"Heavy Haulage through the years"

Lawrence Dunbar:


Punchy Dan:
A fleet of V8 Bedfords and they still use the Foden :sunglasses:

This was obviously some kind of publicity shot because I’m sure the landing legs are down on that trailer so when the Foden was dragged out from under the Scania would be coupled up and take the trailer away ! The term “Skin off a rice pudding” comes to mind when looking at that shot ! Cheers Denzil :blush: :open_mouth: :wink: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

No way, The Foden could cope with anything Dennis, :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: , I know you never rated the good old Fodens as being any good, But lots of companys ran them like good old self and made a few bob doing so, Take care and stay safe my friend, Larry.

Howay Bonny Lad have you got two glasses handy :wink: then we can have a bit craic about the merits of operating Fodens eh! All the best Dennis.

I’m not ■■■■■■ honest Larry that’s how the shot come out of the file it was the right way up when i posted it !



Thanks for your kind help John now any chance you could open it please ! :blush: :wink: Cheers Dennis.


Top outfit at work hauling 6x 28 metre long loads ex Dartford today and tomorrow Scania all the way and not an asthmatic Foden /DAF to be seen :wink: :smiley:



M6 Stafford would like to see that overhang!!

What’s happening here then Denzil

Punchy Dan:
What’s happening here then Denzil

Well Dan’l I’m very sorry to have to ■■■■ on your chips but FYI it was a VOSA training exercise to demonstrate how a top class haulier operates and maintains their fleet and in particular to demonstrate safe load security. Both MAP and the Driver were thanked for their assistance and congratulated accordingly. Never mind Dan’l better luck next time :confused: :frowning: :wink: Cheers Denzil :smiley:


Thats a classic shot of the little Seddon and what a short wheelbase on the unit.


“A” Team hauling a 70 ton Piling rig destined for Canvey Island

Convoy Exceptional en route to Toulouse .


Canvey Island this morning . tipped and reloaded !

Two loads of rolling stock ex Derby to Southampton for shipping to Cairo !


Pit stop in the 'shop loaded with a 55ton Grove Crane en route to Scotland on Sunday .