I love my job

I really enjoy my work, ok sometimes it’s a ball-ache depending on the particular job, but generally I love it, & find most people I encounter along the way to be amiable, helpful, and good for a laugh. My pay is pretty good, the trucks are good to drive, people at my company are nice, I usually do between 10-12 hours a shift which is fine. I’ve had my fair share of curtain-side-windy-weather buckle smacks in the teeth and other ‘ooh-ya-■■■■■■■■■ moments, but it’s one of the few jobs where I can look how I like, don’t get stuck in one place or in a room with co-workers all day, & can choose whether to have a natter to others or not when stuck at a Tesco or Iceland for 3 hours :grimacing: , and being naturally sweary, I don’t have to curb it too much; I sing along to the radio all shift long and nobody screams! :smiley:

Please Please share the happy pills :smiling_imp: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I quite like the driving malarkey as well,though a bit more money wouldnt go amiss.

I want what ever it is you’re taking. Job went ages ago. It’s arse. :grimacing:

Bus driving is far better

I have the odd bad day but overall im happy,theres worse jobs out there,saying that ive had some early starts over the last few week[3am to 5am],you get alot more done but i start to struggle around midday then after a power nap im good to go :smiley:

Bus driving is far better

I like a bloke with a sense of humour. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve got to say I love my job too, I’m not pushed or made to do anything naughty and generally booking times are achievable most of the time, the kit is good and it’s clean work, if I have a long day generally it’s because I’ve had a long wait somewhere and then I’m horizontal for a few hours so can’t call that working.

Yes I have some bad days but I’ve been there long enough to know to take the rough with the smooth.

And I’m glad I enjoy it as it makes it far easier to jump out of bed on those cold damp mornings.

I really enjoy my work, ok sometimes it’s a ball-ache depending on the particular job, but generally I love it,

I think this bit

& find most people I encounter along the way to be amiable, helpful, and good for a laugh. :smiley:

Is what lead to this bit.

I like the company, just not the pay… :imp:

Stick with it chap but that feeling wears a little thin after 40 years :laughing:

Get me a job ■■? 10-12 hours a day nice am same unfortunately the jobs screwed has been for years !!! Nothing but hassle everyday and a struggle 2 even get home on a Friday !!!

I love my job also so much so I am even prepared to give it to someone else sometimes …

39 years now and i like my job too, you get good days and others when it all goes to rat ■■■, so what.

The job is what you make it, you’re a long time dead so if you hate lorry driving pack it in and find something else you do enjoy, if you like the job but the pay’s crap search out a better paid number, simple.

I know exactly what the OP means - I also loved the job. I served my time as an engineering draughtsman and got into driving quite by accident (a long story for another time) and never looked back! First job on tippers best part of 47 years ago - five bob an hour and never earned anything like it before! Graduated to Class I and general haulage over the years - I can recall driving a K series Ford 14 ton tipper and seeing some of the big continental waggons and thinking ‘wouldn’t it be great to drive one of them’. I finally made it and had one of the first F88 290’s to come to South Derbyshire - you really WERE king of the road in those days! I can also recall sheeting up a 12’ high load at nine-o-clock on a Friday night in Peterhead, 300 miles from home, peeing it down with rain and blowing a force nine gale and thinking I must have been mad!
In about 1975, our boss wanted to retire and I had the chance to become an owner-driver. After a lot of thought, I turned him down, and for years I kicked myself many times for it. But then, as time progressed, I was bl**dy glad I didn’t take him up!
After a while on tankers, I spent the last 25 years driving for a government department - best job ever and a piece of cake! I suppose the point I am trying to make is that today it aint the job I joined all those years ago - too much red tape and burocracy for it’s own good.
Yes, I loved the job - but I couldn’t wait to retire and get out of it!


I really enjoy my work, ok sometimes it’s a ball-ache depending on the particular job, but generally I love it, & find most people I encounter along the way to be amiable, helpful, and good for a laugh. My pay is pretty good, the trucks are good to drive, people at my company are nice, I usually do between 10-12 hours a shift which is fine. I’ve had my fair share of curtain-side-windy-weather buckle smacks in the teeth and other ‘ooh-ya-■■■■■■■■■ moments, but it’s one of the few jobs where I can look how I like, don’t get stuck in one place or in a room with co-workers all day, & can choose whether to have a natter to others or not when stuck at a Tesco or Iceland for 3 hours :grimacing: , and being naturally sweary, I don’t have to curb it too much; I sing along to the radio all shift long and nobody screams! :smiley:

How many years have you been driving?

Well done OP, with an attitude like that you are more than welcome to deliver to our yard anytime! Makes such a change when the driver is cheery!

A good post this. Nice to read some positive vibes. I’m also pretty happy with my lot as a driver, no it’s not like the old days but society in general has changed too, some things for the worse and some for better. As a driver though we are pretty much still our own boss compared to many out there, I just couldn’t do an office or factory job for 10 times the pay, so as many before have said, this job is what you make it. I’m 28 years into it and dreading retirement!


I really enjoy my work, ok sometimes it’s a ball-ache depending on the particular job, but generally I love it, & find most people I encounter along the way to be amiable, helpful, and good for a laugh. My pay is pretty good, the trucks are good to drive, people at my company are nice, I usually do between 10-12 hours a shift which is fine. I’ve had my fair share of curtain-side-windy-weather buckle smacks in the teeth and other ‘ooh-ya-■■■■■■■■■ moments, but it’s one of the few jobs where I can look how I like, don’t get stuck in one place or in a room with co-workers all day, & can choose whether to have a natter to others or not when stuck at a Tesco or Iceland for 3 hours :grimacing: , and being naturally sweary, I don’t have to curb it too much; I sing along to the radio all shift long and nobody screams! :smiley:

How many years have you been driving?

Weeks more like!

I enjoy my job too. Treated like a grown up occasionally and no rdc work.