Impatient trucker, not a credit to the profession as there was no need to pass in a pinch point.
I have to wonder if the trucker wasn’t doing it on purpose?
The cyclist has his own designated lane, the driver has theirs, that being said, I wouldn’t have done that.
Got to love twitter though, it’s always erupting in outrage over something.
Don’t see a problem,both kept to their lanes wasn’t excessive speed by the truck,typical “I’m in Lycra look at me I need the whole road because I’m a nob”.
Since when did a cyclist ever slow down for a truck? Too busy going thro red lights but they expect trucks to slow down just for them? Don’t think so sunshine no one owns the road.
Maybe given the benefit of the doubt the driver was only going by the marked cycle lane.But with all the recent campaigns regarding space when overtaking cyclists and their vulnerability he should have known better.While councils should also be made to remove such deceiving road markings.
A complete non-story that serves no purpose other than to allow one of the special snowflakes with a helmet cam to rush home and upload his shock, horror footage to YouTube.
I don’t know what’s more embarrassing: The fact that the snowflake thought that his footage matters, or the nobodies on Twitter who are outraged over something that is of no concern to them. God save us all from these [zb] people.
Good to see Sainsbury’s backing they’re driver
Very sad cyclist cries and attempts to lose a wagon driver his job. Indicative of the lorry hating society we live in.
I must say I wouldn’t have passed there he should have waited till he at least got passed the bollards.
What do they expect to happen when they put the bike lane there? The driver stayed in his own lane, even when passing the traffic island. All these councils think they are doing the right thing bringing in cycle lanes but all the end up doing in reducing the road width.
We could wait forever trying to pass bikes in some places, if we waited to give them as much space as they think they deserve.
Mixed feelings for me on this, driver is close but not causing any real danger and it’s basically the lay out of the road and markings which makes it tight. On the other hand I commute to work on a motor scooter and every time I go out on it, cars try and ‘bully’ me literally into the kerb. If I indicate to change lanes coming to a roundabout the cars behind in the lane I want to go in ignore me and speed up even though I only indicate when I see enough safe room in my mirror to make the maneuver if they kept the same speed.
On the plus side, I’ve not had one lorry give me grief and give me plenty of room.
Comment on the Sun website
josh kellaway 56 minutes ago
The more cyclists we flatten the less they’ll get in our way
Don’t see a problem,both kept to their lanes wasn’t excessive speed by the truck,typical “I’m in Lycra look at me I need the whole road because I’m a nob”.
Since when did a cyclist ever slow down for a truck? Too busy going thro red lights but they expect trucks to slow down just for them? Don’t think so sunshine no one owns the road.
…deffo a good contender for quote of the year there…truck in correct lane…mr mangina in his own lane…im still waiting for the heart stopping moment…i can never work out who is sadder.the fanny on the bike,or the saddoes that pay them any attention whatsoever…good for sainsburys sofar. truckie 1…lycra fanny nil…
This is why I hate driving in London. Cyclists are a law to themselves. They cherry pick parts of the HC that suits them and ignore the rest. Now with all these stupid go-pro cameras it is going to get worse and worse.
Truckers get such a bad publicity and you never really here anyone defend them. If the UK doesn’t want trucks then maybe they should just ban them and see how they get on without us.
The lorry was too close to the cyclist and should have hung back a while.
The lorry driver may have stayed in his own lane but surely it’s not expecting to much for a so called professional driver to display a little common sense and wait until after the bollards to overtake.
Credit to the cyclist, he used the cycle lane and when the lorry got too close he never threw a tantrum like so many of them do
Didn’t throw a tantrum, just tried to get a fella sacked instead.
Piece of crap riding a piece of crap…
“Heart stopping moment”, “Thundered past”? Lmao typical tabloid guff.
While the lorry was close to the cyclist, and I personally wouldn’t have overtaken him there, to say it “thundered past” is over egging the pudding somewhat, 15mph, maybe 20 at a push
the cyclist was that worried about the truck being so close and worried for his own safety that he carried on cycling without slowing or braking or taking any evasive action… other then whinging to the press… although not clear cant see any signs of the cyclist wearing any hi viz stuff either…
i personally would not overtake in that situation though as I simply dont trust any cyclist, but maybe the driver had more confidence…
Both the cyclist and the truck driver did nothing wrong, they were both in their respective lanes and I assume sticking to the speed limits, but I reckon I’d have been equally ■■■■■■ off and also bloody terrified if I’d been on the pushbike.
It would have cost the truck driver precisely nothing just to back off for a second and wait until he was passed the centre island and back to a wider road before overtaking.
As I say, nothing technically wrong with what he did, but a score of absolute zero for showing consideration to other road users.
And just a thought, i realise I’ll probably get slated for playing the “what if” game, but what if the cyclist had hit a pothole while being overtaken and had wobbled a bit, nothing drastic, just a small enough wobble to send him to the right, he’d have been straight under the trucks wheels.
I was in London in a artic 2 or 3 times a week for 14 years, and while I’ll admit I developed a healthy hatred towards cyclists I can’t help but feel some sympathy for this one in respect of this incident.
There really was absolutely no need for the driver to be this close.
The lorry was too close to the cyclist and should have hung back a while.The lorry driver may have stayed in his own lane but surely it’s not expecting to much for a so called professional driver to display a little common sense and wait until after the bollards to overtake.
Credit to the cyclist, he used the cycle lane and when the lorry got too close he never threw a tantrum like so many of them do
My thoughts exactly.