High electricity & gas prices!

Harry Monk:

Exactly what evidence are you relying on that would supposedly show nuke and wind powered electric generation as being cheaper than coal or gas.Even with the carbon taxes being loaded onto them by the climate scammers.
Bearing in mind 16p per kWh ‘retail’ including carbon taxes for gas.
The truth is it doesn’t get any cheaper or safer than fossil fuel fuelled generation.

The issue is that both coal and gas are finite resources. Every day we burn coal and gas that took millions of years to form. This is obviously not indefinitely sustainable.

This is the typical rhetoric of the anti fossil fuel luddites.
Mars proves that CO2 isn’t a ‘greenhouse’ gas so then they move the goal posts to it’s all running out next week.Or we have to leave it in the ground for future generations to use while we go back to the stone age.
The fact is fossil fuel depletion isn’t an issue for the foreseeable future.Our coal reserves alone are sufficient for 1000 years and that’s as infinite as it needs to get.
It would obviously be more ‘sustainable’ if we stop exporting our oil and gas resources and bring those coal reserves back online.

I’m still waiting on the result of the governments consultation period that ended Oct 2022 for a fairer energy grid for domestic & commercial users. gov.uk/government/consultat … rangements

The domestic price is moot if there are no jobs because commercial energy prices make it unviable to run a business.
A modern developed economy needs cheap energy and that means fossil fuelled.

There continues to be no shortage of gas, which electric prices are tied to…

The market is 80% down on a year ago, and showing no signs of rallying back higher again.

People have been “Price conditioned” into accepting higher prices, softening them up to accept overpriced so-called “Renewable” energy as a total replacement for fossil fuels - but not in our lifetimes though, hence why so many of us have to be killed off as part of the “Great Reset”…

Most of these killings will be done by “Natural Wastage”:

Old Age, Ill Health, accelerated decline of health, social moves to re-brand “Pensioners” as “Benefit Scroungers”, and the mental pressure that falls upon the elderly in particular to “rid the world of themselves”.

New clinics are opening where you can achieve “Assisted Suicide”.

Government gains should an inherited house be sold, with the new owner typically now paying 3x the council tax it was before…

Kids inheriting will have to sell the house straight away, to cover unsecured debts that in fact, they need not pay at all - since they were not secured on that property they’ve only just acquired in the first place!

Future elections will find it easier for parties currently voted for BY the elderly - to lose.

To need NHS assistance these days - is literally a dice with death. The most routine operations may result in you contracting a fatal condition whilst on-ward, even for an out-patients appointment…
Elderly folk routinely marked “Do Not Resucitate” is pretty much “willful state murder”, and yet we cannot have a referendum on bringing back the death penalty, because we routinely get told: “Execution is too barbaric to be used on actual criminals that are a menace to the public, and danger to everyone”.

I reckon that if you brought back capital punishment for mass-murderers and child killers ONLY - you’d not only see juries find people guilty 12-0 a lot more often than expected, but you’d be able to sell high-priced tickets for any “public executions” that may resolve…
Just imagine:

Tony Blair getting the same treatment in Whitehall that Charles I once got… One wore two shirts, and the other didn’t give two sh!ts…

Everyone that perishes from exposure/cancelled NHS operations/Debt Enforcement against the already-poor/mental health damage - should count as “one of the mass-murdered” in this calculation, of course - putting the entire worstmonster beast up for being called to account…

There continues to be no shortage of gas, which electric prices are tied to…

The market is 80% down on a year ago, and showing no signs of rallying back higher again.

People have been “Price conditioned” into accepting higher prices, softening them up to accept overpriced so-called “Renewable” energy as a total replacement for fossil fuels - but not in our lifetimes though, hence why so many of us have to be killed off as part of the “Great Reset”…

Most of these killings will be done by “Natural Wastage”:

Old Age, Ill Health, accelerated decline of health, social moves to re-brand “Pensioners” as “Benefit Scroungers”, and the mental pressure that falls upon the elderly in particular to “rid the world of themselves”.

New clinics are opening where you can achieve “Assisted Suicide”.

Government gains should an inherited house be sold, with the new owner typically now paying 3x the council tax it was before…

Kids inheriting will have to sell the house straight away, to cover unsecured debts that in fact, they need not pay at all - since they were not secured on that property they’ve only just acquired in the first place!

Future elections will find it easier for parties currently voted for BY the elderly - to lose.

