Immigrants doing security

Got stopped for a check at SCT last week, foreigner and an English…

Foreign lad was great, we had a real good crack, but do you think I could get a smile out of the English ■■■■ :unamused:

Wheel Nut:

If I encounter individuals who cannot speak the English language…I usually treat them with more contempt than a paedo in a childrens playground…I will twist their melon something chronic…Why■■? Because they shouldn`t be here. Simple.

I had a visitor at the door yesterday. I live upstairs in a flat in a townhouse so looked out of the window. I couldn’t see anyone from the window so went down to see who was ringing the buzzer. When I was confronted with a foreign sounding chap trying to relieve me of money for the WWF. Now I do give to charity occasionally but refuse to sign a direct debit, or give any charity my bank details. This bloke could hardly string a sentence together except to explain that If he didn’t get any new customers, he didn’t get paid. Apparently they were around again today collecting signatures for water meters. I hate call centres for the same reason and can be quite rude when they answer, especially with a Bombay Mix accent and his name is Steve or Alan

Why would the WORLDWIDE WRESTLING FEDERATION need your money?ALAN.

he must have been one of them that got british citizenship at the big ceremony on the telly couple weeks ago, if he can speak as many as 3 words then automatic uk passport given. :unamused:

■■■■, why i wasn’t aware of that when I was speaking no English? British citizenship missed me so close… :frowning:

What happens if theres a fire accident etc how do you warn or be warned by these people.

One British trailer maker has a big picture in its product brochures, across two pages, guys cutting/welding something, a big machine behind them with big warning sign: “UWAGA!”

That’s how they do it, they tell them in their own language what to do / not to do.

having been a security manager in the midlands for 10 years prior to driving i have some experience of these foreigners as such, due to the lack of uk folk wanting to work! security as no other option but to employ these people, i now some will blame the wage ect but as a security company they can only pay a wage which is in proportion to what the customer pays! we had many blue chip clients who would only pay peanuts so only got monkeys so to speak! but way too many english folk are prepared to claim benefits rather then work as such, belive me we had contracts thet were more or less a sleeping duty but folk would,nt even do this, unbelievable in my opinion! getting paid to sleep!

the comapny i worked for actually ended up selling out to G4 as we could not get full time staff! and could not meet our comittments, we were not a crap comapny either, one of the major companies in security and paid more them the going rate on most contracts, it got to a point where oficers were going to work friday night and finishing monday morning,

tbh i don,t agree with using these folk but with no other option what can these companies do? some sites cannot get insured unless they have manned security! my concerns are what happens in an emergency situation with a guy who is at times in charge of the area cannot speak simple english, ie what happens if your the only driver on site and you have a accident on site and need immediate medical asssistance? i think the long term unemployed and some of the disabilty folk should be forced into doing these type of jobs, most are peace of ■■■■ jobs and if they don,t do it or do a very poor effort then the benefits get chopped!!

in the case of the agency driver i understand where you are coming from but on the other hand, one of my clients from security was a major haulage company, all drivers/staff should show id when entering the premises at either of the gates however the security lads were regular guys and got to know alot of the drivers ect, one night a guy came in the lads on the gate knew him by first name as a full time driver and did,nt check his id, let him in and the driver got in a fully loaded truck and drove out the gate as normal, problem was an hour later another driver reported that he could not find the truck he was due to take out, it turned out the first driver had been sacked during the day the compnay had not told the security lads, the driver had returned to take out his revenge as such by taking a fully loaded truck,
he did get caught but load was trashed and i understand the haulage company got the boot from the contract!

I have found the answer to these phone calls is to advise the person phoning me is that I prefer to donate via their website. I’ll repeat that each time they pause for breath, from reading their script. The parting line is always please remove my phone number from your database as I’m registered with the Telephone Prefference Service so can you tell me how you got my number as it should not have been generally available.

The way I deal with it is to say I will get the house holder, I won’t be a minute, get back to whatever I was doing and leave the barstewards on the phone.

With junk mail that comes with a prepaid envelope, I put their junk in their envelope and send it back.

I am looking forward to tomorrow as I have a meeting at home with a company who are offering me a training package. Just had the call to confirm. His name is Rajiv Rashid. I am just printing some pictures of the Taliban and Bin Laden to hang on my wall :stuck_out_tongue: I want to make him feel at home.

I may be at odds with some people, I dont have a problem with immigration as such, if someone wants to come here, integrate and work, contribute positvely to society and learn and respect the British way of life, then all power to them. When I was working in a far flung land ( Ok it was Belgium) in the couple months I lived and worked there I tried to learn enough Flemish to at least basically communicate. Similarly when I was regularly driving to Germany/Holland/Italy/France etc, I tried to learn enough phrases that menat there was at least a basic communication going on… Of course the down side to all this was that when I tried out my faltering language skills most of the time the people I was talking too had a bit of a giggle and answered in near perfect English :blush: :blush:

The United Kingdom, for all its faults, is still one of the safest , wealthiest, and comfortable places in the world to live. It is no wonder seeing the complete mess some other countries are in that people look over here and wonder if they can make a better life for themselves and their families here. Many of us did that in the late 80’s and buggered off to the bright lights and good money in Holland.

