Long Departed Southampton Hauliers (Part 1)

Close, one number difference

Was Gazzers 770 the first as widely thought or the second, Gazzer should know but who had 769 originally as obviously from Princes commercials in Southampton I would have thought any one know that one, Buzzer

Was Gazzers 770 the first as widely thought or the second, Gazzer should know but who had 769 originally as obviously from Princes commercials in Southampton I would have thought any one know that one, Buzzer

I think 769 was new to Ian Rycroft

Absolutely no need for a comment on this picture, classic old time Buzzer


Absolutely no need for a comment on this picture, classic old time Buzzer

google.fr/maps/@45.7864559, … 8192?hl=en




Jimmer another cracking model mate but i want to set you a challenge and that is with so many models under your belt do you think you may be able to recreate Lorrain’s lorry park in model form then we can have a grand reunion with said models and owners after the Covid19 of course and maybe a wet or three, cheers Buzzer.

Hey ya Buzzer I dunno about Lorraines but I reckon I’ve built enough to fill the Townsend Thoresen Freighter ! :smiley:
Hope your all well at Tracey Island !

you will have to raffle the Pole position spot??
O/D’s 1st choice, as all the company drivers will still be in the Ferry Boat■■?
Mine’s in the porch so I can jump in her anytime I go out the door, JCB’s down to Rodez / Nimes then load wine

Jeremy,you’re obviously wallowing in nostalgia.When men were men & rebuilding a stripped tilt was–well it was never easy. but ending the day with bottle of wine in a Mediterranean setting always seemed to ease the difficulties
Many people have difficulty remembering what happened last week,do you recollect what you were doing 35 years ago (and I am referring to your work activities by the way) ?

Chris I did find a load of old invoices in a container up the field but not that far back, got 1st artic DAF 2200 PTR375S in 83 then 1628 Merc GPX571X in 84 with D268EBP new in Jan 86

Sent from my EML-L09 using Tapatalk


Rob this was owned by the Parsons Father and Son double manned doing 2 Italy’s a week.




Rob this was owned by the Parsons Father and Son double manned doing 2 Italy’s a week.


Richard old Ken Daley used to do that for me in an F12 on his own, good old days on wine tanks going out empty, Buzzer

Hey ya Buzzer I dunno about Lorraines but I reckon I’ve built enough to fill the Townsend Thoresen Freighter ! :smiley:
Hope your all well at Tracey Island !
you will have to raffle the Pole position spot??
O/D’s 1st choice, as all the company drivers will still be in the Ferry Boat■■?
Mine’s in the porch so I can jump in her anytime I go out the door, JCB’s down to Rodez / Nimes then load wine
Jeremy,you’re obviously wallowing in nostalgia.When men were men & rebuilding a stripped tilt was–well it was never easy. but ending the day with bottle of wine in a Mediterranean setting always seemed to ease the difficulties
Many people have difficulty remembering what happened last week,do you recollect what you were doing 35 years ago (and I am referring to your work activities by the way) ?
Chris I did find a load of old invoices in a container up the field but not that far back, got 1st artic DAF 2200 PTR375S in 83 then 1628 Merc GPX571X in 84 with D268EBP new in Jan 86

Sent from my EML-L09 using Tapatalk
Mon 15th July 1985 you tipped 8026LW76 at Yate, then reloaded from JCB Rocester .After dropping it at the Port,you brought LTS 56 back to the yard. You then shipped out with Armstrong tank AT11 & loaded from Verona. Just a normal average week 35 years ago Would (or could) you do it now ?

You must have bribed me to do Italy, loaded Soave, drove thru hole in the wall, just enough room sides & roof, clear Verona I seal Ed at the cellars then had to resealed at customs nearly 20 plombs

Sent from my EML-L09 using Tapatalk

Does anybody remember this F89,who owned it?. 1973 So’ton reg so presumably supplied by Princes Commercials

POW 757M.jpg

Does anybody remember this F89,who owned it?. 1973 So’ton reg so presumably supplied by Princes Commercials


Trailer has a “TVB” number.
Testwood Vintners Box?

EAA769W was issued to EC Transport (Rycroft).
Eric Pettit asked me which reg. I wanted, i opted for 770W.
First reg 08.08.80.
770W was the first one on the road, in use, even before Yeardleys W reg.

Hi all that was a good day to register your truck gazzer that’s my birthday 08-08-19**.Hope your all safe where ever you are. :sunglasses:

A couple local companies J.P Marks had a wharf in Woolston for aggregate and one of R&G’s looks like in Port Ugal, Buzzer


Poor quality, but here is an Armstrong tank in, I think, Trento. 3 pot tank? Empty out.

…watch this space…

Poor quality, but here is an Armstrong tank in, I think, Trento. 3 pot tank? Empty out.

…watch this space…

One of BKG’s Volvo’s (better keep going) as they were affectionately known, Buzzer

Heres a rake of trucks from another Soton firm. These werent as “keeping goingy”.
Taken at Liposthey?

And a few faces from…25 years ago…
Again poor quality, but I reckon they are recognizable.