Illnesses after covid jabs

Andrew Bridgen on twitter…‘UK Gov. secretly confirm’s Triple + vaccinated accounted for 92% of COVID deaths in 2022’.

Andrew Bridgen on twitter…‘UK Gov. secretly confirm’s Triple + vaccinated accounted for 92% of COVID deaths in 2022’.

As opposed to the Gene Therapy killed loads of people which the government covered up by calling it the result of COVID.Bearing in mind it’s generally a bad immune response to the spike protein that kills in whatever way in either case.Also triple gene therapied by definition means mRNA gene therapied you can’t have triple AZ and there is no spike protein production off switch in the case of mRNA.

^^^ a decent man that Bridgen.

The wheels are coming off the bus rapidly, the backtracking is laughable, it would be amusing if it wasn’t for the suffering and deaths of so many and the needless final destruction of economies, though looking through my conspiracy theorists hat (to please some here and complete their name calling bingo cards) economic destruction to force change to suit themselves was probably at the root of all that has happened, dead maimed and bereft merely collateral damage, aiding the population reduction wheeze for bonus points.

Those who came up with the whole scam are pure evil, whether one believes in a God or not one can only come to the conclusion that p[ure evil is real and has many highly placed devotees.
Once you get paat the amateurish production and boring delivery style, what do you think?
3 years on and how ridiculous this stuff looks now (to most of us anyway.)
Was it some kind of bizzare political social experiment just to see just how far people would confirm to bloody stupid things.
(Even I was initially convinced for first couple of weeks,.going to the shop dressed like I was about to rob it. :blush: :laughing: )
It was getting like living in East Germany to a point.

The bodies in the street after dropping down dead never appeared, the temporary field hospitals were left empty,.some people who could not see through it put a stop to their social lives being virtually prisoners in their own homes,.even at Christmas ffs,.and some did NOT. :wink: …the world did not end…but all thankfully.

Granted people did die, but it was mostly those with accompanying illnesses and/or the weak and infirm,.natures way of ‘survival of the fittest’ kicked in.
Some will say the vaccine did the trick, and some including me have been injected with ■■■■ knows what, only 1 in my case I’m pleased to say (or was it 2 :unamused: )

Or was it just one big cluster ■■■■ of exaggeration and genuine misunderstanding of events even,.with all intents of doing the right thing…who knows.?

But seriously wtf WAS it all about??

I don’t for a second believe it was a giant conspiracy. I think it was a media fuelled massive overreaction that many got caught up in. I completely understand how that happened when we were subjected to an almost constant bombardment of scare stories.

I don’t judge people who were fully invested in the mass hysteria as it’s completely understandable imo, I do however hold a bit of contempt for those who rushed out to seemingly gleefully defend the measures and report neighbours and friends for “transgressions “ either real or imagined.

I think that now we have a bit of distance we can see it as a massive overreaction, but the question remains if it happens again will we willingly submit again? Probably, because people tend to be like sheep sadly.

Once you get paat the amateurish production and boring delivery style, what do you think?
3 years on and how ridiculous this stuff looks now (to most of us anyway.)
Was it some kind of bizzare political social experiment just to see just how far people would confirm to bloody stupid things.
(Even I was initially convinced for first couple of weeks,.going to the shop dressed like I was about to rob it. :blush: :laughing: )
It was getting like living in East Germany to a point.

The bodies in the street after dropping down dead never appeared, the temporary field hospitals were left empty,.some people who could not see through it put a stop to their social lives being virtually prisoners in their own homes,.even at Christmas ffs,.and some did NOT. :wink: …the world did not end…but all thankfully.

Granted people did die, but it was mostly those with accompanying illnesses and/or the weak and infirm,.natures way of ‘survival of the fittest’ kicked in.
Some will say the vaccine did the trick, and some including me have been injected with [zb] knows what, only 1 in my case I’m pleased to say (or was it 2 :unamused: )

Or was it just one big cluster [zb] of exaggeration and genuine misunderstanding of events even,.with all intents of doing the right thing…who knows.?

But seriously wtf WAS it all about??