Those that want to be part of British life and make the effort should be welcomed, they are far better than the home grown, corner hanging, cider drinking ,hoodie doleites that many towns are infested with.


HAHAHAHA I do the exact same thing. Same as when the post comes for the previous tennant i open the letter have a sneaky read and send it back to the sender in their own pre paid envelope.

Better way - put ‘return to sender - no longer at this address’ on it and it then usually costs the company that sent it more than using their own pre paid envelope - ain’t I ‘nice’ :wink: :smiling_imp:

they are far better than the home grown, corner hanging, cider drinking ,hoodie doleites that many towns are infested with.

If there were proper jobs for them they wouldn’t be hanging around. There’s no industry in this country anymore. Only made up jobs. Call centers, shelf stacking… Immigrants have taken all the shelf stacking jobs and the call centers are all moving to India.
Immigration isn’t the answer, getting out of the EU is. This country has nose dived ever since we joined. This countries economy is based on fictional property values and gambling bankers. We need to become more self reliant, rebuild our industries. Stop importing everything and start exporting some for a change.


HAHAHAHA I do the exact same thing. Same as when the post comes for the previous tennant i open the letter have a sneaky read and send it back to the sender in their own pre paid envelope.

Better way - put ‘return to sender - no longer at this address’ on it and it then usually costs the company that sent it more than using their own pre paid envelope - ain’t I ‘nice’ :wink: :smiling_imp:

I did that few times with a “Time” magazine coming for former tennant. Only result was that they started to send me two copies of each issues (so I had one for me and one for my friends, as the previous tennant told me to bin all his mail - why can’t I read the magazine before binning it? Off course I wasn’t reading his mail).

At the end of the day it wasn’t so bad: 1.5 YEARS of free Time magazine and then 1 YEAR MORE of two. Recently they started to send me some invoices, couple of them I returned, the rest I binned.

Come on, if they can’t keep the track of who they are sending their mags to, even if I send the e-mail to them once explaining the situation (some say I am too honest…)

I had similar problem in Metro Centre in Newcastle today. I had to repeat 5 times, slowly and laudly to the speaker before he opened the bareer for me, then just after I pulled out, he closed it, barelly hitting me in the roof (lucky me I managed to stop and reverse).

I give you a view of me, the immigrant myself. Generally speaking I agree with Rikki:

I may be at odds with some people, I dont have a problem with immigration as such, if someone wants to come here, integrate and work, contribute positvely to society and learn and respect the British way of life, then all power to them. When I was working in a far flung land ( Ok it was Belgium) in the couple months I lived and worked there I tried to learn enough Flemish to at least basically communicate. Similarly when I was regularly driving to Germany/Holland/Italy/France etc, I tried to learn enough phrases that menat there was at least a basic communication going on… Of course the down side to all this was that when I tried out my faltering language skills most of the time the people I was talking too had a bit of a giggle and answered in near perfect English :blush: :blush:

I came here with poor English. After nearly 4 years I got a job as an interpreter and managed to get into British University - I think it’s not bad?

My girlfriend came here with no English at all - now she speaks fluently, and altough she’s not as free in it as I am, she’s much better in grammar than me.

Our corner shop owner leaves in Glasgow 43 years and he speaks very poor English…

The United Kingdom, for all its faults, is still one of the safest , wealthiest, and comfortable places in the world to live.

Here you come to one thing. I want to share with you some of my feeling. As a freelance interpreter I have various appointments. Most of them is the easiest cash of the world: jobcentre appointments. I am coming there to translate for some Polish equivalent of NEDs and all what I have to do is basicly to explain the guy that there is no longer any job for people without English available, then after 5 minutes charge them for full hour + expenses and go home. I had also couple of appoitments in Dentist. I was sitting in the small chair, next to the open doors to the dentist room and reading a book from time to time forwarding things like “Is that hurt?” → “Czy to boli?” “Nie” → “No” “And that?” → " A to?"
“Tak” → “Yes” “Please open your mouth wide” → “ProszÄ™ szeroko otworzyć usta…”

From one point of wiev it’s great - I can earn some extra pocket money from nothing. From other point of view I am angry that my taxes are wasted for interpreters for some morons who came to live here and do not even tried to learn some basic English.

