Hello all. merge in lane. who’s got the right of way? I’m in the left hand lane in a moving flow of traffic and theres a car in the right hand lane parallel to me at the same speed. further down the road there are arrows painted on the road saying that right hand lane has to merge in to the left, now whos got the right of way? do I have to treat it like a round about and give way to the right or does he have to back off and merge in safely behind me? not much info in the highway code and on the tinternet. do you lot know who would be to blame if something was to happen?
ive got my tin hat on so mr perfect driver can attack me for driving a lorry and not knowing the highway code
I think…if there are no white lines to cross then nobody has right of way, if a car was parallel to the front of your cab then it’d prob be easier to let that car in front
but then no doubt there’d be more cars alongside your truck who’ll want to get in front
nobody should have to brake to let anyone in, you should merge, but it rarely happens like that!!
I think it depends on where the vehicle is positioned on your right.For example,if they are near to the front of your vehicle I normally back off a bit and let them in,if the car is further back,then I stay where I am because it can be hard to tell how close the vehicle is behind and its their lane that is decreasing not the one your in.The norm is to merge in turn,but there’s always one that wll go for it.Maybe use the size of the vehicle to your advantage
In the scenario you describe I always think that it’s the driver who’s most prepared to crash to prove his/her point that usually gains right of way! The way you describe it (with the arrows pointing from the right to the left) would actually mean that it’s the right hand lane that is “disappearing” so the onus is on drivers in the right hand lane to merge properly.
That’s the ideal world. Real world just means a bit of give and take really. If they’ve got any part of their vehicle in front of mine I tend to yield to them, three other ■■■■ takers in Audis stuck to their bumper and all bets are off. That’s just me though, others may differ.
the other driver has to give way to you, he needs to be in the lane you are in so he needs to adjust his speed to move into the left lane, but at the same time the driver already in the left lane needs to also be courteous and let people move over. You see it all the time people sitting on the cars arse in front so they don’t have to let people in, if everyone let a car in then traffic would flow a bit easier, but some people do take the ■■■■ and leave it to the last second to move over and try and force their way in.
that’s what ive been doing if theres a car in front I would let him/her in if ones behind or level with the trailer I let them to make a decision its one of them things that needs to be made crystal clear I think. in theory I think that if the R/H/L has to merge in the vehicle in the L/H/L has the right of way. ill just keep doing what ive been doing and all will be alright
Why the need for this question? It aint rocket science to read the road surely, if the arrow from on the right lane point towards the left lane then he should give way and vice versa.
Just threat it like an “Overteking lane” on the Single Carriageway if from your right or slip road if from your left!
You’re already in the lane as said above. They’ve been warned in advance about the lanes merging. Hate thous who are waiting to the last second or driving right to the cones when they been warned about the lane closure in 800 yards, pulls in front of you, when you are doing constant 50mph, and slows down to 40 because there’s road works speed limit set for 50mph!!!
Whoever is moving into the path of another must give way
If 2 cars are side by side with the road edge on the left then it would be the car on the right which deliberately moved/crashed into the car on the left because the car on the left did not move into the car on the right
Ive always assumed that the driver in the lane which is being merged has to give way. There is always notice so they have room to either get in front or pull in behind. But if they don’t and a collision occurs then both drivers are deemed at fault if it is determined that it could have been avoided. So probably better to just take your foot off the power a bit and let them in.
But your supposed to be a professional driver OP,how can you not know that? Lol
I wish the UK had compulsory zip merging laws
I always try and work on the principle of each vehicle should give way to one other regardless of size of vehicle or which lane is merging into which. Though I must admit to blocking out cars/vans who have deliberately raced down the outside to try and push their way in at the last minute.
I wish the UK had compulsory zip merging laws
I always try and work on the principle of each vehicle should give way to one other regardless of size of vehicle or which lane is merging into which. Though I must admit to blocking out cars/vans who have deliberately raced down the outside to try and push their way in at the last minute.
The problem is so many people feel they must move into the lane that stays open as soon as they see the sign which mean they end up queuing and extending the queue for those behind them.
If people stayed in lane until they have to merge then they’d be a lot less of one lane queuing for miles and the other lane being used by people flying down it to get to the head of the traffic and then road rage incidents as nobody will give in and let people in.
but these parts of the road when 2 lanes go in to 1 have no white centre line separating the lanes in the narrowing bit with the curved arrows, so you’re never moving in to anybody’s lane if you leave it until the very end, they just become 1
so, whoever is in front when you get to the end of the white line has right of way?
roadworks is a different thing, one lane is closed there so you could say left is moving to the right lane or vice versa