It isn’t ‘was’ it’s ongoing and it looks, flies and quacks more like the worst case sinister agenda scenario by the day.The ring leaders of this murderous scam obviously didn’t need to inject anyone with an experimental ( more like known killer ) gene therapy if it was just about a control agenda.If it was just about control the government would have increased the lock down and mask regime not lifted it.
Also bearing in mind that many people are now making the link between the triage and the palliative ‘care’ regimes infesting our health care system and the gene therapy ( weaponised medication regime ).
It all stinks bearing in mind where and how the narrative all originated and the fact that our whole government system is clearly based on making the CCP stronger economically and politically at our expense.

the maoster:
I don’t for a second believe it was a giant conspiracy. I think it was a media fuelled massive overreaction that many got caught up in. I completely understand how that happened when we were subjected to an almost constant bombardment of scare stories.

I don’t judge people who were fully invested in the mass hysteria as it’s completely understandable imo, I do however hold a bit of contempt for those who rushed out to seemingly gleefully defend the measures and report neighbours and friends for “transgressions “ either real or imagined.

I think that now we have a bit of distance we can see it as a massive overreaction, but the question remains if it happens again will we willingly submit again? Probably, because people tend to be like sheep sadly.

Deliberately lying to and misleading the public about an experimental gene therapy dressed up as a ‘vaccine’ and withholding inconvenient information regarding the known dangers of it.
While now denying those dangers and the gain of function ‘research’ going on in cooperation with the CCP which led up to all this with the involvement of stated depopulation proponents like scumbag POS Gates and credible links between so called ‘treatment’ of the disease which was effectively just euthanasia in all but name,
is all a bit more than an ‘over reaction’.

Nah, none of that ^^^ and once again I’ll reiterate that some people (yourself included) were extremely vociferous about their refusal to cooperate initially and then merely rolled over and complied.

Don’t bother with the usual “well I figured… astra zeneca…. might as well…… it’s pointless bull shine. We’ve heard it all before mate.

I admire somebody who takes a stance whether I agree with it or not, but to say one thing and then do another smacks of moral cowardice.

It wasn’t incompetence it wasn’t a catalogue of errors, it was the annual flu rebranded as something else to frighten people and get them to take by injection whatever filth they’d been concocting over several years, it wasn’t a vaccine they take many years to come up with the shots were entirely something different, and its just the start.

I know many of you don’t believe in a God as such, but increasingly i’m coming to the conclusion that evil is real, real evil was and is at the back of this, incredibly powerful and ludicrously wealthy people with multiple layers of buyable politicians and boards of institutions doing their bidding for their pieces of silver, their type has been for sale since forever.
All reading from the same hymnsheet, all eager to please the tin pot gods who pas them so very well.
What do they worship, apart from obscene wealth and the power it gives them over the buyable and there’s no shortage of people for sale, more to the point what if anything do they love and cherish.

Look at how well politicians in the west who have gone along do whilst in office, useful cunning idiots elected to govt, selected (by whom?) for high office, do what is required of them and somehow in the meantime not just double their wealth but it grows in multiples to sometimes obscene numbers…the irony being one Donald Trump who not only didn’t take his pay as President he lost money during his term yet he’s the bogeyman, you couldn’t make it up.

It isn’t just the covid scam, there’s an all round onslaught to destroy what we have known and most of us hold dear in the western world, Britain just one of multiple targets, the climate scam is only just getting underway, net zero will finish this country off as well as the constant mass immigration legal and otherwise, which has already caused the housing shortage and is worsening the health and other services none of which were designed or have the facilities for a country already probably some 15 to 20 million over natural population level.

Why exactly are they allowing so many young men of fighting age to enter the country illegally, they could stop it but the reality is they have been operating a ferry service via border force and even the lifeboat service to bring these people in, what exactly are they required for, they could have been stopped so there must be a reason for them being brought in, be assured they are here because it suits those at the back of this, i have my own suspicions but pray that i’m wrong.
Why did they instigate the destruction of the middle east, Iraq Libya Syria, millions of people killed and wounded their homes and villages and towns reduced to dust along with themselves, not just the injustice of what they the so called leaders of western govts did but the callous ruination of entire countries leading to mass movements of peoples, all entirely predictable so was it planned all along?
Do these multi billionaire people see themselves as Gods, playing with the world as a child might poke an ants nest to see what the reaction is?

Covid was only part of what they have planned, an effective and highly successful experiment for these demi gods though, by frightening the majority of the population their grand experiment proved beyond doubt they can do whatever they want and by means of fear and bribery (with their own money) the vast majority of people will go along with it.

