If Only !



all lorry drivers must pass an IQ test, none of this dcpc crap.

Can you define a bit more please :question: :question:

As just because you cant pass an IQ test dont make you thick or stupid

yes it does.

We will have to disagree there

all lorry drivers must pass an IQ test, none of this dcpc crap.

But it’s not a test that can be “failed”. It gives a range of cognitive ability, scored on a scale.

If you were to not score at all, you’d be dead. :open_mouth:


all lorry drivers must pass an IQ test, none of this dcpc crap.

But it’s not a test that can be “failed”. It gives a range of cognitive ability, scored on a scale.

If you were to not score at all, you’d be dead. :open_mouth:

ok then. must pass at a level of 110 or above.

Pete the post:
Get rid of speed limiters, cars and other trucks cut you up because they know you can’t catch them to ‘discuss’ the issue.
Very rarely got cut up pre limiter days as most were savvy enough not to mess about with trucks for fear of 32tonnes of truck chasing after them :grimacing:

Also access to your cab at any point during the shift, none of this false imprisonment drivers room ■■■■■■■■…

Cheap diesel. Less hours. More money. No speed limiters. And BAN bum hole transport planners / managers.

Foreign motors should be taxed to the hilts and only aloud to bring in 75 litres of diesel, the Rest should be paid for. It’s not fair them having 1500+ litres of cheaper diesel strapped to their chassis

…& they still have the cheek to steal your expensive diesel in the layby/services…

Transport managers with common sense, and experience !!!

Driver negativity.

And BAN bum hole transport planners / managers.

Transport managers with common sense, and experience !!!

i suspect these might be linked :smiley:

Driver negativity is a direct result of bell end mentality management #fact…!

Uniform speedlimits for Pcv and lgv including 7.5t and minibuses

Why? you want everyone in the middle lane stopping you getting out.

Driver negativity is a direct result of bell end mentality management #fact…!

Your absulotely spot on with that! I was properly ■■■■■■ off and moaning left right and centre until waved bye bye to my last firm couple of weeks ago.

Get rid of all the traffic officers that ride around in their 40k land cruisers,I mean apart from causing more of a jam,what else do these people do!!.
They are good at watching on coming traffic standing there like some tuff doorman, normally with dark shades and their arms folded.
Then we have the backwards walk,but what else are they good for!!

Lorry drivers poor standard of driving.

I’d get rid of the FT industry standard of Being salaried, as I’ve always believed that “job & knock” encourages bad driving, or at the other end of the scale, drivers might be encouraged to put in the barest minimum effort, since they won’t be paid extra for “going the extra mile”. :slight_smile:


Lorry drivers poor standard of driving.

I’d get rid of the FT industry standard of Being salaried, as I’ve always believed that “job & knock” encourages bad driving, or at the other end of the scale, drivers might be encouraged to put in the barest minimum effort, since they won’t be paid extra for “going the extra mile”. :slight_smile:

Totally agree!

Wheel Nut:
Bring back the stairs :stuck_out_tongue:

  • 1 :laughing: :laughing:

Transport planners who actually understand what can be physically done in a day!!


Limiters fitted to all vehicles ! Then the car drivers can understand the the joys of them.

It makes me mad when with my work colleagues moan about slow lorries getting in the way of them doing 110 :angry: and how the lorry had to be the one that caused the accident :imp:

Transport managers with common sense, and experience !!!

agree!! :smiley:

the right to keep and bear arms.

Would like to see the fortnightly driving limit increased to a more realistic 94 to 95 hours,the present 90 hours is a ludicrous piece of legislation especially for international drivers.
Would also like to see the outdated 40mph single carriegway speed limit for l.g.v’s raised to a more sensible 50 mph.