is really getting on my nerves,
hows everyone coping with the agency work?
ive not worked in over 2 weeks, yet before that i was working everyday but suddenly its dried up and they seem to have nothing for me, i feel as though im wasting my licence right now, there aint even any van jobs i could do.
dunno why i got my class 1 in the first place. plus trying to get a proper job is non existant.
is really getting on my nerves,
hows everyone coping with the agency work?
ive not worked in over 2 weeks, yet before that i was working everyday but suddenly its dried up and they seem to have nothing for me, i feel as though im wasting my licence right now, there aint even any van jobs i could do.
dunno why i got my class 1 in the first place. plus trying to get a proper job is non existant.
I think you will find that LGV drivers with experience are also struggling to find work.
Agencies cannot supply the work if their clients don’t need any drivers.
Agencies will always recruit drivers onto their books by, sometimes, any means possible - just in case.
Remember, agancy staff are essentially sales people and probably get commission or something if they get to recruit a driver.
Its called reality and unless youve been brain dead for the last 6 months then you’ll know that evry industry is getting hit hard… Its not like 6-12 months ago when you could leave a driving job straight into another… Most firms have drivers whom they know/trust. Theres jobs outhere, you just need to look… You in Fife? Maybe try broadning your search, you have Edinburgh, Glasgow, Fife, Perth, Stirling and Dundee anything between 20-80 miles from you, so surely out of them areas theres something for you as oppose coming to here and moaning…
Sorry for the moan pal but it seems more and more people come on here & moan when they could actually be putting there time to good use.
i am broadening my search through to glasgow but its not economically viabale for me to drive 50 miles to glasgow and and 50 miles back.
other than glasgow which has very proper jobs which want experience or insurance stops me every job on the jobcentre website is an agency job and as im with 2 agencies right now i just dont wanna join any more cause its the same old with them. theres jobs in aberdeen but its 120 miles each way for me.
im not meaning to moan or anything its just how all of a sudden theres no work for me.
Bellshill, Eurocentral, Livi and the likes still seem quite busy.
Glasgow is dead.
I’m back on agency work had 4 shifts this week, and knocked back two. Got offered supermarket work agency desperate but i can’t be bothered going back to that rather stick to night trunking. Other offer was to cover for someone doing a double manned shift down south, knocked it back because had other agency work.
im 22, had my class 2 since i was 21, been driving since i was 17, multi drop in vans for over 2 years.
also done tippers, hook lifts, steel, wide loads, bin motors, skips, and general deliveries.
do you still stand by this then
driving an artic is skilled, rigids are sorta semi skilled cause its not that hard
If thats true it begs the question …why do some artic drivers not like driving rigids, or as i’ve witnessed myself flatly refuse to?
one word for you
yes i still stand by that because we all have to start somewhere.ive progressed from vans to class 2s, though ive not had one single class one shift since getting my licence. if i could drive a blooming artic i blooming well would but due to flaming insurance i cant so im left to driving class 2 work.
so you`ve not worked in over 2 weeks,not even any van jobs.
but you wont do class 2 because the money aint good enough?
at least thats how it reads to me, i may be wrong but i`m not usually
i never said that, i said there is NO work not even any van jobs been offered my way, ive phoned up nearly everyday asking if there was anything for that night/next day/ this weekend
right now ill take anything given my way even if it was £6 an hour for class 2 its better than nothing though all depends on the job. eg removals or furniture delivery i wont do because i get back problems so i cant do lots of heavy lifting and even though i get free chiropractic care i dont abuse it. but my agency know that though will always ask me.
at our place theres not very many agency at all due to so im told the amount of regular drivers all doing o/t time shifts , relief drivers and trampers from other parts of the company doing the work.
alot of agency have now gone on the books as they were only getting 1/2 shifts p/w in the end
I’ve been flat out since August. Was dead up to then. Mind you, a couple of mates of mine are quiet though. I think I’ve been with this agency long enough for enough people to have left that my name is at the top of the list now.
I’ve been flat out since August. Was dead up to then. Mind you, a couple of mates of mine are quiet though. I think I’ve been with this agency long enough for enough people to have left that my name is at the top of the list now.
i was with driver hire when i was younger then i went to university but i rejoined then once i came back so they knew who i was before i had worked for them again so my name was at the top alot, i got sent out to alot of new customers, always the first person so i dont get how im now getting zilch,nout finito,
other than glasgow which has very proper jobs which want experience or insurance stops me every job on the jobcentre website is an agency job and as im with 2 agencies right now i just dont wanna join any more cause its the same old with them. theres jobs in aberdeen but its 120 miles each way for me.
That could be part of the problem, weather you want to join more agencies or not is irrelevant, there is a lot of bull[zb] with agencies and yes it can be frustrating but unless you try how will you ever know which agency adverts are genuine and which are not.
If the two agencies you’re currently with aren’t giving you work what do you intend to do about it, sitting and waiting won’t change anything so you should be registering with any agency that advertises for drivers until some of them start giving you work, they can’t phone you if they don’t know you exist
I’ve no idea what the work situation is like in your area but I do know that if you’re not prepared to put yourself out you’re not going to find the work
… then once i came back so they knew who i was before i had worked for them again so my name was at the top alot, i got sent out to alot of new customers, always the first person so i dont get how im now getting zilch,nout finito,
Have you asked them why? I’ve no doubt you’ll get some agency bull but at least you’ll get an answer.
(And it’s not what they say that matters - it’s what they don’t say )
My two main agencies have been quite good all this year, in the past month I’ve signed up with every agency in the area, willing to do any work they offer, not had a sniff in the past 14 days!
I really don’t trust agencies enough any more and I’ve been knocking on doors trying to get in as an employed driver but nowhere is interested.
My two main agencies have been quite good all this year, in the past month I’ve signed up with every agency in the area, willing to do any work they offer, not had a sniff in the past 14 days!
I really don’t trust agencies enough any more and I’ve been knocking on doors trying to get in as an employed driver but nowhere is interested.
Soldier on though eh! just gotta keep trying!
ditto, except i dont wanna join another agency as my tax will go up for doing next to nothing. im gonna phone them on monday and see, i know the other agency im with im probably near the bottom because i was on a long term contract with driver hire but that ended abbruptly and i had to turn work down with the other agency because of it, kinda wish i took it now because it was class 1 work.
though im looking everyday for jobs ive only came accross one job and i applied for it straight away litteraly was the first person to phone up about it, though this was friday i sent the application form back so wont hear anything till monday at the earliest, also sent my cv to transam trucking stating im willing to travel and do anything for any available work even though they are based in the south east of england and im in the central belt of scotland.
i don’t reckon trans am will touch you as you’ve not done any euro work,agncy work will p/up as stores need stocked for xmas,then it’ll go quiet for the 1st 3 mnths of nxt year.