They’re coming for your money, they’re brainwashing your children and you have to nod along like a good little citizen or risk the state removing them, they’re planning to take your cars away and keep you in 15 minute communes, 200 people flying 1000 miles for a holiday wrong one person flying 5000 miles in their own jet good, how long before they come for the home you sweated for years to own, how long before you start to see the bigger picture here.

Switch the bloody telly off people, stop reading listening to and watching the propaganda from the bought media and see for yourselves that things are wrong on so many levels, the enemy isn’t who you are being told it is, it definately isn’t Putin.

the maoster:
Nah, none of that ^^^ and once again I’ll reiterate that some people (yourself included) were extremely vociferous about their refusal to cooperate initially and then merely rolled over and complied.

Don’t bother with the usual “well I figured… astra zeneca…. might as well…… it’s pointless bull shine. We’ve heard it all before mate.

I admire somebody who takes a stance whether I agree with it or not, but to say one thing and then do another smacks of moral cowardice.

But I didn’t say one thing and then do another.

I said from the start that it was either a nothing to lose military grade anti dote to a military grade bioweapon release deliberate or accidental.
Or it’s something else along the lines described by Juddian.In which case it’s all moot and all bets are off.
I made the call on balance it was the former.
So took two AZ shots.
Then gradually changed my view along the lines of the latter.
Now remind us exactly where you stand.Id suggest that’s a lot closer to the ‘official’ narrative than Juddian.
Saying one thing and doing another indeed.

It wasn’t incompetence it wasn’t a catalogue of errors, it was the annual flu rebranded as something else to frighten people and get them to take by injection whatever filth they’d been concocting over several years, it wasn’t a vaccine they take many years to come up with the shots were entirely something different, and its just the start.

I know many of you don’t believe in a God as such, but increasingly i’m coming to the conclusion that evil is real, real evil was and is at the back of this, incredibly powerful and ludicrously wealthy people with multiple layers of buyable politicians and boards of institutions doing their bidding for their pieces of silver, their type has been for sale since forever.
All reading from the same hymnsheet, all eager to please the tin pot gods who pas them so very well.
What do they worship, apart from obscene wealth and the power it gives them over the buyable and there’s no shortage of people for sale, more to the point what if anything do they love and cherish.

Look at how well politicians in the west who have gone along do whilst in office, useful cunning idiots elected to govt, selected (by whom?) for high office, do what is required of them and somehow in the meantime not just double their wealth but it grows in multiples to sometimes obscene numbers…the irony being one Donald Trump who not only didn’t take his pay as President he lost money during his term yet he’s the bogeyman, you couldn’t make it up.

It isn’t just the covid scam, there’s an all round onslaught to destroy what we have known and most of us hold dear in the western world, Britain just one of multiple targets, the climate scam is only just getting underway, net zero will finish this country off as well as the constant mass immigration legal and otherwise, which has already caused the housing shortage and is worsening the health and other services none of which were designed or have the facilities for a country already probably some 15 to 20 million over natural population level.

Why exactly are they allowing so many young men of fighting age to enter the country illegally, they could stop it but the reality is they have been operating a ferry service via border force and even the lifeboat service to bring these people in, what exactly are they required for, they could have been stopped so there must be a reason for them being brought in, be assured they are here because it suits those at the back of this, i have my own suspicions but pray that i’m wrong.
Why did they instigate the destruction of the middle east, Iraq Libya Syria, millions of people killed and wounded their homes and villages and towns reduced to dust along with themselves, not just the injustice of what they the so called leaders of western govts did but the callous ruination of entire countries leading to mass movements of peoples, all entirely predictable so was it planned all along?
Do these multi billionaire people see themselves as Gods, playing with the world as a child might poke an ants nest to see what the reaction is?

Covid was only part of what they have planned, an effective and highly successful experiment for these demi gods though, by frightening the majority of the population their grand experiment proved beyond doubt they can do whatever they want and by means of fear and bribery (with their own money) the vast majority of people will go along with it.

They’re coming for your money, they’re brainwashing your children and you have to nod along like a good little citizen or risk the state removing them, they’re planning to take your cars away and keep you in 15 minute communes, 200 people flying 1000 miles for a holiday wrong one person flying 5000 miles in their own jet good, how long before they come for the home you sweated for years to own, how long before you start to see the bigger picture here.

Switch the bloody telly off people, stop reading listening to and watching the propaganda from the bought media and see for yourselves that things are wrong on so many levels, the enemy isn’t who you are being told it is, it definately isn’t Putin.