To need NHS assistance these days - is literally a dice with death. The most routine operations may result in you contracting a fatal condition whilst on-ward, even for an out-patients appointment…
Elderly folk routinely marked “Do Not Resucitate” is pretty much “willful state murder”, and yet we cannot have a referendum on bringing back the death penalty, because we routinely get told: “Execution is too barbaric to be used on actual criminals that are a menace to the public, and danger to everyone”.

I reckon that if you brought back capital punishment for mass-murderers and child killers ONLY - you’d not only see juries find people guilty 12-0 a lot more often than expected, but you’d be able to sell high-priced tickets for any “public executions” that may resolve…
Just imagine:

Tony Blair getting the same treatment in Whitehall that Charles I once got… One wore two shirts, and the other didn’t give two sh!ts…

Everyone that perishes from exposure/cancelled NHS operations/Debt Enforcement against the already-poor/mental health damage - should count as “one of the mass-murdered” in this calculation, of course - putting the entire worstmonster beast up for being called to account…

Mate, you need to ease off on the 'shrooms… :grimacing:

The fact is fossil fuel depletion isn’t an issue for the foreseeable future.Our coal reserves alone are sufficient for 1000 years and that’s as infinite as it needs to get.

According to the World Coal Organisation- a pro-coal use organisation who I suspect may know a bit more about the subject than you- World coal reserves are sufficient to last for 132 years.

worldcoal.org/coal-facts/wh … -it-found/

But even if your figure of 1,000 years was correct, to describe 1,000 years as “infinite” in terms of a planet which is 4.5 billion years old is simply incomprehensible. Presumably you mean “none of us will still be alive in 1,000 years time” and you are incapable of understanding anything beyond your own lifespan.

Harry Monk:

The fact is fossil fuel depletion isn’t an issue for the foreseeable future.Our coal reserves alone are sufficient for 1000 years and that’s as infinite as it needs to get.

According to the World Coal Organisation- a pro-coal use organisation who I suspect may know a bit more about the subject than you- World coal reserves are sufficient to last for 132 years.

worldcoal.org/coal-facts/wh … -it-found/

Sounds more like a globalist Coal Organisation.
As opposed to UK coal and oil and gas for UK consumers.
So how did 1,000 years worth in the 1980’s suddenly turn into only around 100 years worth less than 50 years later ?.
I’d prefer to believe what Skinner said than a bunch of globalists saying that’s what’s ours is China’s.
youtu.be/Z1mFPcgIs6I 5.27 -

I’d prefer to believe what Skinner said

Well, there’s your problem right there. :wink:

Harry Monk:

I’d prefer to believe what Skinner said

Well, there’s your problem right there. :wink:

The irony when it’s obvious that Skinner wasn’t referring to using our coal reserves to meet the world’s energy demand and consumption.
You’d obviously prefer to believe the globalists and telling us to go all electric at 64p per kWh from the luxury of an off grid coal fuelled regime for yourself.


I’m still waiting on the result of the governments consultation period that ended Oct 2022 for a fairer energy grid for domestic & commercial users. gov.uk/government/consultat … rangements

The domestic price is moot if there are no jobs because commercial energy prices make it unviable to run a business.
A modern developed economy needs cheap energy and that means fossil fuelled.

Fossil fuels always going to have a fight on it’s hands because of NetZero mandates. Clientearth are taking Shell’s board of directors to court for failing to adopt and implement an energy transition strategy that aligns with the Paris Agreement. It’s even got support from it’s own investors. :open_mouth:

“ClientEarth’s claim filed in the High Court of England and Wales has received the unprecedented support of a group of institutional investors collectively holding more than 12 million shares in the company, and more than half a trillion US dollars (£450 billion) in total assets under management (AUM).” clientearth.org/latest/pres … investors/



I’m still waiting on the result of the governments consultation period that ended Oct 2022 for a fairer energy grid for domestic & commercial users. gov.uk/government/consultat … rangements

The domestic price is moot if there are no jobs because commercial energy prices make it unviable to run a business.
A modern developed economy needs cheap energy and that means fossil fuelled.

Fossil fuels always going to have a fight on it’s hands because of NetZero mandates. Clientearth are taking Shell’s board of directors to court for failing to adopt and implement an energy transition strategy that aligns with the Paris Agreement. It’s even got support from it’s own investors. :open_mouth:

“ClientEarth’s claim filed in the High Court of England and Wales has received the unprecedented support of a group of institutional investors collectively holding more than 12 million shares in the company, and more than half a trillion US dollars (£450 billion) in total assets under management (AUM).” clientearth.org/latest/pres … investors/

As opposed to the unaffordability of net zero which in reality is just an all electric captive market scam with an end game of £1 per kwh already at 64p per kWh.Good luck with that.

