Is It Safe?

No not a quote from the Marathon Man…:slight_smile: Although I think 5 hours with the dentist would have been preferable. :slight_smile:

I know there have been other posts on here regarding Tesco’s but wanted to know what you guys thought about safety aspects of this.

Tesco’s policy to no longer allow drivers to rest in their cabs when tipping seems to me to be creating a dangerous problem.

Recent tip at Crick I was told 2 hours tipping time. As it turned out it ended up as 5 hours.

Now the tipping times was not a problem, but having to wait in a room with that dopey TV blaring out inane daytime drivel along with very hard chairs to sit on ( the sort they use outside a doctors waiting room ) does not allow any type of rest for a driver. The constant chatter from the goods in desk along with other drivers in and out as well as the Tesco guys themselves using the room to rest gives absolutely no chance of getting some shut eye or respite.

In fact by the time they had finished I felt pretty drained of energy, whereas normally I would have got a good few hours’ kip to see me on my way.

I did ask if I could drop the trailer and pull up in front? ( NO ), Ok how about if I drop the trailer and shoot off down the road? Again NO I had to stay on site and in the waiting room. In fact one driver had left his cab open and disappeared back to his cab only to be frogmarched back to the waiting room 2 minutes later.

I don’t think it would be unreasonable for Tesco’s to put some comfortable arm chairs/seating in their rest rooms and either get rid of the TV, turn it down or at least show something like documentaries instead of daytime rubbish.

I have to say there were a lot of drivers in the room complaining quite a bit about the same situation.

For a company that is involved in transport on a large scale they do seem to have a pretty poor attitude or understanding of a drivers needs in conjunction with running their own business.

Guess the attitude is for complainers if you don’t like it we’ll just get someone else to do it.

The only plus side was free coffee from the machine bit I think it was 1 part coffee 500 parts water. (:

Oh and one last thing, No smoking areas anywhere (:

I find it very much different on the “other side”.

“Load not ready yet drive, here’s the keys get your head down”… 2 hours later :stuck_out_tongue:

And the only one to complain about smoking was a fellow driver, though he was wearing a tie

:confused: I believe and don’t quote me on this but this is what I was told by Goods In at Middlewich…

You only need to exit the vehicle whilst the physical act of unloading takes place. You may wait in it before and after. Although quite how workable this arrangement is I am not sure as how would you know without guesswork and assumption.

Apparently the H & S bods have decided that the action of the unloading making the truck rock could cause a “driver” to spill a hot drink on him/herself or choke on a piece of food or sweetie :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Exactly how stupid do they think we are ■■? :cry: :cry:

Although a few years ago at a groupage place in Barcelona I watch a German wagon go up in smoke after the forklift going in the trailer caused his stove to fall over spilling hot soup on him and torching the cab while he jumped out and ripped his jeans off :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Steve, I think you will find this subject has been done to death on this and other forums mate. Tesco dont give a crap about inbound drivers and will continue to treat drivers as they see fit.It’s one of the reasons why I refuse jobs that involve DC work,as I reckon a bit of respect is the least we deserve.If some of the staff at these places spoke to us as they do outside the gates then I’m afraid there would only be one course of action :wink: , but they wouldn’t would they, only when they think they are ‘holier than thou’ in the goods in office do they become ingnorant , arrogant and downright obnoxious :imp: :imp:

When I was tramping regular, the inevitable wait at RDC’s (and the sleep/rest that it afforded) was what made a 15 hour day safe & workable. I agree that without those opportunities for quality rest (or even sleep), a fifteen-hour working day is a far less safe proposition than what it used to be.

It would appear to be another example of H&S rules causing the opposite effect to what they were originally intended i.e. improved safety. Tesco won’t be too bothered as it is a problem that would most likely arise after you have left their premises. :unamused:

Tesco’s are a bunch of ■■■■ ers not just in respect of their RDCs but also in their ruthless business practice,down to their astronomical profits…I will not shop there and havent done so for over 3 years because of this.
and they’re not even that cheap,I just wish a few more people could see this instead of thinking tesco is the greatest thing since sliced bread :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

and yes that is MY opinion

They’re EVIL

Has anyone asked if they have done a health and safety assesment on the room the noise of the tv, the heat or coldness of the room the ergonomics of the chair and the length of time you are expected to sit in that room.