Firstly I’ve long held the suspicion that 9/11 was a covered up missile attack ( gauntlet ) thrown down by China.
By definition the rich elites that you describe aren’t up for losing it all in WW3 mutually assured destruction exchange.
What you’ve described is perfectly explained by the resulting surrender terms.
As for Putin a CCP stooge and ally.

It wasn’t incompetence it wasn’t a catalogue of errors, it was the annual flu rebranded as something else to frighten people and get them to take by injection whatever filth they’d been concocting over several years, it wasn’t a vaccine they take many years to come up with the shots were entirely something different, and its just the start.

I know many of you don’t believe in a God as such, but increasingly i’m coming to the conclusion that evil is real, real evil was and is at the back of this, incredibly powerful and ludicrously wealthy people with multiple layers of buyable politicians and boards of institutions doing their bidding for their pieces of silver, their type has been for sale since forever.
All reading from the same hymnsheet, all eager to please the tin pot gods who pas them so very well.
What do they worship, apart from obscene wealth and the power it gives them over the buyable and there’s no shortage of people for sale, more to the point what if anything do they love and cherish.

Look at how well politicians in the west who have gone along do whilst in office, useful cunning idiots elected to govt, selected (by whom?) for high office, do what is required of them and somehow in the meantime not just double their wealth but it grows in multiples to sometimes obscene numbers…the irony being one Donald Trump who not only didn’t take his pay as President he lost money during his term yet he’s the bogeyman, you couldn’t make it up.

It isn’t just the covid scam, there’s an all round onslaught to destroy what we have known and most of us hold dear in the western world, Britain just one of multiple targets, the climate scam is only just getting underway, net zero will finish this country off as well as the constant mass immigration legal and otherwise, which has already caused the housing shortage and is worsening the health and other services none of which were designed or have the facilities for a country already probably some 15 to 20 million over natural population level.

Why exactly are they allowing so many young men of fighting age to enter the country illegally, they could stop it but the reality is they have been operating a ferry service via border force and even the lifeboat service to bring these people in, what exactly are they required for, they could have been stopped so there must be a reason for them being brought in, be assured they are here because it suits those at the back of this, i have my own suspicions but pray that i’m wrong.
Why did they instigate the destruction of the middle east, Iraq Libya Syria, millions of people killed and wounded their homes and villages and towns reduced to dust along with themselves, not just the injustice of what they the so called leaders of western govts did but the callous ruination of entire countries leading to mass movements of peoples, all entirely predictable so was it planned all along?
Do these multi billionaire people see themselves as Gods, playing with the world as a child might poke an ants nest to see what the reaction is?

Covid was only part of what they have planned, an effective and highly successful experiment for these demi gods though, by frightening the majority of the population their grand experiment proved beyond doubt they can do whatever they want and by means of fear and bribery (with their own money) the vast majority of people will go along with it.

They’re coming for your money, they’re brainwashing your children and you have to nod along like a good little citizen or risk the state removing them, they’re planning to take your cars away and keep you in 15 minute communes, 200 people flying 1000 miles for a holiday wrong one person flying 5000 miles in their own jet good, how long before they come for the home you sweated for years to own, how long before you start to see the bigger picture here.

Switch the bloody telly off people, stop reading listening to and watching the propaganda from the bought media and see for yourselves that things are wrong on so many levels, the enemy isn’t who you are being told it is, it definately isn’t Putin.

Ok, but apart from that what do you think it was all about? :wink: :laughing:

I’m with you on the exaggerated annual flu bit, and the climate control,. yet another hidden and false agenda, but don’t really buy the rest tbh.
As for the illegal immigrant thing,.that really does do my head in big style,. many of them human dregs masquerading as refugees,.just here for a free for all and invading by stealth my country.
It’s ironic that those supposedlly running from war are of fighting age as you say,.the very demographic type that could fight for freedom, rather than be part of the forces that caused it all…ISIS.

It wasn’t incompetence it wasn’t a catalogue of errors, it was the annual flu rebranded as something else to frighten people and get them to take by injection whatever filth they’d been concocting over several years, it wasn’t a vaccine they take many years to come up with the shots were entirely something different, and its just the start.

I know many of you don’t believe in a God as such, but increasingly i’m coming to the conclusion that evil is real, real evil was and is at the back of this, incredibly powerful and ludicrously wealthy people with multiple layers of buyable politicians and boards of institutions doing their bidding for their pieces of silver, their type has been for sale since forever.
All reading from the same hymnsheet, all eager to please the tin pot gods who pas them so very well.
What do they worship, apart from obscene wealth and the power it gives them over the buyable and there’s no shortage of people for sale, more to the point what if anything do they love and cherish.