I am fully understand need for interpreter in court, on the Police, in some important or emergency questions or when someone’s life or health is in danger. But to everyday normal things? Come on! In Poland no-one will provide you interpreter when you wanna go to see dentist! If you don’t speak Polish and can’t find english-speaking dentist, you have to pay for interpreter or just go to the polish B&Q and buy yourself a pair of pilers and do it yourself. (Or just to go to dentist and hope that it won’t end like in this old Polish joke about a pole, who went to English dentist. After he came back, he said to his friend “This English chap is a completely moron! I pointed my finger to the tooth and said “Tu” (sounds like “Two” in English but in Polish means “Here”) and he removed two teeths!” The other Polish chap answered "You are lucky that you did not said “Ten” (sounds the same like “Ten” in English, but in Polish means “That one”).

Those that want to be part of British life and make the effort should be welcomed, they are far better than the home grown, corner hanging, cider drinking ,hoodie doleites that many towns are infested with.


IMHO what Britain should do is to tell all new* immigrants that they have, say, a year to learn basic English or just to get lost. That way you will rid off of all foreign grown, corner hanging, polish beer drinking, tracking suit chaps that many towns are infested with.

Then you should copy one Polish idea and sell all your own home grown … blah blah blah that if they won’t take third job offered to them by jobcentre they loose all benefits for at least six months. That will sort many problems here as well.

But it’s only opinion of some Polish chap.

*) why New only? Becouse you owe something to people from your former colonies after all this years of exploiting their countries. Therefore I thing it should be different approach to some, say Ghurkas people and to, say, Bulgarians (to avoid question of Polish soldiers during the WW II).

I think you can kiss all the interpreter thing goodbye after the general election. If they need an interpreter, they will have to pay for them themselves.

I think you can kiss all the interpreter thing goodbye after the general election. If they need an interpreter, they will have to pay for them themselves.

Don’t think so. If you charge some Polish person, you have to give him chance to defense - and you will have provide him an intepreter.

If you want Polish person as a witness, you have to pay for interpreter for him - I would NOT pay for interpreter for myself to give a statement in someone else’s case…

But I think all this jobcentre and dentist interpreting should be finished!

not sure if anyone else has heard about the mayor of doncaster? he has cut his own wage! got rid of his chaufuer go and uses public transport! as well as many other waste of money council crap which includes interprators!! this guys ideas are bang on in my opinion and should be going for primeminster, i am in no way racist but believe that the gates should now be closed! any foreign worker ect breaking the law should be binned out the country, its time we as a country started to look after ourselves, once we are back on track we can then start helping other countries again!

no public money ect should be used for the building of mosques ect

I may be at odds with some people, I dont have a problem with immigration as such, if someone wants to come here, integrate and work, contribute positvely to society and learn and respect the British way of life, then all power to them. When I was working in a far flung land ( Ok it was Belgium) in the couple months I lived and worked there I tried to learn enough Flemish to at least basically communicate. Similarly when I was regularly driving to Germany/Holland/Italy/France etc, I tried to learn enough phrases that menat there was at least a basic communication going on… Of course the down side to all this was that when I tried out my faltering language skills most of the time the people I was talking too had a bit of a giggle and answered in near perfect English :blush: :blush:

The United Kingdom, for all its faults, is still one of the safest , wealthiest, and comfortable places in the world to live. It is no wonder seeing the complete mess some other countries are in that people look over here and wonder if they can make a better life for themselves and their families here. Many of us did that in the late 80’s and buggered off to the bright lights and good money in Holland.

Those that want to be part of British life and make the effort should be welcomed, they are far better than the home grown, corner hanging, cider drinking ,hoodie doleites that many towns are infested with.


steady on there , theres nothing wrong with a few pints of cider :wink: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
on the subject of foreigners, i always laugh at the latvian girl who brings MY run sheet in, and says SAME HIT JUST ANOTHER DAY,shes learning well :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: .
or the 1 st time i rang in
its ----, im tipped, at ------
reply YES
its ----, im tipped, at -------, where do you want me to go
reply YES
are you trying to ■■■■■■■ wind me up :imp: :imp: ,
reply , YES , little giggles down the phone
:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: .

I thought you had to provide a 10 year fully checkable work history and explain any employment gaps etc to get a job in Security.

Does an immigrant doing security provide that then? :confused:

Don’t think so. If you charge some Polish person, you have to give him chance to defense - and you will have provide him an intepreter.

If a Polish person is charged, the Polish Embassy will have to provide him with an interpreter if he can’t provide his own.

If you want Polish person as a witness, you have to pay for interpreter for him - I would NOT pay for interpreter for myself to give a statement in someone else’s case…


But I think all this jobcentre and dentist interpreting should be finished!

And any other type. If a Polish person needs an interpreter, a Polish person should bring his own.

deleted by blueroom

well i wouldn’t expect to get a job doing security work inTehran if i couldn’t speek farsi.
how the hell would i warn others of a problem?
the thread was about immigrants doing SECURITY. which in its name has a meaning. it’s as daft as asking me to be a translator, then slagging someone off as a racist because they think i’m unfit for the job in question, as i can’t translate.