The UK needs battery storage like the 100MW in Capenhurst in Chester, Europe’s biggest. we already have enough wind farm hardware in place, In December last year the National Grid paid £82million to wind farm operators to turn off their turbines to prevent the energy system from being overwhelmed because there was nowhere for the excess energy to go, :open_mouth: Madness. airqualitynews.com/2023/02/13/1 … o-chester/

The UK needs battery storage like the 100MW in Capenhurst in Chester, Europe’s biggest. we already have enough wind farm hardware in place, In December last year the National Grid paid £82million to wind farm operators to turn off their turbines to prevent the energy system from being overwhelmed because there was nowhere for the excess energy to go, :open_mouth: Madness. airqualitynews.com/2023/02/13/1 … o-chester/

By that logic we could create far more battery capacity by placing it at the consumer end of the grid not supply.
1 or two tonnes of batteries x millions of households would be measured in GW not MW.
Where is your evidence that storing it would make it cheaper in addition to the costs of batteries.
The fact is no generator is in the business of producing free electric regardless of its consumption status.Its all about maximising profits and removing the option of fossil fuel competition is part of that.

It is likely to be more and more of a scandal that wholesale prices are continuing to fall, almost back to double digits at this point - with no sign of a pass-on to consumers.

We’re bailing out futures market losses for the former private-run distribution outfits who were short their own market during the pump-up, and then bought forward at the top of the market…

Pensions are also crushed of late. Anyone else had a letter for their pension valuation this year yet?

Mine was down a third, the University Superannuation was down a similar amount I hear… :frowning: :angry:

From a high a year ago of around 800, today’s closing price - 130 and still with a downward trend to fall further…

I’m starting to wonder if we’re actually giving £5bn a month to Ukraine now - Maybe we’re only giving Ukraine our obsolete weaponry as “Hand-me-downs”, whilst the £5bns spoken of are going straight into deep state pockets?

“Democracy” would be better served by politicians of the future having to be self-funded, no expenses allowed, and paying full PAYE taxes on their “outside day job” earnings…?

UK Gas has now fallen below 100 (from 800+ a year back)

We STILL don’t see that fall in wholesale gas prices - being passed onto the consumer.

However, Electric Production, we’re told - is based upon the gas price, so I state as fact that the electric bills we pay are being over-stated for profiteering purposes too, ongoingly.

We consumers being denied low prices as we are - has another side-effect that isn’t so easy to hide…

April’s inflation figures - will be sharply lower as a consequence of the drop in energy prices.

This would signal a need for an interest rate CUT in april, instead of the anticpated rise.

If Sunak thinks he can counter Graham Brady’s “You’re gone if inflation isn’t down sharply by the end of the financial year” threat…
Does Sunak really think he can survive by merely massaging the inflation figure lower, but in a way that IT TOO isn’t passed onto the consumer in the form of lower mortgage rates at very least?

I predict that either Sunak will be gone shortly after Easter, when the economy finally falls off the cliff due to kicked-down-the-road recession combined with painfully ongoingly high interest rates…

What happens when you’re overtime isn’t enough to keep up your mortgage payments SHOULD they keep rising, as we’re told they’re going to be?

I strongly suggest the government gets a grip, and passes lower prices onto consumers - whilst it still can.

We’re heading for a 1934-style deflationary crash if we don’t.
We can’t even go to a world war to “rescue the economy” this time neither.


UK Gas has now fallen below 100 (from 800+ a year back)

We STILL don’t see that fall in wholesale gas prices - being passed onto the consumer.

However, Electric Production, we’re told - is based upon the gas price, so I state as fact that the electric bills we pay are being over-stated for profiteering purposes too, ongoingly.

We consumers being denied low prices as we are - has another side-effect that isn’t so easy to hide…

April’s inflation figures - will be sharply lower as a consequence of the drop in energy prices.

This would signal a need for an interest rate CUT in april, instead of the anticpated rise.

If Sunak thinks he can counter Graham Brady’s “You’re gone if inflation isn’t down sharply by the end of the financial year” threat…
Does Sunak really think he can survive by merely massaging the inflation figure lower, but in a way that IT TOO isn’t passed onto the consumer in the form of lower mortgage rates at very least?

I predict that either Sunak will be gone shortly after Easter, when the economy finally falls off the cliff due to kicked-down-the-road recession combined with painfully ongoingly high interest rates…

What happens when you’re overtime isn’t enough to keep up your mortgage payments SHOULD they keep rising, as we’re told they’re going to be?

