Impact of latest lockdown

Ah… the deserted roads, Yes, Love it! No traffic jams :slight_smile: Though it doesn’t seem to have any impact on those space-invaders who think tailgating is acceptable :imp: Why? There’s an empty lane beside us you dingbat!

Outside of a vehicle I quite like the social-distancing too, it’s really nice to be able to do the shopping and have people keep out of my personal space.

As far as Covid goes, I don’t know where these crazy theories come from, and I don’t have any inclination to debate with those who choose to believe them.

Many years ago, one of our Uni lecturers told the class: “in any large and complex societal system, what looks to one segment of the population as ‘a conspiracy’, when it is more objectively examined, frequently turns out to be just garden-variety incompetence, often perpetrated by one or more of that vast swathe of people who are promoted far beyond their abilities into positions of significant influence.”
I’m pretty sure we’ve all met examples of that category of person! He went on to say that anyone who doesn’t understand why society is the way it is, needs to read some Franz Kafka, he especially recommended The Castle.

At the risk of sounding compassionless, I do think though that it is time we just got on with things, stopping everything just because a certain proportion of the population won’t keep their distance from other people is not the way to go, we’re already saddling the next generation with more national debt than they can get their heads around.

Punchy Dan:

the maoster:
About 20% of our work is supermarket stuff so that’ll not be affected, in fact may be busier. The rest of our stuff is supplying the food services sector so I imagine that’ll take a hit. As agency drivers outnumber full timers once again it’ll be them poor buggers suffering.

With regards to traffic levels; I enjoyed the completely deserted roads that much last time that I took to sending Robroy videos of them just to disturb his sunbathing and beer drinking! :smiley:

He won’t be sunbathing this time :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Is Rob a Geordie? He’ll be sunbathing if the rain stops, got a tan to maintain don’t you know! :sunglasses:

Not like us Southern softies who exchange lobster pink for bleached white. :smiley:


Punchy Dan:

the maoster:
About 20% of our work is supermarket stuff so that’ll not be affected, in fact may be busier. The rest of our stuff is supplying the food services sector so I imagine that’ll take a hit. As agency drivers outnumber full timers once again it’ll be them poor buggers suffering.

With regards to traffic levels; I enjoyed the completely deserted roads that much last time that I took to sending Robroy videos of them just to disturb his sunbathing and beer drinking! :smiley:

He won’t be sunbathing this time :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Is Rob a Geordie? He’ll be sunbathing if the rain stops, got a tan to maintain don’t you know! :sunglasses:

Not like us Southern softies who exchange lobster pink for bleached white. :smiley:

Speak for your self on the southern tan front [emoji849]
I go brown, my brother and my departed farther got browner and browner with more sun
Both were born in Sussex

Sent from my truck

loved the empty roads last time, i had a couple of weeks furlough but we got really busy and went back and been pretty much flat out since, we are also connected to construction but been talking to a few sites/merchants ect over last couple of weeks and from what they say I cannot see us being that busy this time with the added if the lockdown stretches out a little we will be in xmas shutdown for the building trade… some builders have already told me they have plans in place just to keep their own essential staff going and not use contractors, mothballing some of the bigger sites till next year and awaiting better weather.

The previous empty roads won’t happen imo for the simple reason that no-one is taking any notice of these fresh lockdowns since they figured out that the whole virus thing is a load of ■■■■■■■■ and the numbers are being pulled out of their arses. I predict from next week that everything will continue as normal, road traffic wise.

Workwise personally it won’t make any difference, same as last time, bar the quieter roads where the 9 to 5 legion are missing.

However i believe this second, and definately to be elongated, lockdown will cause massive economic tragedy to whole swathes of the general working public both here and abroad, and its all by design to shepherd in the Great Reset or as they’ve taken to calling it by those wonderful sounding words Building Back Better.

You’d better all hope Trump is returned whether you like or loath him, he’s the only one capable of stopping what is coming, without him whats we’ve known in the west is going to be lost forever, whether you’ll be aware of this or care a ■■■■ once they plunge Dr Mengele’s vaccine needle containing God knows what into your arm is another question entirely.

From someone who could generally be relied upon to dish out sound advice you are sounding increasingly deranged.

Getting busier, had a mega week last week, but internal changes have had an effect. Volumes are up but not drastically on a normal Haloween/xmas run up. Havent seen as much panic buying as last time, probably because stores are letting more people in at a time so no massive queues outside to strike fear into the bog roll hoarders :laughing:

We are more than stocked in store and warehouse, only thing driving the spike is the usual xmas tat.

One thing that is a worry is January/Feb, I can see bleak times even in the supermarkets as people just run out of money. It aint gonna be an easy couple of years going forward.


Workwise personally it won’t make any difference, same as last time, bar the quieter roads where the 9 to 5 legion are missing.

However i believe this second, and definately to be elongated, lockdown will cause massive economic tragedy to whole swathes of the general working public both here and abroad, and its all by design to shepherd in the Great Reset or as they’ve taken to calling it by those wonderful sounding words Building Back Better.