Look at how well politicians in the west who have gone along do whilst in office, useful cunning idiots elected to govt, selected (by whom?) for high office, do what is required of them and somehow in the meantime not just double their wealth but it grows in multiples to sometimes obscene numbers…the irony being one Donald Trump who not only didn’t take his pay as President he lost money during his term yet he’s the bogeyman, you couldn’t make it up.

It isn’t just the covid scam, there’s an all round onslaught to destroy what we have known and most of us hold dear in the western world, Britain just one of multiple targets, the climate scam is only just getting underway, net zero will finish this country off as well as the constant mass immigration legal and otherwise, which has already caused the housing shortage and is worsening the health and other services none of which were designed or have the facilities for a country already probably some 15 to 20 million over natural population level.

Why exactly are they allowing so many young men of fighting age to enter the country illegally, they could stop it but the reality is they have been operating a ferry service via border force and even the lifeboat service to bring these people in, what exactly are they required for, they could have been stopped so there must be a reason for them being brought in, be assured they are here because it suits those at the back of this, i have my own suspicions but pray that i’m wrong.
Why did they instigate the destruction of the middle east, Iraq Libya Syria, millions of people killed and wounded their homes and villages and towns reduced to dust along with themselves, not just the injustice of what they the so called leaders of western govts did but the callous ruination of entire countries leading to mass movements of peoples, all entirely predictable so was it planned all along?
Do these multi billionaire people see themselves as Gods, playing with the world as a child might poke an ants nest to see what the reaction is?

Covid was only part of what they have planned, an effective and highly successful experiment for these demi gods though, by frightening the majority of the population their grand experiment proved beyond doubt they can do whatever they want and by means of fear and bribery (with their own money) the vast majority of people will go along with it.

They’re coming for your money, they’re brainwashing your children and you have to nod along like a good little citizen or risk the state removing them, they’re planning to take your cars away and keep you in 15 minute communes, 200 people flying 1000 miles for a holiday wrong one person flying 5000 miles in their own jet good, how long before they come for the home you sweated for years to own, how long before you start to see the bigger picture here.

Switch the bloody telly off people, stop reading listening to and watching the propaganda from the bought media and see for yourselves that things are wrong on so many levels, the enemy isn’t who you are being told it is, it definately isn’t Putin.

Sorry but most of that is just wild conspiracy type rubbish. I think you’ve been watching one too many Hollywood movies.

Covid was a real thing, it was just massively mishandled and there was mass OTT reaction to all the lockdowns and restrictions that we should never have had in hindsight. Suggesting it is some sort of scam and that there is something sinister about the vaccine is just pure fantasy.

The migrant crisis, while incredibly annoying, is simply down to government incompetence, and not a ridiculous plan for a new world order as you seem to be implying.

Life cannot be much fun for you when walking around with as much paranoia as you seem to have about these things.


It wasn’t incompetence it wasn’t a catalogue of errors, it was the annual flu rebranded as something else to frighten people and get them to take by injection whatever filth they’d been concocting over several years, it wasn’t a vaccine they take many years to come up with the shots were entirely something different, and its just the start.

I know many of you don’t believe in a God as such, but increasingly i’m coming to the conclusion that evil is real, real evil was and is at the back of this, incredibly powerful and ludicrously wealthy people with multiple layers of buyable politicians and boards of institutions doing their bidding for their pieces of silver, their type has been for sale since forever.
All reading from the same hymnsheet, all eager to please the tin pot gods who pas them so very well.
What do they worship, apart from obscene wealth and the power it gives them over the buyable and there’s no shortage of people for sale, more to the point what if anything do they love and cherish.

Look at how well politicians in the west who have gone along do whilst in office, useful cunning idiots elected to govt, selected (by whom?) for high office, do what is required of them and somehow in the meantime not just double their wealth but it grows in multiples to sometimes obscene numbers…the irony being one Donald Trump who not only didn’t take his pay as President he lost money during his term yet he’s the bogeyman, you couldn’t make it up.

It isn’t just the covid scam, there’s an all round onslaught to destroy what we have known and most of us hold dear in the western world, Britain just one of multiple targets, the climate scam is only just getting underway, net zero will finish this country off as well as the constant mass immigration legal and otherwise, which has already caused the housing shortage and is worsening the health and other services none of which were designed or have the facilities for a country already probably some 15 to 20 million over natural population level.