I strongly suggest the government gets a grip, and passes lower prices onto consumers - whilst it still can.

We’re heading for a 1934-style deflationary crash if we don’t.
We can’t even go to a world war to “rescue the economy” this time neither.

I think you’ve missed ( again ) the climate scam elephant in the room.
Fossil fuelled energy can only be viewed as the problem not the solution so long as the CO2 is bad narrative has to be adhered to.
Like everything else being foisted on us by the uniparty circus act that narrative may not be questioned or resisted.
Which obviously by definition means that artificially inflating gas prices, to disincentivise it’s use, v nuke/biomass/solar fuelled electric, is good ( so long as you believe the CO2 cooked Venus but atmospheric pressure and distance from the Sun froze Mars narrative ).


The UK needs battery storage like the 100MW in Capenhurst in Chester, Europe’s biggest. we already have enough wind farm hardware in place, In December last year the National Grid paid £82million to wind farm operators to turn off their turbines to prevent the energy system from being overwhelmed because there was nowhere for the excess energy to go, :open_mouth: Madness. airqualitynews.com/2023/02/13/1 … o-chester/

By that logic we could create far more battery capacity by placing it at the consumer end of the grid not supply.
1 or two tonnes of batteries x millions of households would be measured in GW not MW.
Where is your evidence that storing it would make it cheaper in addition to the costs of batteries.
The fact is no generator is in the business of producing free electric regardless of its consumption status.Its all about maximising profits and removing the option of fossil fuel competition is part of that.

Where is your evidence that it doesn’t?



The UK needs battery storage like the 100MW in Capenhurst in Chester, Europe’s biggest. we already have enough wind farm hardware in place, In December last year the National Grid paid £82million to wind farm operators to turn off their turbines to prevent the energy system from being overwhelmed because there was nowhere for the excess energy to go, :open_mouth: Madness. airqualitynews.com/2023/02/13/1 … o-chester/

By that logic we could create far more battery capacity by placing it at the consumer end of the grid not supply.
1 or two tonnes of batteries x millions of households would be measured in GW not MW.
Where is your evidence that storing it would make it cheaper in addition to the costs of batteries.
The fact is no generator is in the business of producing free electric regardless of its consumption status.Its all about maximising profits and removing the option of fossil fuel competition is part of that.

Where is your evidence that it doesn’t?

So I put 3t of batteries in the shed that reduces my electric bill and standing charge how ?.
Multiply that 3t by the amount of houses with sheds call it a fair few million tonnes of batteries which is more than any centralised location/s could provide.
You’ve still got to fill them with electricity at the going price + VAT.
No one is in the business of providing free electricity or less than market value and the government wants its tax cut.
Also bearing in mind charging power losses.

To add that going price for electric is now 65p per kWh I’m way behind thinking it’s 50p per kWh.The last thing I need is tying up cash losing interest and paying VAT by storing loads of over priced electricity in the shed.
It’s just another form of prepayment.
The same obviously applies to anyone in the business of selling the stuff.

Well, Gas has now fallen from a high of 800 a year ago, to … 67p now.

Our gas bills are still running at all-time-high levels however.
The news cycle has been banging on about WATER this week, and the “Disgrace” that customers should be footing the £12 each bill to “clean up their own act”…

£12? Seriously?

Our Dual Fuel bills are still keeping pace with our Mortgage Payments on a monthly basis meanwhile, unfettered by the media coverage of the biggest scandal of our times:

“Customers being looted to replace money lost playing the futures markets by officials”.

It is a multi-faceted fraud here too, like the new world order “Democracy Voting System” now fully in place, to prevent “Upstart” election results ever happening again.

(1) Over-charge energy customers where the retail price is sky-high, whilst the bottom has already dropped out of the wholesale price some time since…
(2) Feed the overprice data into the Inflation figures - and the Bank of England has an excuse to keep rates rising, putting further pressure on households to keep up their bill payments.
(3) Keep it up for long enough, and Lefties will be licking your balls because you’ve bought down house prices to 5 figure amounts… Except there won’t be anyone left to SELL you houses at those prices. A lot of mortgage payers are going to be refusing to sell at a loss, unless and until Banks re-possess… Do you really think that Banks will repossess a £250,000 mortgage on a house now only worth £50,000 - and fire sale that property anywhere near £50,000?

