Hell of an argument over here about tanker drivers

Agreed but it has to be within reason, what next, say for example they get 13% next year will it be 20%. it will become like the spanish baggage handlers strike every summer. Don’t forget they have refused to accept 6.8%. I bet you as i would like a payrise of that this year.

Shell make £1.3 billion a month. Why shouldn’t they share it out among the blokes who get their hands dirty to make that money for them? Why should all of that £1.3 billion go to speculators who live in mansions?

They should, however it used to be down to shell but they contracted it out to Hoyer therefore its down to Hoyer not shell (they pay there bit to Hoyer) and they are’nt short of pennies are they, Shells profit is also down to alot of other things also not just petrol. You could argue therefore that any supplier to shell should be paid more just because they made so much profit, but business doesn’t work like that does it, Suppliers set there prices in any business and people pay for that service or product, Just like shell do to Hoyer who set there charges.

That women on the Vine show was a Patronisng git she said’ They (as in you and me) are only lorry drivers’ and don’t deserve nothing they only drive…

Yes, I have heard people say “they should get people off of the dole to drive the lorries” which shows how far public understanding of operating an articulated lorry is out.

Personally, I like Ken Bruce but afterwards I generally take the opportunity to grab a couple of hours peace and quiet until Steve Wright comes on.

They should, however it used to be down to shell but they contracted it out to Hoyer therefore its down to Hoyer not shell (they pay there bit to Hoyer) and they are’nt short of pennies are they, Shells profit is also down to alot of other things also not just petrol. You could argue therefore that any supplier to shell should be paid more just because they made so much profit, but business doesn’t work like that does it, Suppliers set there prices in any business and people pay for that service or product, Just like shell do to Hoyer who set there charges.

The direct employer may be Hoyer, but really if DHL/Turners/Sucklings etc. get the contract it’s the same drivers delivering. As most costs are the same for the competition the main area to cut is pay. Shell trying to pretend it’s nothing to do with them is disingenuous as it’s a single source contract probably costed on an open book basis - i.e. Shell will know what % Hoyer will make. If wages are bid down it does none of US any good. To a large degree these drivers are only trying to get back to where they were before outsourcing cut their wages.

Harry Monk:
Shell make £1.3 billion a month. Why shouldn’t they share it out among the blokes who get their hands dirty to make that money for them? Why should all of that £1.3 billion go to speculators who live in mansions?

Because this is UK not USSR, we are a democratic society not a communist society

Harry is it true you are married to the ‘Old women’ on the Steve Wright Show■■? :laughing:


Harry Monk:
Shell make £1.3 billion a month. Why shouldn’t they share it out among the blokes who get their hands dirty to make that money for them? Why should all of that £1.3 billion go to speculators who live in mansions?

Because this is UK not USSR, we are a democratic society not a communist society

Hence we can strike being democratic. Communists can’t strike :wink:

When you already earn what they do I suppose they can afford a few days off unpaid. They are a bunch of bloody [zb], we had to settle for 3% of a much much lower wage, tossers… :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp:

Hey Smee are you being totally honest here with your feelings? You’ve asked here before and you know you are on a low wage even for the job you do and you have intimated that you are going to find alternative employment that pays more money. Why are they tossers? From where i’m sitting the tossers are not the petrol tanker drivers.

An extra £7k a year, lovely, wonder what will happen if they get it, oh yeah, that’s right, fuel prices will go up again for the company to claw it’s wage bill back.

Well i don’t know what you haul but how about you take a pay cut to counteract these price increases on everything you haul?

Harry is it true you are married to the ‘Old women’ on the Steve Wright Show■■? :laughing:

How did you find that out? :blush: :blush: :blush:

personally i dont think now is the right time to strike, we need the public onside if these fuel protests up the tempo, hoyer drivers going out iso hlp. ive no love lost for the white fleet tanker drivers as in the past i found most of them to be arrogant and rude. however this has been a long running battle starting when shell contracted out in the early nineties. majority of drivers took a very good redudancey packge from shell then started back the next week working for contracters, they were quite happy to sell their jobs back then and this is what it has led to. hoyers have put a decent offer forward 7% this year backdated to january and 6% next january. red fleet drivers got 3% over 2 years in 2007. however i wonder just how long hoyer will be hoyer and not dhl or wincanton?, i reckon by the end of 2008 hoyers will be took over so take what you can lads. p.s. i know some of the white fleet drivers will take offence at what ive said but unfoutunatly a lot of my ex red fleet mates would agree with me.