You’d better all hope Trump is returned whether you like or loath him, he’s the only one capable of stopping what is coming, without him whats we’ve known in the west is going to be lost forever, whether you’ll be aware of this or care a ■■■■ once they plunge Dr Mengele’s vaccine needle containing God knows what into your arm is another question entirely.

From someone who could generally be relied upon to dish out sound advice you are sounding increasingly deranged.

As deranged as it sounds I do believe he’ll turn out to be right. It is no conspiracy theory anymore when the ‘Great Reset’ plan from the global elites’ is right there on the WEF website for everyone to read/view. The groundwork has already been laid over the past 7 months. None of this is about a virus. The virus is the vector enabling their plans to be put in place. Without it they wouldn’t have stood a chance of pushing any of it through. But that discussion is for other threads.

Mick Bracewell:


Workwise personally it won’t make any difference, same as last time, bar the quieter roads where the 9 to 5 legion are missing.

However i believe this second, and definately to be elongated, lockdown will cause massive economic tragedy to whole swathes of the general working public both here and abroad, and its all by design to shepherd in the Great Reset or as they’ve taken to calling it by those wonderful sounding words Building Back Better.

You’d better all hope Trump is returned whether you like or loath him, he’s the only one capable of stopping what is coming, without him whats we’ve known in the west is going to be lost forever, whether you’ll be aware of this or care a ■■■■ once they plunge Dr Mengele’s vaccine needle containing God knows what into your arm is another question entirely.

From someone who could generally be relied upon to dish out sound advice you are sounding increasingly deranged.

As deranged as it sounds I do believe he’ll turn out to be right. It is no conspiracy theory anymore when the ‘Great Reset’ plan from the global elites’ is right there on the WEF website for everyone to read/view. The groundwork has already been laid over the past 7 months. None of this is about a virus. The virus is the vector enabling their plans to be put in place. Without it they wouldn’t have stood a chance of pushing any of it through. But that discussion is for other threads.

My knowledge of The Great Reset is limited, but rewriting the rules of capitalism to create a fairer society doesn’t sound a bad idea and certainly not particularly sinister. If the broad idea is available to view on the WEF website then surely that transparency is to be applauded. Or am I just naive and brainwashed by the mainstream media?

I’ve also never read a credible explanation of what precisely it is Bill Gates/George Soros or whoever else is planning on injecting into my arm under the guise of a vaccine. Surely there’s a strong chance the scientists of the world are breaking their necks to just simply come up with a vaccine?


Mick Bracewell:


Workwise personally it won’t make any difference, same as last time, bar the quieter roads where the 9 to 5 legion are missing.

However i believe this second, and definately to be elongated, lockdown will cause massive economic tragedy to whole swathes of the general working public both here and abroad, and its all by design to shepherd in the Great Reset or as they’ve taken to calling it by those wonderful sounding words Building Back Better.

You’d better all hope Trump is returned whether you like or loath him, he’s the only one capable of stopping what is coming, without him whats we’ve known in the west is going to be lost forever, whether you’ll be aware of this or care a ■■■■ once they plunge Dr Mengele’s vaccine needle containing God knows what into your arm is another question entirely.

From someone who could generally be relied upon to dish out sound advice you are sounding increasingly deranged.

As deranged as it sounds I do believe he’ll turn out to be right. It is no conspiracy theory anymore when the ‘Great Reset’ plan from the global elites’ is right there on the WEF website for everyone to read/view. The groundwork has already been laid over the past 7 months. None of this is about a virus. The virus is the vector enabling their plans to be put in place. Without it they wouldn’t have stood a chance of pushing any of it through. But that discussion is for other threads.

My knowledge of The Great Reset is limited, but rewriting the rules of capitalism to create a fairer society doesn’t sound a bad idea and certainly not particularly sinister. If the broad idea is available to view on the WEF website then surely that transparency is to be applauded. Or am I just naive and brainwashed by the mainstream media?

I’ve also never read a credible explanation of what precisely it is Bill Gates/George Soros or whoever else is planning on injecting into my arm under the guise of a vaccine. Surely there’s a strong chance the scientists of the world are breaking their necks to just simply come up with a vaccine?

As you admit, your knowledge of The Great Reset is limited. I think it would be wise to address that issue before passing comment on the content therein. Again though, this discussion is for other threads. Back on topic.

The next fortnight will be telling, it was the mass panic buying that kept alot of business going the last time, then the governments eat out to help out scheme, however this time around no such panic buying on the same scale, it could be rough.
As for juddains post am I right in saying you predicated maybe a year ago you believed some sort of attack was looming surrounding the whole Brexit matter? It’s very easy for the EU to point the finger and blame China.


Punchy Dan:

the maoster:
About 20% of our work is supermarket stuff so that’ll not be affected, in fact may be busier. The rest of our stuff is supplying the food services sector so I imagine that’ll take a hit. As agency drivers outnumber full timers once again it’ll be them poor buggers suffering.