Just learn a few words of Polish, then return to the cab anyway. If they come up and say anything, use the afore mentioned words of polish :smiley:

One firm I woked for had half the drivers were Polish, they all went back to the cabs and onto the bunk. no-one batted an eyelid

which crick site was it :question:

they allow you to sit in the cab at fastway (theres a laugh in itself :unamused: ) and they give you a pager when your paper works ready. never had a problem at that one. surely they should be the same across the board :exclamation:


Thank god i don’t have to do RDC’s the joys of groupage. :laughing:

Though if i was made to wait in one of them rooms for 5 hours i would return to my cab and stick it on a 45 and bed down without moving see how fast they want their loading bay back.

Thanks for the replies:

I think the H&S issue is clearly a great way to go and will be asking if I go there again. Thanks Dafman.

The polish thing made me laugh as whilst I was there 2 Turkish trucks turned up and they were also frogmarched to the waiting room. They were speaking Turkish all the time to the guys behind the desk but outside had near perfect English. So I guess they knew the score but did not get away with it on this occasion. :slight_smile:

One exceptional note though is that Daventry RDC allows drivers to be in the cab after you had over your precious keys. So it seems some places have taken a more positive approach to the drivers.

Not sure if its me but Tescos seem to be the only place I have ever been to that make drivers wait in those rooms.

frogmarched to the waiting room.

I can assure you that no-one would be frogmarching me anywhere!!!

once back in the cab the door would be locked from the inside and any demands to come out would be met with fluent Russian
(It would end with “off” :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: )

incidently I had one at Tesco Magor once. picked up a trailer at Magor services, run it down to tesco’s.

Tesco"You need to restack 2 pallets before we take them off"
Me"No, you need to restack them, you’re warehouse, I’m a driver"
Me (after getting off the phone) Paperwork and keys NOW, I’m pulling out
Tesco :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:


frogmarched to the waiting room.

I can assure you that no-one would be frogmarching me anywhere!!!

once back in the cab the door would be locked from the inside and any demands to come out would be met with fluent Russian
(It would end with “off” :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: )

incidently I had one at Tesco Magor once. picked up a trailer at Magor services, run it down to tesco’s.

Tesco"You need to restack 2 pallets before we take them off"
Me"No, you need to restack them, you’re warehouse, I’m a driver"
Me (after getting off the phone) Paperwork and keys NOW, I’m pulling out
Tesco :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

They wouldn’t be frogmarching me anywhere either!!

Funny you mention Magor as it’s one of the better ones in my experience. Last time I was there (just after Easter) I was actually invited to stay in my cab by the ■■■■■■■ the Goods In desk. She said it is allowed there now.

It was quite funny really because about twenty other blokes all pricked up their ears after she said it to me. None of them had been told. There followed a mass exodus out of the waiting room as everyone went back to their cabs. :laughing:

I can assure you that no-one would be frogmarching me anywhere!!!

ditto.i apologise to those who do not agree with my attitude but i am agency therefore my attitude is ‘i get paid either way’ so if they get snotty with me, they will get it back. if they throw me off site, fine cos i STILL get paid.

i can understand the employed guys here who could risk their job if they stand up to these muppets but the agency guys should lead the way here. we have to stand up to them if we want a compromise on this issue. they more they get away with it, they harder it becomes to change it

incidentally, i wouldnt praise tesco for their transport policies. rumour has it that the dundee drivers have been told they can keep their jobs if they are willing to commute to livingston when it opens. the livingston drivers are striking due to the new contracts that have been proposed when the new site opens meaning they lose £5k a year

tesco have got too big for their boots :exclamation:

tesco have got too big for their boots :exclamation:

Totally agree. I never go in the place to shop.

Don’t think it matters that I’m an employed driver. If they are rude to me or hold me up for more than two hours - I’m outta there. :smiley:

If only there were a haulier with enough weight behind it to try and implement demurrage against these RDCs!

But even more notorious than a RDC was Peugeot at Ryton nr. Coventry. My best was way over 12 hours. Yes, that was a knock on my door in the middle of the night as I slept, and told to get on the bay!