Why exactly are they allowing so many young men of fighting age to enter the country illegally, they could stop it but the reality is they have been operating a ferry service via border force and even the lifeboat service to bring these people in, what exactly are they required for, they could have been stopped so there must be a reason for them being brought in, be assured they are here because it suits those at the back of this, i have my own suspicions but pray that i’m wrong.
Why did they instigate the destruction of the middle east, Iraq Libya Syria, millions of people killed and wounded their homes and villages and towns reduced to dust along with themselves, not just the injustice of what they the so called leaders of western govts did but the callous ruination of entire countries leading to mass movements of peoples, all entirely predictable so was it planned all along?
Do these multi billionaire people see themselves as Gods, playing with the world as a child might poke an ants nest to see what the reaction is?

Covid was only part of what they have planned, an effective and highly successful experiment for these demi gods though, by frightening the majority of the population their grand experiment proved beyond doubt they can do whatever they want and by means of fear and bribery (with their own money) the vast majority of people will go along with it.

They’re coming for your money, they’re brainwashing your children and you have to nod along like a good little citizen or risk the state removing them, they’re planning to take your cars away and keep you in 15 minute communes, 200 people flying 1000 miles for a holiday wrong one person flying 5000 miles in their own jet good, how long before they come for the home you sweated for years to own, how long before you start to see the bigger picture here.

Switch the bloody telly off people, stop reading listening to and watching the propaganda from the bought media and see for yourselves that things are wrong on so many levels, the enemy isn’t who you are being told it is, it definately isn’t Putin.

Sorry but most of that is just wild conspiracy type rubbish. I think you’ve been watching one too many Hollywood movies.

Covid was a real thing, it was just massively mishandled and there was mass OTT reaction to all the lockdowns and restrictions that we should never have had in hindsight. Suggesting it is some sort of scam and that there is something sinister about the vaccine is just pure fantasy.

The migrant crisis, while incredibly annoying, is simply down to government incompetence, and not a ridiculous plan for a new world order as you seem to be implying.

Life cannot be much fun for you when walking around with as much paranoia as you seem to have about these things.

The truth is it isn’t a ‘vaccine’ it’s a gene therapy.
While even the ‘official’ narrative has now moved from natural virus to lab created chimaera using gain of function biotech.
As for the NWO it’s already there in the form of institutions like the WEF which has made no secret of its intentions or influence over governments.Also UN agenda 30 is just as real.
You and Maoster sound like 77th brigade which itself is just a WEF and CCP controlled puppet mouthpiece just like Western governments.
Agenda 30 and the Climate Scam read western wealth and third world population redistribution.
The COVID scam, combined with our national palliative health service, read depopulation of those high consumption decadent westerners.

So if we’re all going to be replaced one day by machines that do our jobs, whilst we just die off…

What happens if it turns out that Robots cannot carry on regardless 24/7 any more than people can?

A lot of comments underneath this video seem to joke-remark about the “clot shot” and all…


It wasn’t incompetence it wasn’t a catalogue of errors, it was the annual flu rebranded as something else to frighten people and get them to take by injection whatever filth they’d been concocting over several years, it wasn’t a vaccine they take many years to come up with the shots were entirely something different, and its just the start.

I know many of you don’t believe in a God as such, but increasingly i’m coming to the conclusion that evil is real, real evil was and is at the back of this, incredibly powerful and ludicrously wealthy people with multiple layers of buyable politicians and boards of institutions doing their bidding for their pieces of silver, their type has been for sale since forever.
All reading from the same hymnsheet, all eager to please the tin pot gods who pas them so very well.
What do they worship, apart from obscene wealth and the power it gives them over the buyable and there’s no shortage of people for sale, more to the point what if anything do they love and cherish.

Look at how well politicians in the west who have gone along do whilst in office, useful cunning idiots elected to govt, selected (by whom?) for high office, do what is required of them and somehow in the meantime not just double their wealth but it grows in multiples to sometimes obscene numbers…the irony being one Donald Trump who not only didn’t take his pay as President he lost money during his term yet he’s the bogeyman, you couldn’t make it up.

