Lorry driver with one arm!

He was driving a artic bulker, in the office i noticed he had a stump on his left arm above his elbow. I was wanting to ask loads of questions but didn’t want him to feel uncomfortable, i even tried to get a look in his cab as i passed to see the setup but couldn’t. It was a volvo so im assuming i-shift? Still makes you wonder how he does everything even small things like straps, bulker socks etc.

Good on him, good on his company for hiring him too he was fairly youngish looking late 20’s.

There used to be a driver in Bradford who had only half of one arm.
He could rope and sheet as good as anybody!

I saw a gentleman from A.Ebner in Bring Jönköping withe the forementioned predicament once. He was pulling a tilt so on palletized goods you don’t need any straps.

A few years ago, a wagon and drag came into our place to drop stuff off. Everyone looked on in amazement when the door opened and down came the driver. He was in a wheelchair and his volvo had a winch to lower him out of his cab. He could even open and close the curtains from his wheelchair. Respect to him for not letting anything get in his way.

What sort of questions merc0447■■ most amputee’s don’t mind people asking questions they find it better than staring.

I remember reading in a truck mag many moons ago about a wheelchair bound driver.
He had an accident while in France, his wagon came off the road and he ended up in a bad way.
Few months later, wheel chair bound. His boss moved him into the office.
The guy got sick of this, and spoke to his boss. So his boss forked out for a specially equipped unit.
Funnily enough, I think it was a Volvo.
It had auto box, hand throttle and brakes. There was a crane fitted on the passenger side to lower him out of his cab in his wheel chair.
At the time, they had him on trunks. As they were still trying to figure a way of him hitching up. But while on trunks, the respective site shunter would drop legs and pull suzi’s for him.

When i was learning for me lgv the bloke teaching me had a stump at about his elbow on his left arm, amazed me how he got through the gears what with the splitter switch an all. And when i was on the tippers i used to see a fella from up northumberland way driving a green man he also had one arm.

I remember seeing one of those UK cop shows (Police Camera Action etc) and the guy wrecker turned up at an RTC and the driver, who I think was the owner of the company, was diving around the motor strapping the car on to the bed of the truck. Camera changes angles and the guy is in full view and had 2 artificial legs (the bionic type, not false limb) as he had lost his when a car ran into the back of his truck years before, crushing him between the front of the car and the rear of his motor when he was strapping another car on. Put me to shame if i’m honest the way he was going about his job…then he jumped behind the wheel of his 7.5t and drove off

I remember seeing one of those UK cop shows (Police Camera Action etc) and the guy wrecker turned up at an RTC and the driver, who I think was the owner of the company, was diving around the motor strapping the car on to the bed of the truck. Camera changes angles and the guy is in full view and had 2 artificial legs (the bionic type, not false limb) as he had lost his when a car ran into the back of his truck years before, crushing him between the front of the car and the rear of his motor when he was strapping another car on. Put me to shame if i’m honest the way he was going about his job…then he jumped behind the wheel of his 7.5t and drove off

I remember that, wasn’t it Traffic Cops on bbc 1■■

Think it was FB…been having a quick look round the web to see if I couls find the clip but gave up!

Buddy of mine gets by with one arm,what’s the problem? OK he does drive around some day’s stark naked can’t be bothered to get dressed but get’s the load there…don’t you Rab?

I knew a chap in Sussex, operated and drove his own tippers.
You can do anything if you want it bad enough.

Must do is some task master


i have a mate who has a brother lost a arm ,he rides a very nice single cam cb 750 .the throttle is on the left, modified so that it twists the right way. i`ve not seen him on it (ive seen the bike) but he isnt known for hanging about.

going by the wee clip kernan_d posted a few posts back he’s the man with first hand knowledge (pardon the pun :slight_smile: ) of how to cope with one arm, and he’s a driver into the bargain. p.s, i would try slip ons…

There was a bloke near me on the boxes who only had one leg. The boss paid to have the truck adapted, fair play to him.

Another story, when we left school my best mate got a job as an apprentice painter, and the bloke driving the Transit who picked him up each morning had no left arm. How did he change gear? Easy, he gaffer taped an egg cup to his prosthesis!

About a week before Christmas i saw the chap who drives the curtainsider artic who is in a wheelchair he was delivering in Leamington Spa , He was just winching himself back into his moter ready for the off, good for him and his company he was just getting on with the job, not like some of the wingeing so and so,s you get on here at times.

going by the wee clip kernan_d posted a few posts back he’s the man with first hand knowledge (pardon the pun :slight_smile: ) of how to cope with one arm, and he’s a driver into the bargain. p.s, i would try slip ons…

Indeed I think mr kernan does just fine but slip ons are definitely the way to go for me and I’ve two arms. Fair play he makes it look easy.

A mate of mine only has 1 arm and it dosent seem to be a problem at all.
He drives artics and has worked on containers and tankers.

TTX boy:
A mate of mine only has 1 arm and it dosent seem to be a problem at all.
He drives artics and has worked on containers and tankers.

I hope he never finds himself hanging off a cliff with an itchy bum.