Italian fined and lost the lorry?

According to CM traffic news an Italian has been fined for fiddling the tacho £1000 plus had the lorry valued at £46,000 confiscated,that to my mind is totally out of order £56,000 for fiddling the tacho.And don’t bother commenting he might have killed someone,he didn’t.Our corrupt politicians got less for fiddling the public and how many major criminals receive a fine of £56K.You really have to wonder what planet are they on,what game are the courts with Vosa’s connivance playing.Didn’t anyone inform the courts that after 40 years they still haven’t made major efforts to develop a tacho that can’t be fiddled,too much money in ensuring that tacho’s are junk and can be fiddled.

is that the whole story? huh? was it for other reasons they confiscated the truck outstanding fines owed? the fact remains he was caught in an illegal act and got punished … these drivers should not be on the road driving tires drivers and kills innocent people when they fall asleep at the wheel good on the law for setting a precident

If I remember rightly O’leary International aka ‘Sail Away’ also lost a lorry in the same way last year.

If Im correct, this was at Carlisle Crown Court, the same court has seized two Spanish trucks already this year for fiddling, they aint taking it too lightly!

i think it’s bloody ridiculous. fiddling your tacho in italy carries a 40 euro fine, and that’s it.
i don’t know of any case where anyone has been killed or injured by anyone running bent.

is that the whole story? huh? was it for other reasons they confiscated the truck outstanding fines owed? the fact remains he was caught in an illegal act and got punished … these drivers should not be on the road driving tires drivers and kills innocent people when they fall asleep at the wheel good on the law for setting a precident

■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ … ates-court

i think it’s bloody ridiculous. fiddling your tacho in italy carries a 40 euro fine, and that’s it.
i don’t know of any case where anyone has been killed or injured by anyone running bent.

You have had a sheltered life.

As soon as you stick a device on the gearbox, it isn’t about driving excess hours, it becomes fraud.

Wheel Nut:

i think it’s bloody ridiculous. fiddling your tacho in italy carries a 40 euro fine, and that’s it.
i don’t know of any case where anyone has been killed or injured by anyone running bent.

You have had a sheltered life.

As soon as you stick a device on the gearbox, it isn’t about driving excess hours, it becomes fraud.

only if you get caught.

i think this italian could have helped himself out a bit.
the vehicle was parked up, but examined the following day. this is plenty of time for the driver to get rid of any magnets, electro magnets, switches, etc.
then when he goes to court, he pleads guilty? what’s that about? :unamused:

Can’t win on this forum one minute it’s the forigeners come here and do what they want next minute this is unfair the Latvian who caught caught drink driving and bang to rights was unfairly treated.

Armegedon, a bit nit picking , but where do you get £56,000 from, I make it £47000.
Is it your adding up or a typo on the £1000?

Either way, when word gets around that this is what to expect in the UK you can bet johnny foreigner will start to take notice!

Lots of major criminals are now finding that in addition to fines they are having to cough up a big chunk owing to the proceeds of crime laws.
Do the crime…pay the fine!!

Wheel Nut:

i think it’s bloody ridiculous. fiddling your tacho in italy carries a 40 euro fine, and that’s it.
i don’t know of any case where anyone has been killed or injured by anyone running bent.

You have had a sheltered life.

As soon as you stick a device on the gearbox, it isn’t about driving excess hours, it becomes fraud.

It’s a minefield situation of competitive advantages and trying not to allow a situation in which anarchy takes over which would inevitably result in drivers running loopy hours to the point where biology says they will run off the road or into someone else at some point.

In the case of foreign wagons,in which there’s different views on the level of crime related to the offence,in the operator’s home base,then it’s obvious that this type of overreaction and stupidity will result in ■■■ for tat action against any Brits caught out in that country doing something which would ordinarily be viewed with some leniency there.

At most this case should have been the fine for the offence and then a ban from running here including finding someone else to get the wagon home.

But if the euro states seem to view fiddling tachos with that type of leniency then fair enough but that should apply to all states not forgetting that it was them who wanted the zb things not us and then it was them who wanted limiters set at 90 kmh when we were happy running with log books and no limiters and a 60 mph motorway limit.The issue in this case seems to be more about some euro states trying to get a competitive adavantage over others by enforcing the rules more leniently than others are expected to do.

The fact is everyone would be better off under British type pre EEC/EU hours regs using log books and British speed limits with no limiters in which case it’s in the driver’s interests not to work loopy hours and drive when they’re too knackered at those type of speeds.But then the Euro lot won’t be able to get any adavantage out of that idea over the Brits which is probably one of the reasons why the EU prefer things left as they are with VOSA and the British courts being given carte blanche to act like the Gestapo.

According to CM traffic news an Italian has been fined for fiddling the tacho £1000 plus had the lorry valued at £46,000 confiscated,that to my mind is totally out of order £56,000 for fiddling the tacho.And don’t bother commenting he might have killed someone,he didn’t.Our corrupt politicians got less for fiddling the public and how many major criminals receive a fine of £56K.You really have to wonder what planet are they on,what game are the courts with Vosa’s connivance playing.Didn’t anyone inform the courts that after 40 years they still haven’t made major efforts to develop a tacho that can’t be fiddled,too much money in ensuring that tacho’s are junk and can be fiddled.

You are reporting that that he was fined £1000…& the lorry was worth £46000 :confused:



How did you get the grand total of £56,000 :question: :confused: :confused:

Armegedon, a bit nit picking , but where do you get £56,000 from, I make it £47000.
Is it your adding up or a typo on the £1000?

Either way, when word gets around that this is what to expect in the UK you can bet johnny foreigner will start to take notice!