It isn’t just the covid scam, there’s an all round onslaught to destroy what we have known and most of us hold dear in the western world, Britain just one of multiple targets, the climate scam is only just getting underway, net zero will finish this country off as well as the constant mass immigration legal and otherwise, which has already caused the housing shortage and is worsening the health and other services none of which were designed or have the facilities for a country already probably some 15 to 20 million over natural population level.

Why exactly are they allowing so many young men of fighting age to enter the country illegally, they could stop it but the reality is they have been operating a ferry service via border force and even the lifeboat service to bring these people in, what exactly are they required for, they could have been stopped so there must be a reason for them being brought in, be assured they are here because it suits those at the back of this, i have my own suspicions but pray that i’m wrong.
Why did they instigate the destruction of the middle east, Iraq Libya Syria, millions of people killed and wounded their homes and villages and towns reduced to dust along with themselves, not just the injustice of what they the so called leaders of western govts did but the callous ruination of entire countries leading to mass movements of peoples, all entirely predictable so was it planned all along?
Do these multi billionaire people see themselves as Gods, playing with the world as a child might poke an ants nest to see what the reaction is?

Covid was only part of what they have planned, an effective and highly successful experiment for these demi gods though, by frightening the majority of the population their grand experiment proved beyond doubt they can do whatever they want and by means of fear and bribery (with their own money) the vast majority of people will go along with it.

They’re coming for your money, they’re brainwashing your children and you have to nod along like a good little citizen or risk the state removing them, they’re planning to take your cars away and keep you in 15 minute communes, 200 people flying 1000 miles for a holiday wrong one person flying 5000 miles in their own jet good, how long before they come for the home you sweated for years to own, how long before you start to see the bigger picture here.

Switch the bloody telly off people, stop reading listening to and watching the propaganda from the bought media and see for yourselves that things are wrong on so many levels, the enemy isn’t who you are being told it is, it definately isn’t Putin.

Sorry but most of that is just wild conspiracy type rubbish. I think you’ve been watching one too many Hollywood movies.

Covid was a real thing, it was just massively mishandled and there was mass OTT reaction to all the lockdowns and restrictions that we should never have had in hindsight. Suggesting it is some sort of scam and that there is something sinister about the vaccine is just pure fantasy.

The migrant crisis, while incredibly annoying, is simply down to government incompetence, and not a ridiculous plan for a new world order as you seem to be implying.

Life cannot be much fun for you when walking around with as much paranoia as you seem to have about these things.

The biggest part of any conspiracy - is getting the masse public to believe the lie is in fact “proper science” rather than misinforamtion, spin, and disbelieved actual truth…

Yes, Covid was a real disease, no - it wasn’t anywhere near an Epidemic, but hey presto - call it a PANdemic and the qualifying factor ceases to be “kills over 10% of the population” down to “has a person contracting the disease in every corner of the world”.

Pretty much the same as the common cold, Flu, and other diseases found routinely “world-wide” which most of us have long since built up considerable resistance to.

Since 2020 TWO people I have ever met - have died from supposedly Covid:
My Aunt, who actually died from Cancer, after her oncology treatment was discontinued (I.e. “NHS Neglect”) at the start of the lockdown,
A mate of 30 years, who went into hospital to have a wisdom tooth out, and went into Hypoxia and died whilst in there, supposedly of “Covid” rather than “NHS Neglect” as well then.

Like “Accidents”, I’m gonna have to say “I don’t know anyone who’s contracted, and then died of Covid” then, although of course I’ve heard of Millions of people dying somewhere else, strangely with more people dying during the same period of Strokes, Heart Attacks, and other more regular “Natural Causes” during all the time before and since the lockdown.

“Covid” would seem to be a re-branded Common Cold/Flu Virus that acts to back up a big lie that we needed to be locked down AT ALL then.
It’s True enough that it is a disease, but the conspiracy is that we got locked down for such an exaggeration of the dangers.

More people have died from effects of the lockdown on our infrastructure.

A better way to handle any slow-down in the economy would have been to cease general income taxation until it is all over, and double benefits until is is all over.
That way, the government is under pressure from wealthy backers to END it, as the wealthy backers end up paying for it forever otherwise, via the windfall taxes that would take up the excheqeur slack.

Wasn’t it strange too, that among people who on Zero Hours Contacts, NO one died of Covid contracted at work, despite millions of people being forced to rub shoulders with others - just to keep afloat during a time of the larger firms defrauding the taxpayer out of billions via the employer-decided Furlough Scheme.


Some proper looneys on this forum.