It is a wonder people don't like us

How often do you follow a car or a truck down a road and something comes flying out of their window?
Probably the same ones that walk down the street and just throw their rubbish down instead of using a bin.
Dregs of society.

You say dregs of society, but it seems endemic, you see it from the Jeremy Kyle candidate to people you really expect to know better and know they’ll have a tidy house and immaculate garden and complain about house prices if the neighbour parks his works van in road. :smiling_imp:


Is that a parrot in the first picture?

Didn’t notice that until you mentioned it, It does look like one :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: I’m not 100% sure I didn’t get to close :open_mouth: but I trhink it was a bag of [zb]. :wink: :slight_smile:

I can imagine a short sighted person thinking it’s a parrot, walking over to it, and saying “who’s a pretty boy then?” I can also imagine the lorry driver who had just left the bag of excrement to witness this from his window, and I can imagine the story he would tell in the pub that weekend.

I am a member of our tidy town committee at home here.once a year we do a litter pick on the main road.we pick up all sorts and been a driver I do kinda get embarrassed when another member picks up a bottle off pee that some driver put out the window.but I can tell u that these bottles aren’t has common as some of the other things we find. The worst thing we have to try and gather up is the carrier bags of baby’s nappies.I have some where pictures of the amount of rubbish we pick up on a 5 mile stretch or a road. Now here’s the thing, I do thrown some things out the window. I thrown let over fruit and the like out the window. Maybe I am wrong in doing this but I feel that some animal will benefit from it and if not it will rot into the soil. In all my years litter picking I can’t say that I ever had to pick a bit of fruit or veg of the road side.

I do wonder what foreign visitors and tourists think of the acrid stale nose burning odour of urine in all UK Msa’s.

I do believe the most common thought is: “why yes, tis just like any other truckstop on planet earth” :laughing:

Safer, cheaper, lots more available msa’s and trunk route parking places would probably cure a lot of these problems.

I never dump rubbish, but when the councils, government treat us like crap …

What goes around comes around

I have always been disgusted with the way, and it as to be said, a large major of drivers behave… service stations being the classic where a driver will step from his cab do what he as to do and then get back in, with a toilet yards away… but then again where toilets have been provided it doesnt take long for some scumbag to wreck it…

someone mentioned nappies, when i was a security manager in the midlands we used to supply officers to Bham council to cover the high rise flats… well some of the tenants were a bit against this, have you ever seen a full nappy hit the deck after being thrown from the 13th floor… i learned to walk looking up and ready to move very quickly lol… i did once drop a guard off at a block of flats at the entrance and just as i reversed back a fridge landed where i had been parked a few seconds before. :imp:


How often do you follow a car or a truck down a road and something comes flying out of their window?
Probably the same ones that walk down the street and just throw their rubbish down instead of using a bin.
Dregs of society.

You say dregs of society, but it seems endemic, you see it from the Jeremy Kyle candidate to people you really expect to know better and know they’ll have a tidy house and immaculate garden and complain about house prices if the neighbour parks his works van in road. :smiling_imp:

Yes you are right it is endemic but that does not alter the fact they are exactly what I said they are.

Selfish people that do not think about anyone but themselves.Maybe I should have added hypocritcal as well.


I do wonder what foreign visitors and tourists think of the acrid stale nose burning odour of urine in all UK Msa’s.

I do believe the most common thought is: “why yes, tis just like any other truckstop on planet earth” :laughing:

It makes no difference any way. Its no different in countries who do have proper facilities, you still get the same stink. Even over here in North America where the facilities for drivers are far beyond anything in any European country, you still smell urine in the truck park, still get litter strewn all over and bottles of urine left in the parking area because the animal responsible couldn’t be bothered to empty it out in the grass behind his trailer and put the empty bottle in the dustbin.

…and as what has also has been said, its not just truck drivers, its society in general that has decayed, most of the littering I see is coming from cars, obviously not bottles of urine but rather all sorts of fast food garbage and the like.

Met a mate for a coffee in Peterborough services a few weeks back and as we were walking back to our wagons he spotted a fella in an Audi a6 chuck his Maccy ds wrappers out the window. Walked up picked it up and calmly chucked it through his window saying “think you dropped something mate” suited and booted company director type so yeah I think it’s endemic of today’s society. Sadly :unamused: I fill carrier bags and dispose of them where ever I find a bin mostly in the yard :unamused:

I live alongside the A485, and the amount of trash I pick up from outside my house can fill a black bin bag at times. Really gets my goat as it’s allsorts, even Mucky D, and the nearest one is 12 miles away!
People should take care of OUR environment.
Rant over, and relax…

I think people that litter should have a finger chopped off & get deported.