(4) Blame Putin for inflation, rather than deliberate government action. We didn’t have to wage Proxy War and self-inflicting damage “Sanctions on Russia” after all.

(5) Don’t even question Energy bosses as to HOW much they lost, and the government as to WHY it was possible for Bosses to play the futures market in a similar manner to Maxwell with the Mirror Group Pension Fund (not his money to lose…) or Lambeth Council also on the Forex markets (not their money to lose…)
How does action against Nick Leeson losing £800million and going to jail for 6 years compare with the zippo INVESTIGATION let alone conviction and jailing of these “Officials” that are getting away with Murder in plain sight here?

If Sunak’s intention is to “Let prices absolutely collapse” this autumn (catching up with where the wholesale prices is already, that’s all…)
then he’d better tell people the truth that they need NOT “Fix prices at the top of the market” in both Energy and Mortgage payments - Right?

Nope. The government will always act so us plebs lose out, they never go to jail, and any attempt to re-dress the balance - ends up being called “Insurrection” and is cracked down on harshly.

The police take little to no action against the Public Enemies that are Just Stop Oil and Extinction Rebellion.
Although attributed to the Left, these two (likely the same) faction - I suspect that by this point most LABOUR voters “can’t stand 'em” eh?

By voting Green in local elections, - are we not endorsing the behaviour of these Eco Terrorists by the back door though?

Don’t those of us who object to having our lifestyles detrimented - get a say anymore?

There are no “Anti War” candidates on our ballot papers, nor “Anti Green” candidates, nor even “Anti Conservative” candidates.
Keir Starmer is about as red as the Sky in Daytime. You’ll need a Sunset to make the sky look anything like “Red”, and is a proverbial “Sunset” of civilization - on the cards now?

This summer, who’s going to be able to keep their Air Conditioning on, with electric prices based around the artificially high Gas Price?

People are not faced with “Eat or Heat” - so much, but now "Switch everything off, eat less AND you might be able to tread water for a while with your mortgage - providing the proxy war NONE of us voted for ends in five minutes time… We get told Putin is “Dying”… Probably a lie, to make us think “This’ll all stop at any moment”. Yeh right.

Next Year’s election - won’t solve anything if a lot of us are DEAD by that point - will it?
Next year’s election - is likely already decided. NO outsider candidates on ballot papers, just the parties already at Westminster, chasing their ideals that only lead us to future ruin in different ways OF it.

Like the early 1930’s - people will becoming economically leaner and fitter - yes.
UNlike the 1930’s - we cannot go to war and hope to come out the other side “Better off”. Glowing in the dark - won’t be better off for the vast majority of the general public, I fear…

We’ve also got the equivalent of the 1930’s “Dust Bowl” to live through yet, and of course the conitnuing rise of ■■■■ Ukraine in place of ■■■■ Germany that saw it’s rise throughout the 1930s, as I suspect Ukraine will throughout the remaining 2020’s…
Putin - cannot drop the bomb on Bio Labs, if that action is likely to spread a pathogen across all of Europe now - can he?

Isn’t it strange how Kiev “keeps getting attacked” we’re told on Mainstream Media - but strangely, isn’t a smouldering RUIN like places in the Russian-held areas in the East are?

I suspect all the “Damage” we see on the Media - is damage Ukrainian Azov (Nazis) has done to areas it used to control , but are now laying their own neighborhoods waste, and saying “Russia did that!” when the notion of Russia destroying the areas they actually occupy - makes no sense whatsoever.

Peace Talks in Africa - can’t and won’t go anywhere, unless the rest of the West accepts the outcome of them, which just won’t happen of course…

The West want Putin Dead or Putin before the Hague - any peace deal that doesn’t involve one of those - will be rebuffed.

“Putin handing himself over” or “Russia Losing” - That’s about as likely as winning the Lottery this Friday! :angry:

The west might have forgotten what “Winning” is, Keir Starmer might not know what a “Woman” is - but we ALL know what DESTROYED looks like, and there’s no arguments against it - if we’re all a pile of ashes blowing away in the wind…

“Loser’s Consent” - at least keeps people alive. It is time we all woke up to that.

Authorities now talking gas prices lower, with the wholesale price around 60p (down from a high of 800p a year back…)

There’s not much demand for Gas at this time of the year. You don’t see Aircon units running on Gas…

The Electricity price , supposedly based on Gas prices - remains stubbornly high.

Notice too that the DIesel Price has fallen further than the Unleaded price - which the forecourts DO seem to be passing on, with Diesel now cheaper than Petro around my area (Kent) at least…