With regards to traffic levels; I enjoyed the completely deserted roads that much last time that I took to sending Robroy videos of them just to disturb his sunbathing and beer drinking! :smiley:

He won’t be sunbathing this time :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Is Rob a Geordie? He’ll be sunbathing if the rain stops, got a tan to maintain don’t you know! :sunglasses:

Not like us Southern softies who exchange lobster pink for bleached white. :smiley:

He does support Newcastle Utd :open_mouth: but i think he comes from the wrong side of the Pennines :laughing:

Will there still be loads of school run traffic :question:

The next fortnight will be telling, it was the mass panic buying that kept alot of business going the last time, then the governments eat out to help out scheme, however this time around no such panic buying on the same scale, it could be rough.
As for juddains post am I right in saying you predicated maybe a year ago you believed some sort of attack was looming surrounding the whole Brexit matter? It’s very easy for the EU to point the finger and blame China.

I can’t remember to be honest, but with Brexit and with everything else going on, there is so much happening and you have to try not to look where they want you to at any given moment, because while you’re looking where everyone is supposed to those with the real agendas are doing their work whilst everyone’s attention is elsewhere, twas ever thus.

Talking to a Polish mate of mine, he says whilst everyone has been focussed on the abortion protests in Poland, the govt slipped through legislation over one night making vaccination for this flu compulsory, by force if needed…now i only have his word for this but an idiot he aint…wonder what Lech Walesa would think.

What you will note is that those who don’t tow the party line are personally insulted with ridicule by the mob, this is to help waverers to come onside with the consensus, they don’t want to be the ones being pointed and laughed at or worse being cancelled or attacked in a variety of ways, so even if they don’t believe a word the govt or their lackey media says they go along with it.

Its called appeasement though if its understandable up to a point when one realises just how fraglile most of our lives and personal economies and futures are.

One Winston Churchill noted that an appeaser feeds the crocodile in the hope he’ll eat him last.
Benjamin Franklin noted that They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.

Talking to a Polish mate of mine, he says whilst everyone has been focussed on the abortion protests in Poland, the govt slipped through legislation over one night making vaccination for this flu compulsory, by force if needed…now i only have his word for this but an idiot he aint…wonder what Lech Walesa would think.



Talking to a Polish mate of mine, he says whilst everyone has been focussed on the abortion protests in Poland, the govt slipped through legislation over one night making vaccination for this flu compulsory, by force if needed…now i only have his word for this but an idiot he aint…wonder what Lech Walesa would think.


now i only have his word for this

elsa Lad:


Punchy Dan:

the maoster:
About 20% of our work is supermarket stuff so that’ll not be affected, in fact may be busier. The rest of our stuff is supplying the food services sector so I imagine that’ll take a hit. As agency drivers outnumber full timers once again it’ll be them poor buggers suffering.

With regards to traffic levels; I enjoyed the completely deserted roads that much last time that I took to sending Robroy videos of them just to disturb his sunbathing and beer drinking! :smiley:

He won’t be sunbathing this time :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Is Rob a Geordie? He’ll be sunbathing if the rain stops, got a tan to maintain don’t you know! :sunglasses:

Not like us Southern softies who exchange lobster pink for bleached white. :smiley:

He does support Newcastle Utd :open_mouth: but i think he comes from the wrong side of the Pennines :laughing:

■■■■■■■■■ but.second generation Geordie, living 1 hour away (60 miles) from St James Park.
Thanks for caring btw. :smiley:

Meanwhile .

Pubs have been struggling even before all this crap, especially the remote country pubs, the last lockdown was bad enough, the enterprising ones did takeaway meals near where I live.
I was talking to a guy who owns a pub local to me, he said they just thought they had managed to get through it with difficulty, but he reckons this will be the final coffin nail for many others .even the big chains will (and are) suffer.
I’d hate to be a publican right now.



Talking to a Polish mate of mine, he says whilst everyone has been focussed on the abortion protests in Poland, the govt slipped through legislation over one night making vaccination for this flu compulsory, by force if needed…now i only have his word for this but an idiot he aint…wonder what Lech Walesa would think.


now i only have his word for this
Compulsory vaccines are the norm in Poland.
And why not?



Talking to a Polish mate of mine, he says whilst everyone has been focussed on the abortion protests in Poland, the govt slipped through legislation over one night making vaccination for this flu compulsory, by force if needed…now i only have his word for this but an idiot he aint…wonder what Lech Walesa would think.


now i only have his word for this


I too wonder what Lech would say, 30 seconds on google would suggest that his administration carried over the compulsory vaccination from the soviet era, but then that wouldn’t suit your twisted agenda would it.
Let’s hope your ahem…
Bulgarian mate
Italian mate
French mate
Belgium mate
Croatian mate
Hungarian mate
Slovakian mate and also your pal from the Czech Republic are coping ok as they all have various compulsory vaccinations. Maybe they’ll add a Covid one to it, maybe not…definitely not if they took your ridiculous ramblings seriously, thankfully though they don’t.

Edit: Forgot to add, didn’t Duda campaign against compulsory vaccination and in particular a Covid one■■?

There won’t be any compulsory vaccinations in this county, if there were going to be such a thing they would have done so for the MMR. (Please no comments about Andrew Wakefield and the autism myth he created, he got struck off for that)