Is it just me, but all vehicles seem to think they have the right away to pull out in front of you, while they do not adjust the speed to match the road conditions, if there is no traffic behind me,they have to get in the gap, and run out of slip road, and dive bomb in nearly crashing.
On the M5 this young lady was turning her head around at me, as if to say why arent i moving over to let her join the motorway,another dive bomber.If she had adjusted her speed she could have safely got in lane one with no drama.
A class two truck joining before the Dartford toll could not wait and could see i had no room to let him in,as a truck was parallel to me,we nearly had a crash, then he gives me the horn and an offer of some coffee beans and some frantic light flashing to let me know his lights were working in good order.
It’s a major gripe of mine - very few seem able to do it properly and as you say they seem to think it is their right of way.
BTW Toby - do you go to the hub at night now?
unless you can actually move out [you dont have to as you have priority]then run them along the hard shoulder which i have done many times when i could not pull out,they learn in the end
My 67 year old Father-in-Law until recently (I set him straight) believed all his life that joining vehicles had priority
Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t this the case in some European countries too? I almost got swiped by a Danish plated transit on the M25, sauntered up the slip road and joined without a care in the world. I warmed my brakes up with him but the way he just didn’t react at all suggested this was the norm for him.
unless you can actually move out [you dont have to as you have priority]then run them along the hard shoulder which i have done many times when i could not pull out,they learn in the end
Had one (small ■■■■■■ type van) where I had no choice but to do this and he slammed on at the end of the slip, pulled in behind me, overtook then pulled in front and stood on his brakes blowing his horn and shaking coffee beans all the time. I was ready for him and was slowing down before he did but he still slowed lane 1 of 2 to about 25 mph. He clearly thought I should have slowed down to let him on the motorway or that lane 2 should have slowed to let me out so he could get on.
I never move over for anything other than a truck #simples…
I never move over for anything other than a truck #simples…
Me neither, I know my works done when I look in the mirror to see the driver trying to push in front jumping round his seat waving his arms like a chimp at the zoo
. Had a few today on the m6, certainly made travelling through the traffic more entertaining
Slip roads joining M ways or DCs are effectively ‘Give Way’ junctions.It would be nice if you could always maintain momentum and merge safely,but it’s not always possible for this to happen.A colleague did move into lane 2 to allow someone onto a M way.There was enough room----just.It was either that or a sideswipe.He got pulled over by plod and ‘educated’ that he should not deliberately impede traffic flow.The vehicle forcing its way onto the carriageway was left to go his merry way.
I think most people think they have priority.
I’ve had light checks and offers of coffee for it. Hopefully they’ll go home and read up on it.
Ian G:
I think most people think they have priority.I’ve had light checks and offers of coffee for it. Hopefully they’ll go home and read up on it.
Thank ■■■■ this forum exists!
It’s nice to know that me fellow trucking brethren have to contend with the same ■■■■■ as me on an everyday basis.
It is twice as annoying when you get a fellow trucker barging in off the slip when there’s another trucker overtaking in lane 2.
Rigid tipper drivers are the worst for this.
'Specially Cockney ones p
It depends, if they’re simply inept I’ll try & help out but if they’re giving it the big 'un then ■■■■ 'em.
It depends, if they’re simply inept I’ll try & help out but if they’re giving it the big 'un then [zb] 'em.
totally agree
This is one of my biggest gripes. I fail to understand where they get the idea they have right of way. Ships Captains have the right idea, If you have right of way do not alter speed or direction no matter what.
It depends, if they’re simply inept I’ll try & help out but if they’re giving it the big 'un then [zb] 'em.totally agree
I would add to that “or underpowered” like the poor bloke somewhere inside the cloud of black smoke doing 41 mph I saw today, think it was an LDV 200 inside it! Hadn’t the heart to run him onto the HS particularly because I wasn’t sure he could even see me for all the smoke!
unless you can actually move out [you dont have to as you have priority]then run them along the hard shoulder which i have done many times when i could not pull out,they learn in the end
My sentiments exactly, I always do this too. They have cow dung for brains.
if it’s clear and safe, then i’ll pull out and let them in.
It’s different with the police though. If i pull out and do the decent thing, they get suspicious and pull me. if i stay where i am they think i’m a git and pull me. So i stay where i am for them.
It annoys me when you pull into lane 2 to let another truck join inlane 1 then he steams up inside and passes you,really does my head in rolls reversed i always hang back and let themback in even if im faster
I think every on/off slip road on our motorway network should have cctv on them, and their should also be some sort of compulsory joining and leaving a motorway test for new drivers.
This is pretty much the only thing that winds me up when I’m going down the road. Also people who don’t indicate properly in roundabouts, but I’ve started to just cut them up.