
If your making a delivery at a yard/depot and the customerhas 1 of their own wagons on the bay or in the area where you unload how would you go about seeing how long it will be till the motor gets moved.

Was on our dock yesterday morning loading up (me, my mate and supervisor) when some slim fella who was bringing in the malt pops his head round
“are you gonna move that or what, youve not done nowt for the last 15 minutes”
We all 3 looked astonished, I replied “Weve been loading slim, give us 10”
“Youve done F-all, ive been watching”
We carried on, got checked and the supervisor said to us
“Gonna be after dinner before he gets done”

I am of the opinion of be nice and look after the customer/goods in etc and they in theory should look after you, upset them and they can keep you waiting.
The slim fella had a Southern accent so i can understand he wants to get a shift on and get back home, but surely a little lesson in manners wouldnt have gone amiss.

I generally sit and wait, if you have told them you are there then there is little else you can do. Getting upset doesn’t go down well. If the delay is excessive then I phone my boss, he is paid to sort these things out.

You catch more flies with honey than you do with vinegar! I think that sums it up. Agree■■?


ditto…although some are just [zb] anyway.tell them youre in no hurry "as long as im back for saturday dinner mate".you can see the disapointment in their eyes :sunglasses:

ditto…although some are just [zb] anyway.tell them youre in no hurry "as long as im back for saturday dinner mate".you can see the disapointment in their eyes :sunglasses:

I always mention that I am paid by the hour, that tends to oil a few wheels.

I always try to be polite, wait my turn etc. It’s when they start getting ratty with you because your taking too long or some stupid reason I get annoyed with.

I remember a place I delivered steel to in Glenrothes, stopped outside (there’s a wagon outside but it’s an industrial estate so don’t know where he’s going) off into reception I go to let them know I’m here and get told to drive into the yard where the foreman is and he lost the plot before I’d even got out the truck, turns out the artic was going in for a full load but had went straight to the foreman, the artic guy was alright though and I only had 3 bits of steel to come off but the foreman acted like it was the end of the world.

has anyone got on the wrong side of the woman on the gate at frank wright in ashbourne?shes a complete nutter.first time i went there i drove straight in and plonked it on the weighbridge,by the time id put my coat on she was at the top of the steps giving it some all ended up with her offering me out on the street! a perverse kind of way i found her strangely attractive though :confused:

in a perverse kind of way i found her strangely attractive though :confused:

I think that would be termed as masochism.

I quite enjoy these altercations, obviously not the first time, but if you can work them out and use reverse psychology on them it is like getting one over twice :stuck_out_tongue:

I have had them in tears, my favourite was the racist cow on the gate at P&G in Thurrock :laughing:

Suvverners innit :wink:
No one likes a smart arse, especially one in a hurry who can`t be bothered to find out the facts, jumps to a conclusion etc.
There are loads of them in the south…They are sooooo easy to wind-up though :grimacing: :grimacing:

Best part of my job is winding up those that are quick to judge…Provides miles of smiles :sunglasses:

has anyone got on the wrong side of the woman on the gate at frank wright in ashbourne?shes a complete nutter.first time i went there i drove straight in and plonked it on the weighbridge,by the time id put my coat on she was at the top of the steps giving it some all ended up with her offering me out on the street! a perverse kind of way i found her strangely attractive though :confused:

I have been there a few times and i must be one of the lucky ones i allways found her all right

i think it was the fact that i pulled straight into the yard instead of waiting on the street that upset her

am not familar with the word hurry

Weighbridge bird at Cemex Ringwood; On tannoy, the most she can say is “what you want?” I was warned how sharp she can be so I replied “Big Mac and fries”. Old bag replied with “If you’re gonna be funny you can ■■■■ off!” :open_mouth: :laughing:

If I’m anywhere above Watford I can’t understand a word anyone says anyway :laughing:

If I think people are taking the ■■■■, I’ll have a word in a polite sort of way. Like this week for instance I was in Aston and this brummy was really doing my nut. 15 pallets to come off, I was met with “our forklift ain’t charged mate”, I say no problem ill ring my gaffer. I then explained to the fella that I had been advised that if you couldn’t find a forklift from somewhere in 15 mins I was to pull out.

He then used one of his indoor forklifts… 1 pallet comes off he disappears for 10 mins, another pallet comes off, again he’s dissapeared. I would say I’m quite a patient bloke but I was starting to froth at the mouth a bit, I went in the warehouse and found him chatting, I politely said to him “is there a problem with the pallets mate as I’ve been here over 40 minutes now” in which he replied “Na mate sound sound” I have no idea what sound means but I assume it means everythings ok because he got his arse in gear and I was gone within 10 mins. Definatly a way of talking to people.

Weighbridge bird at Cemex Ringwood; On tannoy, the most she can say is “what you want?” I was warned how sharp she can be so I replied “Big Mac and fries”. Old bag replied with “If you’re gonna be funny you can [zb] off!” :open_mouth: :laughing:


Always found best way to handle situations like this was to simply say ok get in cab and draw curtains,within 15mins i nearly always got a knock on the door.
regards dave.

Wheel Nut:
I quite enjoy these altercations, obviously not the first time, but if you can work them out and use reverse psychology on them it is like getting one over twice :stuck_out_tongue:

I have had them in tears, my favourite was the racist cow on the gate at P&G in Thurrock :laughing:

Too true. Once you’ve done it a few times and worked out the best things to say, it’s then a piece of ■■■■ to watch them tie themselves in knots while you calmly sit there with a straight face. :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley: :smiley:

I always try to be polite, wait my turn etc. It’s when they start getting ratty with you because your taking too long or some stupid reason I get annoyed with.

I remember a place I delivered steel to in Glenrothes, stopped outside (there’s a wagon outside but it’s an industrial estate so don’t know where he’s going) off into reception I go to let them know I’m here and get told to drive into the yard where the foreman is and he lost the plot before I’d even got out the truck, turns out the artic was going in for a full load but had went straight to the foreman, the artic guy was alright though and I only had 3 bits of steel to come off but the foreman acted like it was the end of the world.

That Bird is an AMAZON WARRIOR - one of ours fancies her big time - even asked for the runs so he could chat her up