I must admit i am a hypocryte when it comes to littering.I detest the young boy racers who empty their mcds rubbish out of the window in a carpark when there is a bin only yards away.

But then as i drive nights, i do have a bad habit of lobbing my rubbish out into lane 2 when no vehicle is about.I do it even more when i see patronising road signs stating that littering risks roadworkers lives.

Who has ever seen mr whitevan man pull up at a layby and empty awe his ■■■■■ into the bin and if the bin is full it gets dumped next to it, awe sorts from whatever trade he is in. That rubbish could be anyones, looks like big white and black bags eh rubbish no exactly last nights dinner packaging.

I park outside our factory on the road in, its a private road but really handy for a 45 minute. Well one day i went out the factory and someone had really went to town emptied the contents of their van or lorry. I walked back to security to report it and say i hope it doesn’t affect us parking there in the future. You get bad apples and thankfully the manger of the factory sees that and still lets us park there.

I must admit i am a hypocryte… I do it even more when i see patronising road signs stating that littering risks roadworkers lives.

What’s patronising, it’s a fact. If lazy dirty ■■■■ heads didn’t do it, there’d be no need for litter pickers.

I think people that litter should have a finger chopped off & get deported.

Just don’t deport the British ones to the colonies please!

n17 trucker:
Met a mate for a coffee in Peterborough services a few weeks back and as we were walking back to our wagons he spotted a fella in an Audi a6 chuck his Maccy ds wrappers out the window. Walked up picked it up and calmly chucked it through his window saying “think you dropped something mate” suited and booted company director type so yeah I think it’s endemic of today’s society. Sadly :unamused: I fill carrier bags and dispose of them where ever I find a bin mostly in the yard :unamused:

I actually look out for this when I am in my car/pick up…I also wear a ski mask, I tell them to take it home with them.
To date not one individual has refused :wink: :laughing:


I must admit i am a hypocryte… I do it even more when i see patronising road signs stating that littering risks roadworkers lives.

What’s patronising, it’s a fact. If lazy dirty ■■■■ heads didn’t do it, there’d be no need for litter pickers.

But think about it, because people do throw their litter out of the window, jobs are created for litter pickers. Not only are these jobs created, but they need vehicles. What vehicles are traditionally used for collecting rubbish? Dennis - perhaps the only British lorry manufacturer left. So not only are jobs created for litter pickers, but lorry builders need to kit them out with a fleet. This has a knock on effect for British suppliers too. More black bags are needed thus keeping the bag manufacturers busily manufacturing. More men will need kitting out with the ever increasing array of personal protective clothing, meaning people are needed to make these extra items, so men and women are taken from the dole queue and handed back their dignity. This reduces unemployment, and by extension the national debt.

So the next time I need to dispose of a Red Bull can, I’m going to sit back in my heated Scania seat, and think of England.


I must admit i am a hypocryte… I do it even more when i see patronising road signs stating that littering risks roadworkers lives.

What’s patronising, it’s a fact. If lazy dirty ■■■■ heads didn’t do it, there’d be no need for litter pickers.

exactly…its a fact…therefore it comes across as patronising, condesending to remind us of the bleeding obvious.

Can’t be that bleedin’ obvious if you’re still chucking your rubbish out of the cab window. Take it home and stick it in a bin.



I must admit i am a hypocryte… I do it even more when i see patronising road signs stating that littering risks roadworkers lives.

What’s patronising, it’s a fact. If lazy dirty ■■■■ heads didn’t do it, there’d be no need for litter pickers.

But think about it, because people do throw their litter out of the window, jobs are created for litter pickers. Not only are these jobs created, but they need vehicles. What vehicles are traditionally used for collecting rubbish? Dennis - perhaps the only British lorry manufacturer left. So not only are jobs created for litter pickers, but lorry builders need to kit them out with a fleet. This has a knock on effect for British suppliers too. More black bags are needed thus keeping the bag manufacturers busily manufacturing. More men will need kitting out with the ever increasing array of personal protective clothing, meaning people are needed to make these extra items, so men and women are taken from the dole queue and handed back their dignity. This reduces unemployment, and by extension the national debt.

So the next time I need to dispose of a Red Bull can, I’m going to sit back in my heated Scania seat, and think of England.

You are joking…right■■? Littering is the worst pastime ever!!! NO need!!