If only there were a haulier with enough weight behind it to try and implement demurrage against these RDCs!!

You don’t have to be big , just prepared to do it and stick to your guns :smiley:

I took a few days off for personal reasons in 2000 and stuck a mate of mine in my motor for a quick French trip. Anyhoo he loads beer back out of Strasbourg for Magor with a Friday 11 am booking. He roles up at 10 30 to be told “it will be a while driver”. Now he had only done a few hours that morning to get there but it was his 6th day. So 4 hours later and still not tipped I call Magor and am told “we will do him when we have the space”.I explain about the 6 day rule etc etc. but they don’t care :unamused: .

Long story short after many more calls they did nothing :imp: I called one last time and they said “not you again, look we will do him when we are ready so stop (censored) calling”. Calls my driver and pulls him out while he has time to get home. The next day my phone was very “busy” and the long and the short of it was that Tesco wanted no actually demanded there beer :unamused:

Which stayed in the trailer at my yard until by Wednesday they agreed to pay for waiting and redelivery and I had had an apology from a senior Tesco bod for the way I had been spoken to :smiley: . So wednesday night I took it down there without telling them who I was and the bloke on Goods in said " I don’t know who your (censcored) gaffer knows but he caused some grief in here". Needless to say I was tipped checked and out in an hour :laughing:

So that proves you don’t have to put up with this crap from them beacause at the time I was just a small man with 4 motors and believe you and me I was “sweating it” the whole time this was going on and nearly caved by Tuesday :blush: . But my pig headedness actually worked in my favour that time :laughing: :sunglasses: :wink:

If only there were a haulier with enough weight behind it to try and implement demurrage against these RDCs!

was’nt that what richard wild tryed with the soton rdc he blocked the place after not getting paid,tryed taking tesco on then got paid,took to court and promptly out of business,not 100% sure all above correct but it was in T&D and he aint been seen for a long time


tesco have got too big for their boots :exclamation:

Totally agree. I never go in the place to shop.

Don’t think it matters that I’m an employed driver. If they are rude to me or hold me up for more than two hours - I’m outta there. :smiley:

the angle i was looking at is the difference between agency and employed drivers. if you pulled out or upset a customer, your boss could discipline you for it (possibly sacking) but if i do it, im working somewhere else tomorrow. your risk is far higher than my risk :confused:

the angle i was looking at is the difference between agency and employed drivers. if you pulled out or upset a customer, your boss could discipline you for it (possibly sacking) but if i do it, im working somewhere else tomorrow. your risk is far higher than my risk :confused:

He daren’t!!! (Only kidding) :laughing:

I do see your point. I’d have to have started an argument or have acted in an offensive manner before my boss took it out on me. I suppose I am very lucky in this respect. Not all bosses are as decent as mine.

Did you hear the one about the DHL driver at Magor a few months back? He warned the GI staff on his arrival that he only had a few hours left on a 15 before he needed to be parked up and taking daily rest. He needed tipping sharpish in other words.

Tesco GI ignored the warning.

The driver reminded GI an hour later that he was running out of time. He was on a bay, but not being unloaded.

Tesco GI ignored the warning.

A further hour later they had not even started tipping the trailer.

The driver went to GI and told them that he would collect his completed paperwork in nine hours and wished them ‘Good Night’.

The DHL driver was told he had to leave and he couldn’t stay where he was. The DHL driver explained that he had already removed his tacho card and that moving the truck would be breaking the law. GI called the shift manager, who in turn called security, who called the police.

A police constable arrived and listened to both sides of the story before returning to his car. He re-appeared with some cones, some of that tape they use to seal areas off with and some chalk. With the cones and the tape he closed off the bays either side of the DHL truck. He then made chalk marks on the ground and front tyres of the DHL truck which would show any movement.

He told the DHL driver that if he moved the truck before the end of his required rest period he’d be ‘done’. The PC then wrote his name and number on a piece of paper and passed it to the DHL driver and said ‘if you are disturbed during the night, ring me at once. I am on duty all night.’

The PC then turned to the Tesco shift manager and said - ‘If this driver rings me, I will come down here and arrest you.’

Tesco are not above the law then, after all. :smiley: