Hell of an argument over here about tanker drivers

volkszone.com/VZi/showthread … ost4632433


bunch off tossers those lot r on that forum.
i drive a pretol tanker and i wish i earn 32k a yr , even tho i havent long passed my adr i work for a small family firm ,but end off the day im happy with what i get tho .

The offered raise would take them to £39k a year, bet they only work 4 days a week as well. Sounds alright to me!

were the hell do people get the figuare of £41500 from i work for hoyer shell my basic wage is £31800 not £41500 we are asking for 36k .dhl,texaco and total all earn more than us. the last i heard was that the company was offering about £38 a week more .i hope this will stop all the wild claims from people who say we earn to much.

well said Dogface.

.dhl,texaco and total all earn more than us…

well change company then? or cant you?

When you already earn what they do I suppose they can afford a few days off unpaid. They are a bunch of bloody [zb], we had to settle for 3% of a much much lower wage, tossers… :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp:

Sound sentiment, but the dodge had to go.Sorry. L.

I’m puzzled about the enormous difference between what Shell and Hoyer say the drivers earn, and what the drivers say they earn.

One side must be lying. Would a petrol tanker driver be prepared to post a photo of his payslip here?

An extra £7k a year, lovely, wonder what will happen if they get it, oh yeah, that’s right, fuel prices will go up again for the company to claw it’s wage bill back.

An extra £7k a year, lovely, wonder what will happen if they get it, oh yeah, that’s right, fuel prices will go up again for the company to claw it’s wage bill back.

Don’t imagine they would need to. Apparently settling the claim would cost Shell £100,000 a month, which is not a great hardship for any company earning £1.3 billion a month.

I support it because it puts upwards pressure on wages for all of us.

I’d be quite happy to get £32k a year. i dont get anywhere close including nights out money etc. the guy on jeremy vine earlier was saying that its a very dangerous load, i’ve seen many loaded tankers letting it roll on downhills. surely the 80kph rule should apply to uk as it does in the rest of europe :question:

Harry Monk:
I support it because it puts upwards pressure on wages for all of us.

I’d love to believe that could actually happen Harry…what’s your “gut feeling” though? :wink:

if you grossed £32,000, you would clear £457.07 a week on single man’s tax code.(Source listentotaxman.com )

which is probably what most artic drivers clear if they include their night-out money (I know it technically isn’t wages, but at the end of the day it’s still money).

I don’t personally consider them to be “greedy” for wanting more, but it’s obvious that many on here listen to the Jeremy Vine Show.

link shortened…Denis F

what’s your “gut feeling” though? :wink:

Well, I just love a bit of anarchy and civil disorder in these dull times so I’m all for it!

Although shell do earn a ridiculous amount of profit per year, i don’t see why they should get involved with this. they simply tender out the contract to supply transport for the delivery of fuel (i presume so they would know there costs just like those who take out R&M contracts on there trucks) Hoyer state they can do it for X amount. there problem not shells. just as it would be with any customer and haulier. You wouldn’t expect you companies customer to pay you a wage rise, thats down to your boss, its then up to him to get a better rate from the customer.

Although shell do earn a ridiculous amount of profit per year, i don’t see why they should get involved with this. they simply tender out the contract to supply transport for the delivery of fuel (i presume so they would know there costs just like those who take out R&M contracts on there trucks).

Yes, Shell used to employ the drivers directly and then they farmed them out in the 1990’s and their pay hasn’t gone up since. That’s what the action is about.

As a Driver we MUST stick with the tanker drivers as Harry said, this will eventully drive up all our wages.

I for one wish them good luck in there bid for more money, I wish I could earn £41,000 per year.

That women on the Vine show was a Patronisng git she said’ They (as in you and me) are only lorry drivers’ and don’t deserve nothing they only drive…

Ok, the fuel price is going up, as is everything else we should stop trying to get the price of fuel down as this will NEVER happen, we should be fighting and sticking together like the Tanker Drivers to get our wages UP…

Harry Monk:

Although shell do earn a ridiculous amount of profit per year, i don’t see why they should get involved with this. they simply tender out the contract to supply transport for the delivery of fuel (i presume so they would know there costs just like those who take out R&M contracts on there trucks).

Yes, Shell used to employ the drivers directly and then they farmed them out in the 1990’s and their pay hasn’t gone up since. That’s what the action is about.

Which if correct harry is not good, however that has nothing now to do with Shell, its just like any contract that gets taken over and the employees get tupe’d, Like i said earlier tho if they are still on what they were in 1992 (which is what the union rep states) then that was a hell of a lot of money then and they have had 16 years of a good crack. i doubt however that they have not had a pay rise in the last 16 years. If they have’nt why has it taken 16 years to complain about it. Don’t get me wrong people need pay rises to live with inflation however as i’m sure you’ll agree 13% is ridiculous to ask for. Something here just does not add up with what the union are claiming.

Yes, but we should all support higher wages for all truck drivers.

Yep agreed but it needs to be within reason and achievable, they have refused 6.8% which i’m sure you will agree would be a good payrise in anyones life. i wish i had been offered anywhere near that this year.