jobs in vosa.

anyone reading my posts will know that i am no lover of vosa.
this morning daily post[liverpool local paper]jobs page.
vosa traffic examiner wanted. wages 24/27000 after training…plus
travel allowance…7000…shift allowance…i think it said 30 days holidays…pension and all the perks of a civil service job.

could you do it?
go out on the road in the ford and hassle your old mates…park them up…have them prosecuted for driving 2 minutes over their time or being 300 kilos over on the front axle.
would your consience allow you?
i know i couldnt do it.
i would be in trouble from day one if i met and recognised some of them that gave me trouble in the past.
the irsh temper would probably come out and i would be in the clink before the first day was over.

Too rights i could do it :smiley: :smiley: dont think would be job for life though as id be sacked after 1st week letting all british truckies go and just pulling the foriegn trucks :sunglasses:

nope not 4 me…

dont know how they have the nerve to do that

same as wannabe cops, and traffic wardens

no amount of money would let me do it

Oh and Beverley Bell would be one of your Commandants

a few of them that i met in the past were ex drivers and one of them tole me he missed the job as he was trying to get me to answer his stupid questions.
i always remember him.
he had my tacho discs in his hand and was asking mne wher i was at this time etc.
i told him to read the disc its all marked on there for you.i wouldnt tell him anything.

A good freind of mine is applying for the traffic job checking tacho’s etc the only reason I am supporting her is so I can get the heads up on when its my turn again to be targeted. I run a car mot testing station as well as trucks so the same set of b…s get me for both.

anyone reading my posts will know that i am no lover of vosa.

vosa traffic examiner wanted. wages 24/27000 after training…plus
travel allowance…7000…shift allowance…i think it said 30 days holidays…pension and all the perks of a civil service job.

What are they■■?

vehicle operator sevice agency.
a nice way of saying b******s.
they are the ones that pull you in when driving your truck/van…whatever and try to ruin your day.
in the case of a hgv.
they start with tachos or digicard.
one of them gets in the cab and starts opening up doors whilst checking your tachos to see what they can find in the way iof receipts,paperwork with dates on it .
this is an attempt to catch you out telling lies.
never tell them are not obliged to let them in the cab or say anything.
meanwhile their colleague is going round your truck with a hammer ,banging wheelnuts etc,to see can they find something no matter how minute to park you or give you a prohibition order.
i missed second birthday party of a person very special to me 2 years ago for something that was silly.
an air leak.
nothing to get concerned about,but i was driving an irish truck on the m6.
i had to hold myself back from doing what wouldnt be wise to do.
this was the first time they affected my social life,but i always hated the ministry and now vosa.i go home to ireland for holidays as much as i can afford to do,and i swear.
if ever i meet one of them on holidays in ireland.
and they admit what their job is.
happy days.
i will be locked up,but worth it.

Apologies Greg50, i mean’t what are the perks to there job tht you put at the end, sorry didn’t explain myself very well.

Well, if you apply for a job with the VOSA, you spend half a day filling out the application form online, and then, they don’t bother to reply

Good eh?

I wouldn’t give it a second thought. I have no affiliation with any drivers as regards anything, sure lots of my mates are drivers. I could do it and sleep easy in my bed. I understand you hate them Greg, although i’m not completeley sure why? You cite having missed some occasion for an air leak?
My first thoughts are…could you not of sorted out the air leak before? Ok, maybe the air leak happened on route, if that was the case who’s fault is that? No ones probably its one of them things. VOSA man no let truck go with air leak just as you wouldn’t drive off with a wobby pallet unstrapped, easy. You’ve previously ran your own truck(s) and now don’t? Do you blame them for it or something?
Bernard Manning once mentioned coppers at one of his gigs, and as everyone sat about laughing he said ‘if you think i’m going to start cracking gags about them you’re mistaken. The alternative to not having them with the amount of ■■■■ walking the streets doesn’t bear thinking about.’ I have the same view about VOSA. Sure they can be a pain in the arse and equally they save some people from being run ragged/tired and dangerous. Where do you draw your line? I’ll second guess that you know best , i’ll also guess that some drivers and employers don’t hence we have them. Authority hey !! Its ■■■■■ being told what to do !!

greg50 you get my vote 100% , my best friend from school days is a VOSA nazis now , we no longer talk , hes so far up his own bum his breath stinks of ■■■, Horrible people

plus travel allowance…7000 …

For driving their vehicle? How does that work?

If it’s for using your own vehicle to get to base that’s a hell of an allowance.


Over the past 20 years, I have been stopped about a dozen times by VOSA in various parts of the UK and never had a problem - they were polite and professional - did their job and I was on my way - 10 mins tops - no prob :smiley: :smiley:

I was polite and respectful to them as I realise that they have a job to do and that may have been the reason that I got treated with respect - as I have never shown a negative attitude towards them, then I cannot compare what would happen if I did.

I missed second birthday party of a person very special to me 2 years ago for something that was silly. an air leak.

I’m new here but haven’t yet known and air leak as a design feature or perform a self-fix, but am willing to learn…

The new VOSA name that srikes fear into drivers and operators has been around a long time, drivers have always complained about the men from the ministry, the traffic commissioners and the wheeltappers.

When I got into transport, there were certainly more of them, every bridge had a ministry man doing a silent check :slight_smile: He must have had one devils own job following all those miscreant drivers.

Now that it is called targetted enforcement, the people who complain the most are the ones the ministry would prefer not to be on the road.

There were certainly more roadside checks in the past then there are now.

Wheel Nut:
…every bridge had a ministry man doing a silent check :)…

Now there’s a phrase I haven’t heard for a while. :grimacing:

:open_mouth: I remember the days of the silent check, and the later request to look at log-sheets… :open_mouth:

The problem was that you didn’t know how much they already knew… :wink:

:stuck_out_tongue: Then you could read all about it in Commercial Motor or Headlight. :open_mouth:

where can i apply…i could do that job…if you got a faulty vehicle, it gets fixed, if you got a dodgy tacho…you get fixed…easy innit…that way, we can keep this industry on the right path, regardless of the nationality…if you carry a tool box, you can fix most small faults yourself, and vosa would allow this, if its a major fault, the vehicle shouldnt be on the road in the first place.
I would not fall out with an old friend just because he becomes a policeman, a tax inspector, or Vosa, and wouldnt want you as a friend if it was the other way around.
I certainly wouldnt want to Punch, Fight, Insult, someone on holiday, just because of his profession.
Of course we all dread the yellow coats, when we are directed to a Vosa station, for as vosa once told me, even if its a brand new vehicle, driven straight from its pre inspection, we could find fault with it, and we are no exception, not all are not fully qualified mechanics, or posess enough mechanical knowledge to be able to fix a minor fault, but if vosa find one, is it their fault that they are doing their job, i dont think so.

Stanley Knife:

plus travel allowance…7000 …

For driving their vehicle? How does that work?

If it’s for using your own vehicle to get to base that’s a hell of an allowance.


sorry stan
i didnt word it properly.
7000 is a shift allowance.
they get travelling expenses.
chilld care is part of it as well.
great money for annoying people.

Over the past 20 years, I have been stopped about a dozen times by VOSA in various parts of the UK and never had a problem - they were polite and professional - did their job and I was on my way - 10 mins tops - no prob :smiley: :smiley:

I was polite and respectful to them as I realise that they have a job to do and that may have been the reason that I got treated with respect - as I have never shown a negative attitude towards them, then I cannot compare what would happen if I did.

you never drove an irish truck into a checkpoint then i take it.
they wont stop until they find something wrong.