Holiday tips for Meghan Markle

Don’t go to Paris!

Yep, and avoid tunnels…Especially when Phil the Greek comes out of hospital,.(and has a word with the Firm’s '‘Chaps’ :wink: :laughing:)

Yank v The Establishment.
There’s only ever going to be one winner.
Americans, well known for two thing, exaggerating and lieing, she’s tried both of those and for good measure pulls the race card.
One good thing will come out of this, hopefully she’ll never be allowed on British soil again.

I really wish that people would respect Harry and Meghans request for privacy.

I also really wish that Harry and Meghan would respect Harry and Meghans request for privacy.

the maoster:
I really wish that people would respect Harry and Meghans request for privacy.

I also really wish that Harry and Meghan would respect Harry and Meghans request for privacy.


Sent while from gods know where

I watched ten minutes of the Oprah rubbish.
What a contrived load of bulldust!
MM is a self centred, manipulative, lying cow; just the ultimate social climber and I’m not a Royalist.
Had anyone ever heard of the cow, before Harry threw a leg over it?

Disclaimer: Only my opinion.

Unfortunately in the not too distant future I expect it’ll be Harry grandfathers funeral, I firmly believe he won’t attend and if he does it’ll be without her.

Unfortunately in the not too distant future I expect it’ll be Harry grandfathers funeral, I firmly believe he won’t attend and if he does it’ll be without her.

The queen could get buy one get one free [emoji6][emoji6][emoji6]

Is it a red trailer or a yellow trailer today ?

Yank v The Establishment.
There’s only ever going to be one winner.
Americans, well known for two thing, exaggerating and lieing, she’s tried both of those and for good measure pulls the race card.
One good thing will come out of this, hopefully she’ll never be allowed on British soil again.

Nah,.I disagree
Firstly I have no love whatsoever for her nor the Royal Family, as they have no real bearing on my life.
However I admire her for standing up to and speaking out against them.
They made her mother in law’s life hell, so way I see it they are just carrying on Diana’s legacy, and revenge campaign that she started, which imo led to her downfall.
If it embarrasses the Royal Family, who gives a ■■■■.

As for her ‘playing the race card’, c’mon get real, you can sure as hell bet it WAS played before this, and first played by them, look at the furore when Harry’s mother, took up with an Arab, the thought of the future King of England having Muslim siblings was just a step too far for the Establishment,.despite all the political correctness and false and pseudo approval at the time. (Same at Harry’s wedding)

I’ll now have to keep an eye out for Jag rocking up to my gaff, with four blokes in shades and earpieces, talking into their black trenchcoat sleeves, now I’ve dared to post that. :open_mouth: :laughing:
I may never be seen on here again…(yeh I know, before anybody jumps in every cloud etc :laughing: )

The big talking point that she’s coming out with is that she was being “driven to suicide” and “having suicidal thoughts”
Surely what somebody who wants to make these statements via the media for the entire world to see and hear rally means … I’m attention seeking!
If she had those intentions and thoughts, why is she still here?
Attention seeking, race card pulling American… not as if America isn’t short of them is it!

One has to wonder,how she became estranged to her father.
Suggests,she’s a ■■■■■■■ me.

The big talking point that she’s coming out with is that she was being “driven to suicide” and “having suicidal thoughts”
Surely what somebody who wants to make these statements via the media for the entire world to see and hear rally means … I’m attention seeking!
If she had those intentions and thoughts, why is she still here?
Attention seeking, race card pulling American… not as if America isn’t short of them is it!

With you on the attention seeking, ex actor, and Yank if you like, goes with the territory.
I reckon she underestimated the pressure of getting involved with the ultimate dysfunctional family, with values and attitudes from another century …but I reckon the wealth that has brought will be compensation for it,.as with Diana.

As for the racist thing, she will no doubt sure as hell have been faced with different types and aspects of racist attitudes all her life…, Let’s face it the majority of non whites do, it’s the dark side of human nature,.whether we’re comfortable with that or not.
Just some deal with it better and differently than others.

As I said,.I’ve no love for her, but at the same time nothing against her either.
(and certainly nothing from a racist pov.) and those who express any dislike towards her will be the only ones who know their true agenda for it.
Maybe apart from her hypocrisy saying one minute she wants to keep a low profile, then as you say carrying out a big style publicity campaign, other than that I ain’t really interested wtf she says or does.


They choose to do this now.
His 99 year old Grandfather lies critically ill in hospital and his 94 year old Grandmother has to deal with all this ■■■■■■
Impeccable timing from a pair of attention seeking no marks.

They choose to do this now.
His 99 year old Grandfather lies critically ill in hospital and his 94 year old Grandmother has to deal with all this [zb].
Impeccable timing from a pair of attention seeking no marks.

Don’t fret about the Queen mate, she’ll be fine.
She’s got numerous advisors, agents, flunkys and yes men to deal with all the ■■■■ for her.

I dont particulary care for Diana nor the Royal family.
Same for Meghan and Harry.

I’ve always had some respect Princess Anne though. She has been doing charity work for decades in Africa trunching through waist deep mud and in the UK she is a patron of many charties.
Yet Meghan and Diana do a few photo ops and everyone fawns over them.

I think the royal family is done though. I dont want Charles to be king and I think it should end when the Queen dies. Who I do have respect for.

I guess this is also about escapism anyway. We focus on the quarrels and the hardships of people who are worth billions to distract us from reality. The truth is neither side are really victims. They all live in a bubble.

Amazing the hatred towards Meghan though. She seems like a nice person albeit one who has seem to forgot what ordinary people actually have to deal with.

Someone once said Diana was a A simpering, Bambi narcissist. No doubt applies to Meghan as well.

Same as any large family not everyone gets on, liked the bit where he said his father didn’t answer his calls, was he sure he was dialling the right number :question: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:


the maoster:

Personally I’d have much preferred the Queen to have abdicated and moved to Greece taking Charles with her and Margeret to have been the Queen and married Townsend and then Prince Andrew and Fergie had stayed together and taken over running the firm. :smiling_imp: :laughing:

Someone once said Diana was a A simpering, Bambi narcissist.

I’d have happily accepted a bit of simpering narcissism from her if I’d have had the chance to fight Charles over her in the day.Bonus points for Fergie on the side. :smiling_imp: :laughing:

I’m a republican and would happily see them all bugger off on holiday anywhere as long as they didn’t return…