need be, then every truck has to be searched, and go through a water pit axle high, or jet washers, once they know that the art of getting to the uk for the freebies has been thwarted, their mates coming along behind may decide to stay in France or Belgium or whatever country comes first.
send them to the Crimea
The G8 Countries have to get together and sort out this mess.The French just want them shifted out of France but we need a humanitarian solution to this problem,poverty should be history by now.
Exactly! But I believe that the EU could solve this current problem in one fell swoop - pass an EU-wide law that any ‘illegal alien’ caught, automatically becomes the responsibility of the last country he/she passed through before being caught. Then the French, being the last in line, would make ■■■■ sure they caught the lot BEFORE they got to Calais and became THEIR responsibility!
OK, it may need a bit of fine tuning, but it’s the best idea so far!
EU not bothered, they’re part of the problem, and don’t believe a word Cameron says, he has no say in it as long as we are in the EU.
You have the country and the immigration problem you voted for.
The “French” do try to do something about it, see the middle part of this report (if you can understand french).
The “French” do try to do something about it
Just curious as to why you put the word French in inverted commas? It implies that it`s a disparaging or slang reference, when it is simply what your countrymen are collectively known as.