Holiday Pay

Have any of you guys tried to ask for “average week” holiday pay?
My company pay our basic week (£320) for holiday pay which after Tax and NI comes out at about £260. This is obviously ■■■■.
I know that there has been a ruling recently to force employers to pay an average of the previous 12 weeks wages but I do not want to create a situation for myself by asking if I am wrong.
As I work in Scotland I am also not sure if the ruling applies up here.
Would be interested to know if anyone else in same boat.

If you’re a member of a union might be an idea in having a chat with them.

Or union guy cracked on with this and we now get the extra pay.

The “12 week average” method of calculating holiday pay is poor in that unless you take one week off EXACTLY every 13th week - you’re not going to be getting much out of it. In the meantime, you’ll also need to be flat out doing 5-6-5-6 type patterns as well.

The holiday pot system works better in that if you say, do some bank holidays and sundays at the start of a rolling 13 week period (like as is about to start in April next week…) and the work flags off around the beginning of june time (the last few weeks of the quarter) then a POT you paid into, heavily on the 4 bank holidays you might have worked - goes in and STAYS in. It doesn’t “waste away” when you have some light weeks in June. What’s yours - stays yours.

The flawed “average” system also has a knack of getting staff told after working 12 weeks flat out “Sorry bud, you can’t take a holiday next week” - (Thinks: “perhaps a month from now, when your average has dropped off a bit… Hehehe”) :bulb:

Thanks for the responses.
I work a regular Sunday to Friday and work through all Bank Holidays apart from Christmas.Take home pay is much the same most weeks so an average of any 12 week period would be fine.
Although I enjoy my job, my employer lives in the dark ages. I might spy out some alternative work just in case my request makes life difficult.