Harry Monk:
I’m puzzled about the enormous difference between what Shell and Hoyer say the drivers earn, and what the drivers say they earn.

One side must be lying. Would a petrol tanker driver be prepared to post a photo of his payslip here?

i think yesterday a pay slip was shown to the press and tv people outside the kingsbury terminal to prove that we were not lying about our wage

Harry Monk:

An extra £7k a year, lovely, wonder what will happen if they get it, oh yeah, that’s right, fuel prices will go up again for the company to claw it’s wage bill back.

Don’t imagine they would need to. Apparently settling the claim would cost Shell £100,000 a month, which is not a great hardship for any company earning £1.3 billion a month.

I support it because it puts upwards pressure on wages for all of us.

You do talk a load of crap sometimes… :imp: :imp:

Deepinvet wrote

As a Driver we MUST stick with the tanker drivers as Harry said, this will eventully drive up all our wages.

We should “stick with the tanker drivers” because it will eventually drive up all our wages.
Mr Deep - you’re either new to the haulage industry, or you’d had a few drinks when you wrote that!

Please tell me it’s one or the other - or both!

:unamused: :unamused: :unamused:


Harry Monk:
I’m puzzled about the enormous difference between what Shell and Hoyer say the drivers earn, and what the drivers say they earn.

One side must be lying. Would a petrol tanker driver be prepared to post a photo of his payslip here?

i think yesterday a pay slip was shown to the press and tv people outside the kingsbury terminal to prove that we were not lying about our wage

Not yours obviously DF, otherwise you would be posting it here for the benefit of all our knowledge. Surely you don’t think it is a private matter after telling us how badly off you are. :wink: :laughing:
One of the justifications for these heady earnings is the fact that tanker drivers have a very dangerous job piloting potential bombs and should be rewarded accordingly. Well hello, what about similar rises for the rest of us who share our roads and traffic jams with these bombs?
On the subject of limiting tankers to 80k same as here and other countries too, I don’t think 10k/hr less will make much difference to the danger. It will, however, have the effect of upsetting a lot more lorry drivers stuck behind these snails. :smiling_imp:



Harry Monk:
I’m puzzled about the enormous difference between what Shell and Hoyer say the drivers earn, and what the drivers say they earn.

One side must be lying. Would a petrol tanker driver be prepared to post a photo of his payslip here?

i think yesterday a pay slip was shown to the press and tv people outside the kingsbury terminal to prove that we were not lying about our wage

Not yours obviously DF, otherwise you would be posting it here for the benefit of all our knowledge. Surely you don’t think it is a private matter after telling us how badly off you are. :wink: :laughing:
One of the justifications for these heady earnings is the fact that tanker drivers have a very dangerous job piloting potential bombs and should be rewarded accordingly. Well hello, what about similar rises for the rest of us who share our roads and traffic jams with these bombs?
On the subject of limiting tankers to 80k same as here and other countries too, I don’t think 10k/hr less will make much difference to the danger. It will, however, have the effect of upsetting a lot more lorry drivers stuck behind these snails. :smiling_imp:

if you want me to show my wage slip no problem i,ve nothing to hide


for the money you get, how many hours do you do ■■?

i only ask because i’ve been sticking up for truck drivers, as all the drivers at the last firm i worked for were doing 75+hrs per week…

please feel free to call me a nosey bugger, but if i could work out the hourly rate, it would aid my argument as to the drivers wanting a fair (for the job they do) wage…

i’m getting sick and tired of telling people that a 40hr week for a truck driver is just NOT gonna happen, and that it’s invariably FAR more (sometimes double) the hours of a “Normal” job…

it would clear up some resentment in others if it could be shown that the hours worked per week drove the hourly rate down…

no need to post a pic of yer wage slip tho, unless you REALLY want to

Bog =#0)>