ITV elders debate

Leaders not elders, bloody auto correct!

Anyone else watching?

He might say some slightly unpopular things, but Farage seems to be the only one answering a question honestly.

Green Party loon has mentioned air pollution at least twice already. Apparently if we sort it out then the NHS will be saved!!! :laughing:

They are all as bad as each other but if you break them down, Labour haven’t got a hope in hell, they’ve lost the support of big business. Lib Dem are still the seen as weak and mealy mouthed. The Greens want to open our borders completely. The SNP are trying to seperate Scotland from the rest of the UK. UKIP are a one trick pony.

Who does that leave us with? Tory. As much as it pains me to say it, they have turned this around but at what cost? The NHS is at breaking point, public service spending is at a all time low. Government selling off state owned business left and right, giving tax breaks to the rich whilst adding tax on the poor. On the flipside, they are trying to curb this mentally of “The state owns me this and that” that some parts of our society seem to believe. They have opened jobs etc.

However, this is a weak Tory government, one that is held back by coalition with the Lib Dems. Are we ready to see what Osbourne would do if he were allowed free reign over the budget?

Leaders not elders, bloody auto correct!

Anyone else watching?

He might say some slightly unpopular things, but Farage seems to be the only one answering a question honestly.

Yes he comes across well, Clegg does also.

Watchin it but gettin annoyed at Ed’s playin to the cameras, they are all doin it but Ed can’t seem to pull it off without lookin like a muppet.

Nigel is doin quite well so is our Dave and Nick, the SNP woman is comin across very well but the Welsh chick not so much.

Waitin for that unscripted question thats going to through one of em…

Watchin it but gettin annoyed at Ed’s playin to the cameras, they are all doin it but Ed can’t seem to pull it off without lookin like a muppet.

Nigel is doin quite well so is our Dave and Nick, the SNP woman is comin across very well but the Welsh chick not so much.

Waitin for that unscripted question thats going to through one of em…

Never trust a woman with no lips.

Oh and also noticed theres an australian sheila from the green party who appears to have arrived for a night at the bingo by mistake.

To be fair its quite interesting to watch but can’t help but feel Im viewing the worst episode of ‘Shag, Marry, Avoid’ ever…

what are they saying about the immigration problem? are they going to stop us from being swamped?

no,thought not :frowning:

What load of tosh… this is a bit more like this picture below…

But everything for the young like apprenticeships, training and jobs etc etc so once you over 25 your all past it…lol


It will not matter who wins the election . The Westminster gravy train will keep on rolling as will the eu gravy train and nothing will change

Cameron might have been a rough dose of medicine for the past five years, but ’ that bloody Greek drag artist, Milliband’ as my maritime retired brother described him will drive this country backwards again…

God forbid he gets in!..

Mr Farage

told it like it is

Oh and also noticed theres an australian sheila from the green party who appears to have arrived for a night at the bingo by mistake.

To be fair its quite interesting to watch but can’t help but feel Im viewing the worst episode of ‘Shag, Marry, Avoid’ ever…

lmao said the same thing to the missus, ■■■■ sheila

Immigration? If Milliband gets in Im out. Somebody can have my place. Hes a total ■■■■■■■■.

That SNP woman…I thought it was Jimmy Krankie!

All a bit of damp squib really. I was hoping that one of them would mess up badly, but they`re all too well trained for that these days.

Labour are going to get booted out scotland and take a right battering in Wales so there goes half their seats straight away. That Ed Milaband reminds me of some daft university student coming into the work place for the first time and not having a ■■■■■■■ clue.

I know a lot of people on here shine on that Nigel Farage but I personally think he is off his head. Reminds me of hilter!

Another Tory/lib dem hung parliament I reckon.

The only one I like “personality wise” is Nick clegg!

Mr Farage

told it like it is

And remember the warnings of Enock Powell in the 60’s…

Who is hilter?

Well every time that moron aka cameron opened his arse oops sorry mouth the bull shine was very strong, the man is a liar !!! if he gets in there will be major riots, the poor & sick have had enough of their persecution,they will rebel, not enough police to deal with what may happen, this coalition government, cough tory !! has cut their numbers, and if allowed to continue will make even more cuts, whilst they maintain their lavish lifestyles with snouts deep deep in that trough (expenses pot) claiming for everything that they can and being paid far too much for doing SFA they would not know a hard days graft if they fell over it, tossers, thats what that lot are , me i want the benefits system as it is , in fact it should be better, as it used to be, as you never know when you may need that safety net, cammer loon gets his way there wont be a safety net

Also the bankers (who the tories will look after) ok Blair the muppet may well of allowed them to take the pish, that caused the crash, but the knobs that have been in charge for the past 5 yrs have done what to change this ? have the banks re payed what they got from the bail out? the root cause of this recession ? no they haven’t, why is that ? maybe because they have made the poorest in this country pay, all those working people that have to rely on charity (food banks) in order to feed their families because of these minimum wage jobs they have created , jobs that don’t really exist , as they are also zero hrs contracts, so creating a false job economy, so if we are truthful about this, if employers had to pay a livable wage at the very least,and no zero hrs , (unless you agreed) how many who would instantly become unemployed , ? this government is nothing more than an insult to the working class be they unemployed or working they still are taking the pish

TBH I thought Millband came across far better than Cameron who spent most of his time talking about the previous Labour admin.
The earliest polls agree with that also even though there wasv irtually no difference 'tween Lab Con and UKIP in the scores.
the only time I saw Milliband put off his stroke was the mention of the hospital that negelcted patients (can’t remember the name of it)
Wether you like Labour or not. surely the ordinary man has had enough “auterity” now, I know I bloody well have.
Strange how austerity never seem to have much effect on the wealthy isn’t it?
As for Cameron negotiating restrictions on freedom of movement in the EU, Chancellor Merkel will veto that every time.