Lots of major criminals are now finding that in addition to fines they are having to cough up a big chunk owing to the proceeds of crime laws.
Do the crime…pay the fine!!

You can bet they will with the probable reult that the next time a Brit gets caught driving on an Italian motorway at 100 mph + the car gets impounded instead of just a warning and a laugh that the law would prefer to be driving the Jag to the Alfa. :smiling_imp: :unamused:

This marks the latest of a series of successful applications to confiscate vehicles used to commit offences of tachograph manipulation

taken from the ■■■■■■■■ police report on this incident. Evidently he is not the first, nor is he an owner driver so in actual fact he has only been fined £1000.
I don’t know if the tampering is involving a magnet or wether some other device has been used or if the tacho has been “adjusted” in the companies own workshop.
If the company was aware of/or party to the offence then they have got a clear message.
it seems to me that the courts have decided to hit the company hard, whilst the driver was only fined £250 for each of 4 fiddling offences

puzzled by your logic
Are you suggesting that the UK should be lenient on visiting lawbreakers to encourage foreign countries to be lenient in return?

In the space of 2 days we have this post complaining of foreign driver being punished and also a report of a driver bringing in illegals which the majority decided he shouldn’t be reported for.
Strange when many posts are complaints about johnny foreigner nicking our work and lots more about illegals nicking our benefits.

If every firm, UK and foreign was treated in this way then it would soon put a stop to any firms running bent at all.

If every firm, UK and foreign was treated in this way then it would soon put a stop to any firms running bent at all.

I agree 100%, but we’ve got to be carefull, there’s a difference between running bent and making a mistake, and we don’t want to get harshly punished for mistakes.

Anyone choosing to run bent deserves anything they get, but massive fines, lots of inconvenience for a mistake (wrong mode, tacho reset driving time due to poa or 3x15’s etc all easily done) would be wrong IMHO.

Can’t win on this forum one minute it’s the forigeners come here and do what they want next minute this is unfair the Latvian who caught caught drink driving and bang to rights was unfairly treated.

bang on


This marks the latest of a series of successful applications to confiscate vehicles used to commit offences of tachograph manipulation

taken from the ■■■■■■■■ police report on this incident. Evidently he is not the first, nor is he an owner driver so in actual fact he has only been fined £1000.
I don’t know if the tampering is involving a magnet or wether some other device has been used or if the tacho has been “adjusted” in the companies own workshop.

From the same report.

The digital data from the tachograph was analysed by PC Andy Ivison and revealed a number of offences, including a period showing ‘rest’ on the tachograph data when it is alleged the vehicle was driven from ■■■■■■■■■■■ to Stirling and back.


If every firm, UK and foreign was treated in this way then it would soon put a stop to any firms running bent at all.

I agree 100%, but we’ve got to be carefull, there’s a difference between running bent and making a mistake, and we don’t want to get harshly punished for mistakes.

I don’t think you can accidentally put a magnet on your gearbox. :wink:


This marks the latest of a series of successful applications to confiscate vehicles used to commit offences of tachograph manipulation

taken from the ■■■■■■■■ police report on this incident. Evidently he is not the first, nor is he an owner driver so in actual fact he has only been fined £1000.
I don’t know if the tampering is involving a magnet or wether some other device has been used or if the tacho has been “adjusted” in the companies own workshop.
If the company was aware of/or party to the offence then they have got a clear message.
it seems to me that the courts have decided to hit the company hard, whilst the driver was only fined £250 for each of 4 fiddling offences

puzzled by your logic
Are you suggesting that the UK should be lenient on visiting lawbreakers to encourage foreign countries to be lenient in return?

In the space of 2 days we have this post complaining of foreign driver being punished and also a report of a driver bringing in illegals which the majority decided he shouldn’t be reported for.
Strange when many posts are complaints about johnny foreigner nicking our work and lots more about illegals nicking our benefits.

There’s a difference between the issue of sorting out the issue of the balance between the amount of loads leaving and entering the country being moved by foreign trucks compared to our own and trying to use the judicial system to ‘make life difficult’ for foreign operators when they get here as a way of doing that.

If what limeyphil says,about the type of penalty which the offender would have faced at home,for the same offence,is correct,then it’s obvious that would/should be taken into account when sentencing the offender for doing the same thing here.If not then it’s obvious that ‘in the real world’,not the British black and white one of road traffic law enforcement,that’s going to leave the few operators from here who go into that operator’s home turf (and some fast car enthusiasts :smiling_imp: :smiley: ) open to some ■■■ for tat ‘law enforcement’,in this case in Italy.When it’s obvious that just a ban from operating here would have been sufficient in this case as a way of letting foreign operators know that the law here views things a bit different to there but without the vindictive excercise of taking the wagon away which will obviously cause some calls for reciprocal action knowing the Italian mindset. :bulb: :smiling_imp: :laughing:

As for the ‘illegals’ that has more to do with the incentive provided by the British government,for every economic migrant and his wife,to come here because they know when they do the British government will provide for their every need,on the basis of their ‘human rights’,instead of sending them home again as soon as they land at Dover or get found on the road in the back of a truck who’s driver might,or might not, (innocent until proven guilty beyond reasonable doubt) know they’re on board.

In view of all that surely you’re not suggesting that under the old British regs of log books and no speed limiters no one ever ‘adjusted’ a log book,within acceptable limits,without actually becoming a liability on the road,and that no one ever drove a truck a few mph over 60 mph and assuming that they’d have got caught doing that then taking the wagon away would (rightly) have been seen as rough justice :question: .

Whereas even running legal with tachos,speed limiters and gestapo type law enforcement the roads aren’t exactly free of accidents and a few knackered drivers running over the white lines or worse.